Your most favourite TV serial

Darthcoder said:
...@~HeadShot~: Your dad has done the smartest thing a parent can do.

Good to see that someone agrees with my parents!
When I was a kid (By that, I mean, when I was 10 years old), I used to get angry over my parents for not bringing me a TV. I told 'em that If they don't bring that idoit thing, I'll stop bringing the first rank and also stop studying! Bah! Now, I realise how stupid was that of me!

But, when I grew up and got the point, I stopped asking my parents to buy a TV. Also, there was no point in bugging my parents when I knew that my demand wasn't gonna be fulfilled. I now agree most earnestly with the views of my parents.

Now, I do the work of convincing my younger brother that a TV isn't all goody goody as it seems! Hope he too someday understand things like me! :eek:hyeah:
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South Park ...though never been shown on Indian TV...and may never be ..but i just love those kids :D
yea friends is rite up there with SP :)
I dont have a TV in my hostel but i get the episodes frm net... My favs will be
1. Seinfeld
2. Friends
3. Southpark

These three shows r the best in their own way :eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah:

Edit: Yippe this is my 100th post , :yahoo: :bounce: :yahoo: :bounce:
Well.... for a change, my pop had never/is not/will never bring an Idiot Box in our home!

So I'm not the only one. Only in my case it was no video rentals (used to be hot some 10-15 years ago) and no cable instead of no TV-no PC. So I became hooked to reading and later my computer. Today when I'm no longer a student, I just don't care about TV much, except for the odd cricket or football game.

Of course my folks had no idea of the power of internet so I didnt miss much of moral corruption :eek:hyeah:
Well....... no one here has talked abt The right stuff on AXN. I thought at least one will think of that. Also, BBC Top Gear. I don't know at you guys, but whenever I watch a special episode of Top gear, my mouth hangs open and my mom has to bring a bucket and keep it below me. It is amazing. To thos who have Broadband, I suggest you download the special episodes of Top Gear. And anyone know if they are available as a DVD???
I generally do not watch serials on television.. either it is movies or news fr me...

but then the old"wwf" was as close to a serial I never missed....

but then that was three yrs ago when the rivalary between rock and stone cold had reached dizzying heights.. when big show had just entered, chris benoit was a very good newcomer, eddie gurrero the worst one....and that was when kane used to fight with his mask and dignity well in place.. and hbk too
all this is gone now replaced by some childsish prankish stuff straight frm gemini circus.........honestly I long fr good matches like what I used to watch 4 yrs back ... though what I get is plain dissapointment

but I must add in the end.I do find John cena cool.
Sorry for digging up this old thread but had to :D. Have been on a 24 binge since the last few weeks. It plain rocks. Havent seen a better TV series till date. Kiefer Sutherland owns. This series is better than 99% of the action movies I've seen till date. I watched 3 seasons already. Watching the 4th. I believe its being aired on AXN as well but not exactly sure. Most addictive thing i've seen till date. If u can get it, watch the entire thing.
I'd forgotten to mention it, My favorite TV Programmes are Fifth Gear(Owns anyother thing that comes on TV) and full hr UK Version of the TopGear(more of a comedy show involving cars)
Fav TV Serial - Daily Show with John Stewart on CNN ... Funniest show ever ... other favs are... whose line is it anyway , Practice , ER , Apprentice and The Amazing Race on AXN.
Ho0ligaN said:
I'd forgotten to mention it, My favorite TV Programmes are Fifth Gear(Owns anyother thing that comes on TV) and full hr UK Version of the TopGear(more of a comedy show involving cars)

I know..... I have quite a few Top Gear videos as I tild in my previous post......
Chaos said:
:D. Have been on a 24 binge since the last few weeks. It plain rocks.

It Does!! i have them all in 3 discs :D.. cudnt help but watch atleast 5 episodes in a stretch.. i mean 5 hours at a stretch ;)
Didn't anyone here ever watch the old english sitcoms
Porridge, Faulty towers, Allo allo etal.

I really enjoy the british sense of humour, The office and coupling were great when they were on too.

And does any one remember when adultswim used to be on Cartoon Network:
The Brak show, Sealab 2021, ATHF all good shows.
Fakepunk said:
Didn't anyone here ever watch the old english sitcoms

Porridge, Faulty towers, Allo allo etal.
I really enjoy the british sense of humour, The office and coupling were great when they were on too.
And does any one remember when adultswim used to be on Cartoon Network:

The Brak show, Sealab 2021, ATHF all good shows.

I loved the BrtiComs but, now they stopped airing them :-[ . The best of the lot was the Blackadder series, watched all seasons (have 'em on DVD too :D )