Finished Ori and blind forest.
Stunning graphics and good music. I am not into platforming as such, but this was very good.
Strong recommend for anyone with a good HDR screen or save this until you have one maybe. I used reshade for it as there is no native HDR support. Sequel is even prettier it seems, but will save it for later.
Next, ugly looking Arkham Asylum

. Playing it with texture mods + reshade HDR.
Want to play Arkham knight, but will finish this and city first. Origins is pretty cheap now, but i am not sure if i want to play it. Arkham Asylum is showing its age but its early days, lets see ..
I loved SA and had maybe too high expectation of 4 and was really disappointed with it initially in spite or large jump in graphics.
After a few years completed it and loved it. Esp the ballad dlc is pretty good and its ending contrasts nicely vs mafia 2 ending.