Youtube Downloader

Is downloading YouTube videos or (MP3 from it) is a big thing?

I just google and 2 out of first 3 results work.

I downloaded a couple of MP3 files from YouTube videos yesterday from:

Isn't it extremely easy? I think I am missing something.
Not sure if all videos are encoded in all the audio formats. 160 Kbps OGG and 128 Kbps AAC (m4a) are the usual ones.

YouTube music is 256 Kbps AAC.

Some online sites covert the file formats as well and present extra options.
Since most people have suggested easy alternatives, let me suggest some roundabout nonsense that I like.

Why don’t you use a greasyfork script? Just click to download. Or flow launcher with the plugins?

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I'll send you a list of plugins/hosters present on my installation of JD via DM. Can't post it here because it has a lot of you know what sites;)
DM me too. For science :cool:
Tubemate works great on mobile as it downloads files sequentially and gives you options to whatever quality or file type you want to download. Sometimes if you pause a download and on the next day you want to resume it then it might starts from the beginning which is the only drawback i found.
Is it similar to SEAL app? Any difference or one is better?
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If anyone is looking to download the video+audio combo from youtube in highest quality possible, most online sites won't do this, because it requires downloading the video and audio stream separately and merging them together afterwards possibly converting also, this requires some processing.

The best way is to use yt-dlp

Download the latest release from here.

The command to view the quality options for video and audio
youtube-dl -F <video_url>

Now note down the IDs for best mp4 video quality and best m4a audio quality, for example 299 for video and 140 for audio

Then use the following command to download them and it will also merge them together.
youtube-dl -f 299+140 <video_url>

For merging ffmpeg is required, it will be automatically used you just have to install.

Download the ffmpeg files from here

Get the
  1. Create folder in C drive ffmpeg
  2. Copy these files into it
    • ffmpeg
    • ffplay
    • ffprobe
  3. Add environment path for this folder, so yt-dlp can find and use it.
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JD user from long time, please send me list as well
Same here using it for more than 10yrs now and the portable version still works. I use it to download list of urls which is a pain if we download one by one
@abmr2d2 Please PM would like to have more options, also does JD autoupdate delete those plugins?
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Same here using it for more than 10yrs now and the portable version still works. I use it to download list of urls which is a pain if we download one by one
@abmr2d2 Please PM would like to have more options, also does JD autoupdate delete those plugins?
@kartikoli yeah they keep on updating the plugins on a regular basis. I've been using it especially for Youtube and have found it being updated every 7-15 days. They do this in response to changes made by Google to Youtube. As we all know Google wants you to use only it's app or interface to access Youtube. Do you want me send you the decrytper/hoster list? Since you are already using JD you will be able to see them in JD's directories.
@kartikoli yeah they keep on updating the plugins on a regular basis. I've been using it especially for Youtube and have found it being updated every 7-15 days. They do this in response to changes made by Google to Youtube. As we all know Google wants you to use only it's app or interface to access Youtube. Do you want me send you the decrytper/hoster list? Since you are already using JD you will be able to see them in JD's directories.
Leave it, I don't download much these days and the ones provided with JD works fine. For me updates comes every 2~3 days when ever I open (which is not often)