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Re: bigshoebazaar 25% off

^ this watch is worth just 200 bcks in my eyes , watever the company or the mrp says .

such kind of watches are given free with fridge, tv, microwave , even with sony ericsson fones i saw these free :rofl:

so just stay away from these watches
Re: bigshoebazaar 25% off

Use Promo Code PC1517704DQO to get 45% discount on Adidas Footwear on purchase of Rs. 2000/- or above. Valid for today only.
^ still u have to pay 1000 :P , dont need it coz such 50% offers keep coming every now n them from yebhi , pretty much useless i wud reckon :P
Guys, Can anyone give a tip on taking shoes from yehbhi ?

If we are not sure which shoe size (formal & sports) will fit exactly what size do you order ?
Praks said:
Guys, Can anyone give a tip on taking shoes from yehbhi ?

If we are not sure which shoe size (formal & sports) will fit exactly what size do you order ?
That's a very valid question. I was wondering the same thing too till I noticed that they have a fantastic return policy. Apparently if you are in doubt of the size, you can order it and if it doesn't fit you, you can return it for a full refund. They'll even reimburse you for the return shipping upto Rs. 100.

Wether the system is truly as transparent and easy as they claim is another question all together.

Anyone here with some experience on the matter?
^ thats exactly right as u said , they give full refund plus 100re discount coupon in lieu of ur return shipping

i have tried and tested 2-3 times , totally transparent , but it does take time , u have to be patient , thats it
^ No wonder this thread has gone into so many pages ;)

I always used to wonder how you guys made such accurate decisions about your shoe sizes and fit without ever trying it out.

Now I know. Thanks for clearing that up buddy :)

All I need now is a coupon!
^ satan try out the shoe in a store near you and buy it online from yebhi the size issue is very prominent with nike shoes.
I guess the products bought on discount, when returned, only coupons are issued. Am I right?

Also, there's an important question in my mind, while checking out size of a shoe, should the big toe be touching the front or how much space should be in-between?
connect said:
^ still u have to pay 1000 :P , dont need it coz such 50% offers keep coming every now n them from yebhi , pretty much useless i wud reckon :P

it's ok that YOU don't need it, but why did you have to post it? :P
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