Your thoughts on the BJP's govt. claim of "Every village in the country has been electrified."

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Brutally Honest
"Every Village Has Electricity, Says Government. A Reality Check" [NDTV]

"'97% villages electrified before PM Modi came to power': Twitterati respond on 100% electrification claim"[TNM]

All I can say is what a load of bullshit but once again it's the BJP govt. so no surprises there. *rants*
The Congress/UPA govt. made us look like one of the most corrupted countries in the world and this BJP govt. made us look like the most foolish people in the world. And even as i write this, people are still falling for these stupid claims. facepalm.

A very good post by social and political activist (I made this up) Dhruv Rathee.
Check out @dhruv_rathee’s Tweet:
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I am skeptical of the claim of 100%. As for 97% before, I would say it is super BS, considering that it was more on the lines of 8-9 hours power and 15-16 hours darkness or even more. Even now, there is still load shedding going on, but its less compared to before, with a near reversal of the above figures. But that means its still not 100% electrified.
Look at the criteria. It's possible, but then again, it's not a great achievment.

..the government deems a village "electrified" if 10 percent of its households, as well as public places such as schools and health centers, are connected.
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connected but not electrified. like they just put 1 or two wires to local panchayat hall and go away and claim its electrified. most of the electricity in villages is through solar panels donated by NGO's probably.
Pathetic! They are mad. Whats the logic when they say "even if 10% of houses, schools or offices combined in a villagr are electrified it means the whole village is electrified". Pathetic sentence.
It at least had to be 70% to make some sense.

If by 10% then tomorrow they will declare if 10% of people in a village or town are educated means Indian attained 100% literacy. And if 10% people are employee, india is the first country having 100% employment.
lol. my dad's village is technically electrified but 8hr power cuts during summer and during rabi and khariff seasons are common. As soon as I saw the headline, I was instantly skeptic and lo and behold, Its just PR piece
"Every village has electricity" is bullshit and it will always remains so. Has the PM visited or even heard of the farthest remote areas of the country? This govt has "BULLSHIT" written all over it.


The criteria of 10% is ridiculous so the fav. phrase of every BJP ass-lickers "every village in Indian have been electrified" is very misleading and vague. I definitely agree with the critics and not simply because I want to but because the claim and it's minimal criteria is bs!

Look at the criteria. It's possible, but then again, it's not a great achievment.
exactly man. the criteria is so ridiculous it's not even funny. also it's said that Congress/UPA already did 6% before the BJP so if this is true then BJP did barely 4%. How can they take credit for the whole 10%? And how can people even fall for these lies... *yikes*

I'm not Congress fanboy but God help us if these morons come to power again in the next national election.

To Rahul Gandhi, I just wanna say, mature the **** up already ffs.
This blood-sucking govt is full of lies, and are master of misdirection, with absolutely no-**** giving to real problems.

@Renegade just checking if this section of forum is hidden from google bots. In TE we don't care much about anonymity & privacy.
And things are not very good in India, as in one side "The Watchman" says he like criticism, but in other hand people who criticise this govt are being harassed in worst possible ways.

Either we stop political threads or take proper precautions.
There is other forum, where we have a section like "desh ko bech dalo" - which is invisible from indexing bots as well as general public, one has to be a member & logged in to see that.

Just my though, as i don't want Amit Shah's gau rakshak knocking any TE members door :p
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It is possible and it is an achievement

I find it amusing people want to slam this as if its nothing. It was very difficult to do

Getting a power cable to a village when there is none before, how is that a fail ? Now that there is a connection this puts pressure on local govts to take it forward. No excuses. Power is a concurrent subject involving both state and centre

And all of these villages are in far flung places where it wasn't economically viable to do so. This PM felt it was a social obligation

Why'd it take so long that is the question NOBODY is asking. This is the primary problem

This is why in India this is an achievement whereas in other countries people take it for granted

Iceland has the highest per capita power consumption in the world. Over twice that of the US alone. For comparison India is 1/30th of Iceland for per capita

We never generate enough because people agitate when a power plant comes up. Supply shortage
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It is possible and it is an achievement

I find it amusing people want to slam this as if its nothing. It was very difficult to do

Getting a power cable to a village when there is none before, how is that a fail ? Now that there is a connection this puts pressure on local govts to take it forward. No excuses. Power is a concurrent subject involving both state and centre

And all of these villages are in far flung places where it wasn't economically viable to do so. This PM felt it was a social obligation

Why'd it take so long that is the question NOBODY is asking. This is the primary problem

This is why in India this is an achievement whereas in other countries people take it for granted

Iceland has the highest per capita power consumption in the world. Over twice that of the US alone. For comparison India is 1/30th of Iceland for per capita

We never generate enough because people agitate when a power plant comes up. Supply shortage
the electification is an ongoing process which has been going on since many years. Claiming credit for it just before karnataka elections just reeks of a well planned PR move and nothing else. Even if this government goes and next one comes, the electrification process will keep on going.
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It is possible and it is an achievement

I find it amusing people want to slam this as if its nothing. It was very difficult to do

Getting a power cable to a village when there is none before, how is that a fail ? Now that there is a connection this puts pressure on local govts to take it forward. No excuses. Power is a concurrent subject involving both state and centre

And all of these villages are in far flung places where it wasn't economically viable to do so. This PM felt it was a social obligation

Why'd it take so long that is the question NOBODY is asking. This is the primary problem

This is why in India this is an achievement whereas in other countries people take it for granted

Iceland has the highest per capita power consumption in the world. Over twice that of the US alone. For comparison India is 1/30th of Iceland for per capita

We never generate enough because people agitate when a power plant comes up. Supply shortage

‘It is possible and it is an achievement.’

Let’s start with achievement.

In 2010 upa 2 electrified 18000 + villages in a single year. BJP did that number in 4 years. So this isn’t an achievement for a government flagship project.

Now possible.

This is what is possible.

That is - the state provided electricity to every household. Not just every village. Last year.

Instead of straining to achieve something significant, the central government , on coming to power, piggybacked on earlier government and set a target completion date of 2019 for the remaining 18000+ villages (refer w.r.t 18000 above). Again - 2019 - Trust you understand where the priorities lie.
the electification is an ongoing process which has been going on since many years. Claiming credit for it just before karnataka elections just reeks of a well planned PR move and nothing else. Even if this government goes and next one comes, the electrification process will keep on going.
The deadline was beaten by 12 days. The initiative started 1000 days back. We only found out a month ago when the elections were to be held.

I didn't realise that Karnataka still needed electrification. Given that people like to point out that Bangalore was the first city in Asia to be electrified back in 1906

I can't say how much impact this will have on the elections here. BJP's record isn't very good in Karnataka, i'd say the last time they were in power here it was such a disappointment. Couldn't do better than JDS ? seriously!! then the CM gets caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Real good for corruption free image there

People expect Congress to win. Whether that is wishful thinking or not remains to be seen. Its too close to call, the winner depends on 5% of people who may change their mind at the last minute
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In 2010 upa 2 electrified 18000 + villages in a single year. BJP did that number in 4 years. So this isn’t an achievement for a government flagship project.
UPA got the lower hanging fruit and left the far flung places for the next govt. If you watched the video, you'd have learnt they had to drop supplies by helicopter to some areas.

Besides why didn't the UPA finish the job if they could do so much in a quarter of the time. Because it would take a 1000 days and that would go beyond their term :D

It is an achievement because now it can be said the entire country is electrified. No ?

Now possible.

This is what is possible.

That is - the state provided electricity to every household. Not just every village. Last year.
Every home is a harder target. Have to get a cable there first. Now there will be a demand explosion. What are the plans to meet that demand. We can't meet that demand until generation ramps up significantly across the board.

There are at least five ministries that fight with each other because of turf on the topic of power generation in the country. This was the case when Modi entered office. Has he managed to streamline any of this non sense or whether it will require another term

Instead of straining to achieve something significant, the central government , on coming to power, piggybacked on earlier government and set a target completion date of 2019 for the remaining 18000+ villages (refer w.r.t 18000 above). Again - 2019 - Trust you understand where the priorities lie.
It's just one of several other initiatives that have to pay off come election time. It's focus is rural since rural for a long time was not economically feasible due to fcuked up politics. Forget rural things were so bad they couldn't even supply towns and cities with enough power.

Think of this more of a mindset thing then the nitty gritty. The country is electrified now move to complete the rest
The deadline was beaten by 12 days. The initiative started 1000 days back. We only found out a month ago when the elections were to be held.

I didn't realise that Karnataka still needed electrification. Given that people like to point out that Bangalore was the first city in Asia to be electrified back in 1906

I can't say how much impact this will have on the elections here. BJP's record isn't very good in Karnataka, i'd say the last time they were in power here it was such a disappointment. Couldn't do better than JDS ? seriously!! then the CM gets caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Real good for corruption free image there

People expect Congress to win. Whether that is wishful thinking or not remains to be seen. Its too close to call, the winner depends on 5% of people who may change their mind at the last minute
Karnataka is much more than bangalore. Im pretty sure there are villages in karnataka. If they weren't serious about karnataka, why is modi touring there? And releasing this PR spin and then silently issuing clarification after 2 days that "electrification" means only 10% household in village with power connection, if thats not PR move, then what it? Seems inline with all the PR this government spun after coming to power

**** congress. Poor karnataka has it rough. Caught between Congress and BJP. Talk about stuck between rock and hard place
Karnataka is much more than bangalore. Im pretty sure there are villages in karnataka.
To answer this question, need data, the average is missing for my state for some reason

but there is more info in this second link

Still i don't recall electrification being a core issue during these elections, there are others which i mentioned in the karnataka elections thread

If they weren't serious about karnataka, why is modi touring there?
Critical to win. If they lose BJP can't really call themselves a pan india party, their chances of winning in the other southern states are much slimmer

And releasing this PR spin and then silently issuing clarification after 2 days that "electrification" means only 10% household in village with power connection, if thats not PR move, then what it? Seems inline with all the PR this government spun after coming to power
See the first link how much does it say under electrified households ? 76% isn't it which means only quarter left

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