Extreme low voltage. Best Air con stabilizer

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As the chennai heat becomes unbearable, our V-guard double boost unable to cope up with 130V available at the mains. Also the stabilizer cant start the compressor when the voltage is below 160V but it manages to keep the AC alive till 130V is the compressor is running. Sometimes I used to run the fan in inverter mode to get some air from the fan. Enough is enough, I am in search of extra wide input range a.k.a triple boost stabilizer. I asked a local electrician and he recommended a brand called "Spark" which can run the A/C till 120V. Also triple boost mean more loss of power which negates 5* effieciency of the A/C. Anyway I am least bothered on that now. On searching over the www I have found there are some automatic stabilizers come with Toroidal transformer with 110~120V range. Anyone have experience of purevolt products?


Stabilizers - Products - Toroidal Urvi.in (Urvi Transformers Pvt. Ltd.)

Domestic Voltage Stabilizers - Digital Servo Stabilizers For Domestic Purpose, Automatic Voltage Stabilizers and Digital Voltage Stabilizers For Air Conditioners Manufacturer & Exporter

Logicstat.com - Automatic Voltage Stabilizers: Specifications
I have enquired 2 companies (servokon and purevolt) and purevolt said they will ship to chennai. Waiting for servokon reply to make the final decision else I am going with purevolt. The price they quoted is quite shocking compared to chennai rates :drool:

Do post your impressions once you receive it. Even I'm looking for options for stabilizer. I'm able to run the a/c but the stabilizer (premier double boost) gets very hot with a strong burnt plastic smell

Did you get the 4kva one ?

Also since you are in Chennai , did you give Shah electronics a try ? SHAH ELECTRONICS

what rates were purevolt quoting?
Currently am using everest works till 130v not bad !! Now the problem is i want good stabilizer for fridge guys help me currently i have vguard 1kv its no good due to fluctuations its hardly working every 3mins getting cut off hell..
Do post your impressions once you receive it. Even I'm looking for options for stabilizer. I'm able to run the a/c but the stabilizer (premier double boost) gets very hot with a strong burnt plastic smell

Did you get the 4kva one ?

Also since you are in Chennai , did you give Shah electronics a try ? SHAH ELECTRONICS

what rates were purevolt quoting?

I didnt order pure volt stabilizer. Just 6 months before I purchased V-guard VWR400 again spending 5K for stabilizer will bee too much unless I dont have any other choice. I will be going to Ritchie street and enquire about 5KVA transformer which works in the range of 180V. If the price is acceptable it will be added as booster transformer to the v-guard. So 120V will be boosted to 140~150V which is in the working range of vguard. If the transformer price is high and feel not worth at it, I will order Purevolt straight away considering high efficiency of toroidal transformer compared to EI with booster transformer .

I was like a mad man in chennai searching for stabilizer. Went to GP road and everyone seems to milk the customer. The artificial shortage can be felt easily and the price for the stabilizer is not justifiable. VEW-400 8.5~9K. VEW500 for 9.5K. Headed to Ritchie street enquired Shah's and no stock same with kundan electricals. Enquired for 5 KVA buck boost transformer and none available. When I enquired about the cost some said in the region of 4K. Certainly not a good investment. I continued by journey further to Flower bazaar, kasi chetty street and the prices are just same 8.5K for VEW400. Due to the family pressure and chennai heat, I cant just wait for the product to deliver from Delhi that too surface transport. They just want the damn A/C to run thats it. I bite the bullet and got VEW400 for 7.8K. The ideal price for this product should be 6~6.5K nothing more. The mrp printed on the box really means they are ready to milk the customer. This is the lowest I can bargain. Now I am thinking VEW500 could be the best buy due to 14 Amp head range compared to 12 amp in VEW400. But the shop keeper is telling higher rating stabilizer will damage the compressor. But I dont think so. please share your thoughts.

But the shop keeper is telling higher rating stabilizer will damage the compressor. But I dont think so. please share your thoughts.


That is BS!!
It is always prudent to go for a higher rating. The higher rating here means the current rating which the stabilizer will supply to the equipment only if it demands. On the other hand if you have a lower rated stabilizer and your equipment needs current more than it's rating your stabilizer will soon be fried.
That is BS!!
It is always prudent to go for a higher rating. The higher rating here means the current rating which the stabilizer will supply to the equipment only if it demands. On the other hand if you have a lower rated stabilizer and your equipment needs current more than it's rating your stabilizer will soon be fried.

Thats right. It has some extra head room and it can handle better current and lower heat. The difference is just 500~600. I will change it on monday.
Now I am thinking VEW500 could be the best buy due to 14 Amp head range compared to 12 amp in VEW400. But the shop keeper is telling higher rating stabilizer will damage the compressor. But I dont think so. please share your thoughts.


Wow that was some amount of city roaming, feel hot just hearing that.

I think this is more like using a higher rated SMPS, compressor shouldn't have a problem with it unless there is a fault with components somewhere.

Did you try running your A/C with the new stabilizer yet ? let us know if it works

Also do you have the name of the shop in GP road ?
Wow that was some amount of city roaming, feel hot just hearing that.

I think this is more like using a higher rated SMPS, compressor shouldn't have a problem with it unless there is a fault with components somewhere.

Did you try running your A/C with the new stabilizer yet ? let us know if it works

Also do you have the name of the shop in GP road ?

The A/C worked good and slept peacefully atlast. It has a massive toroidal transformer of 9~10 inches dia and weight hefty 10 kgs. Catalog it has mentioned it can work till 85V but it started the compressor at 110V. Good thing about this stabilizer there is a time delay of just 5 secs compared to 3 mins in VWR 400. After 10 PM when I started the A/C, the compressor didnt start this was due to the fraction of the time taken to activate the third relay (less than 100V). The pcb in the A/C recognizes as voltage distruption hence it took 3 minutes to start the compressor. This is why I am planning to replace with 5 KVA. There is no heating issues with this stabilizer, but relay noise is too much (tokk, tokk) compared to (clik, clik) from VWR400. It could be heavy duty relay as the current handling could be more compared to vwr400.

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The A/C worked good and slept peacefully atlast. It has a massive toroidal transformer of 9~10 inches dia and weight hefty 10 kgs. Catalog it has mentioned it can work till 85V but it started the compressor at 110V. Good thing about this stabilizer there is a time delay of just 5 secs compared to 3 mins in VWR 400. After 10 PM when I started the A/C, the compressor didnt start this was due to the fraction of the time taken to activate the third relay (less than 100V). The pcb in the A/C recognizes as voltage distruption hence it took 3 minutes to start the compressor. This is why I am planning to replace with 5 KVA. There is no heating issues with this stabilizer, but relay noise is too much (tokk, tokk) compared to (clik, clik) from VWR400. It could be heavy duty relay as the current handling could be more compared to vwr400.


Thanks I think I'll pick one up too, possibly VEW500 since it is a 2 Ton A/C and it needs 5KVA.

Can you mention the shop name too please ?
On the contrary, I would say that a lower rating might damage the compressor due to frequent cut offs whenever it is not able to support the load. I think you should go for the VEW500 if the price difference is not too high.
On the contrary, I would say that a lower rating might damage the compressor due to frequent cut offs whenever it is not able to support the load. I think you should go for the VEW500 if the price difference is not too high.

I dont think current rating is the issue. I think it could be the relay which takes time to switch over between coils. As far as my observation different coils in the transformer gets activated by the relay based on input voltage. Those are below 100V, below 130V, Below 150V (This is max voltage I got in my area). As the load from the compressor draws more current the voltage drops, that moment 150V goes below 130V causes switching of 130V relay. Very very rarely the compressor is failed to start because of the cutoff from the A/C pcb but not from the stabilizer. Till the time stabilizer didnt get cutoff and yesterday was a testing time for the stabilizer as most of the voltage is around 90~100V during peak hours. It steps up 90V to 220V which means 16 Amp (7.5A running current for the A/C) current is being drawn from the line. There is no over heating issue.

@vijaycool, thanks for all your research , picked up a VEW500 and seems to be handling things fine. Its boosting the power from 150v to about 210v
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Yesterday it was just 90V and the A/C was running. VEW400 heats little bit because its rated at 12A whereas vew500 is rated 15A. There is a price difference of 1500 between both models.
I couldnt able to understand the logic behind 4KVA and 5KVA ratings.
Ideally 4KVA = 4000Watts
Considering power factor of 0.8 , the capacity of the stabilizer is
4000x0.8 = 3200Watts
As we know,
Power = V (voltage) x I (Current)
The stabilizer should handle 14.6 A of current taking nominal voltage as 220V but the stabilizers are rated just 12A which is not 4KVA

Considering nominal power consumption for 1.5 T A/C is 1750Watt and the line voltage is 170V
1750=170 X I
I= 10.3A which is close to 80% capacity of the stabilizer
But what happens if the voltage is 140
I= 12.5A , This is the point where the stabilizer gets heated up just most of the double booster stabilizer suffer the same.
On 120V
I= 14.6 A, this is where triple booster starts suffering

Hence for a 1.5T A/C at very low voltages you need 15A rated stabilizer to handle the load, thats why I chose 5KVA stabilizer.

In my home the voltage is around 100V during the peak time which means 17.5A of current is drawn from the supply, the stabilizer heats but very much manageable.

vijaycool, thanks for all your research , picked up a VEW500 and seems to be handling things fine. Its boosting the power from 150v to about 210v
Np. where did you buy the stabilizer. Even after agni nakshatram the temperature is soaring day by day.

Got from Ratna Fan house T Nagar. Tried quite a few places but its selling like hot cakes and can't find stock anywhere. Price was on the higher side 9.8k
Guys have you tried syscom double boost and triple boost? I own a syscom double boost for the past 3 years and its pretty much working rock solid. It has a big torroidal copper wound transformer. It infact works from 150 volts. I checked it personally with voltmeter and it seems to do the job well, the output was 50 to 55Volt more than the input volt, i mean when the input is 170, it gives an output of 220volts. When the input is 150, it gives an output of 205 to 210. No heating issues what so ever.

But from 2011 the syscom guys say that the transformers are made with aluminium wounding and no where in India they supple copper wound transformers, not sure whether it true. I can see the Vguard is overpriced. All we need to check is the transformer on these stabilizers. I heard the triple boost works from 110 volt and 5KVA costs around 4.8k.
Dont fall for branding, stabilizers is a simple concept and the main thing is the transformer.
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