iPhone 4s vs Samsung Galaxy S3

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guys please help me choose one of these.. their specifications sound quite similar and i already have an iphone 3g(Got kinda bored with it).
i will mainly use my phone for music, games(if i get bored while travelling or in a party) and photography. ya i do watch videos on it occasionally.
how is the sound quality on both of it? Please help me with your opinions..

God bless..
^^ I also think he mentioned that he is bored with the Iphone...even with the latest IOS update which he would have got "automatically"

1. That is saying VGA cameras have better quality as compared to other cameras? Are you sure that is the way they were invented and not the other way round?
2. May be I was wrong some people actually do use their phones for 3 years
3.There are many offline backup capabilities in Android. Consider MIUI...it has an offline backup of everything including App data + Contacts + everything else including even your home screen config.
4. I work for a bank and use exchange server on my rooted android and they dont have a problem with it. May be you would need to confirm with your company regarding that.
5.We have not even started talking about the fact that More RAM and More CPU Cores actually help a phone. In case you dont agree even with this I am not sure why 512 MB ram is not more expensive as compared to 1GB ram

Let me end this, You Win. FEEL HAPPY. Cause I Like iOS & You Like Android.


---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

^^ Says who? the millions of people who have taken Note to talk on them.

Apple gives less ram, cpu AND screen size...because it is cheaper for them and because that helps them extract more profit from their rich customers.

So long as people are willing to believe that less is more in case of Apple, Apple will be happy providing half the hardware at double the price.

My only 1 cent.

So you mean to say that when you will run an organization you will give out hardware on 'NO PROFIT NO LOSS'.
It takes hardly $ 1Million to set up a Small Size Datacenter, however it takes more to maintain it. That is why apply is costly, cause your device is taken care of, and not just sold, and forgot.
^^ Says who? the millions of people who have taken Note to talk on them.

Apple gives less ram, cpu AND screen size...because it is cheaper for them and because that helps them extract more profit from their rich customers.

So long as people are willing to believe that less is more in case of Apple, Apple will be happy providing half the hardware at double the price.

My only 1 cent.

Seriously mate, you apparantly know nothing about optimisation, do you. Specs matter but if 512 mb is enough to give the end user a fluid experience out of the box or with 200 apps loaded, why give more and reduce battery life? A phone is not a computer in ways that adding up RAM is the simplest way to increase perfirmance.

Yes, the display is smaller but it does not skimp on pixels. It is if not sharper, as sharp as that of SIII.

Apple users pay for the user experience which is top notch, hassle free, very intuitive and virtually bug free. If their products were as bad as you think they are (or I dare say *sour*), the company would have been bankrupt by now. And dont get me started on the build quality.

And yes, people talking on a 5" phone or the 7" tab look ridiculous..!
From what I have read the camera isnt much different

A0. The front camera on iphone 4s is a vga camera unlike the s3...so if you are planning to do any 3g or facetime calls...i am not sure you should go for vga
A1. You can update the OS in android any time you want, you dont have to wait for 3 years (which is a very long time, nobody keeps a phone that long)
A2. All the contacts are automatically backed up to google servers.
A3. If you dont do a full wipe while installing a custom ROM (for the latest OS) you wouldnt lose any app data or contacts or messages
A4.For music, I have seen my friend buying a special klipsch s4i (extra 25$) just because its compatible with his iphone. For android, all headsets are compatible for pausing, fwd, rewind, next song etc.
A5. You can get all the music accessories you want on Android without having to pay extra for Apple's proprietary cables or compatibility issues
AI=. App stores are almost identical.

A0 LOL, you apparantly know nothing about cameras. Ever heard the term 'image processing'?
A1 You know nothing about the Apple Ecosystem.
A2 What if I dont have a google account or dont want to use one?
A3 If I wiah to go from a GB based stock ROM to CM9/ AOSP/ AOKP/ ICS based rom, is it not mandatory to do a full wipe?
A4 $25 is ~1,300 rupees. It is normal for a good pair of earphones to cost that much.
A5 Unless you wish to buy a *takara* a good set up from the sane brand cost the same.
A6 Have you ever even seen the appstore? Playstore may have come close to the no of apps but qualitywise, appstore is way ahead!

My suggestion, it is better to not speak and be thought a fool rather than speak and leave no doubt..
I think One X is a nice middle point for you. They are better at keeping at update promises than Samsung is, better build quality, better screen, better camera(more or less equal if sony proc). But it has its draw backs, it does have a noticeably lower screen time if your gaming or watching movies(~45 mins to 1 hour), beats is nothing but a bastard child of the audio industry that people seem to love, etc.

If your tired of iOS, get the One X, S3 experience with Apples build quality.

NO MATTER WHAT, ONE X HAS THE BEST SCREEN EVER!(Pretty much everyone agree to this, so I might as well pitch in my vote, have used One x, S3 and 4S)

Apps? iOS wins, no questions, Android might have caught up when it comes to quantity, but iOS apps are better when it comes to quality and most of the apps first appear on iOS and if successful, appear as a slightly incompetent brother on the Android platform.
A0 LOL, you apparantly know nothing about cameras. Ever heard the term 'image processing'?
A1 You know nothing about the Apple Ecosystem.
A2 What if I dont have a google account or dont want to use one?
A3 If I wiah to go from a GB based stock ROM to CM9/ AOSP/ AOKP/ ICS based rom, is it not mandatory to do a full wipe?
A4 $25 is ~1,300 rupees. It is normal for a good pair of earphones to cost that much.
A5 Unless you wish to buy a *takara* a good set up from the sane brand cost the same.
A6 Have you ever even seen the appstore? Playstore may have come close to the no of apps but qualitywise, appstore is way ahead!

My suggestion, it is better to not speak and be thought a fool rather than speak and leave no doubt..

V1 : Both camera's are good and they should be good enough to capture pictures.
V2; What If i dont want to create a itunes account ? tit for tat ? Anyways, Information has to be stored somewhere Gmail / itunes ; One thing is that you can download updates on the PC and install on iphone which is a win for me atleast.
V3: Agree. Flashing does put me off sometimes.
V4: Whats the point here ? :|
V5: No Comment
V6: Both stores are good . I find Playstore more organized. Both stores has lots of crap . This is where websites come in.

V7: Customization: Out of the box IOS works better but Droid makes me change stuff. I like that .
V8: Build quality : Iphone is the winner.
V9: Screen : Personal choice IMO. 4.8 is a little big for most users . This is the threshold for me but 3.5 inch No no .
I have been an android user since Jan 2011 and love it and i know the OS has evolved really well. I always hated apple for being closed eco system and what not. But once i got my wife an iPhone 4 and i started to use it myself, i came to know why people appreciate apple so much. It is more of the user experience than the RAM and CPU / GPU etc. The main crux is that if the phone can handle all apps fine with its whatever stock RAM/CPU is then why there is need of more processing power ?
Androids do boast of specs which even my netbook does not have but DO i need those specs for my needs ? Will i accomplish anything special if i get a quad core phone or 1GB RAM ? Its a personal choice IMO.
But using apple has definitely tilted my decision for the next phone and i am seriously thinking about going the apple way primarily because of the excellent user experience. I do not care about benchmarks and quadrant scores as i know that my mobile consumption needs are.
Evaluate your needs and go with what fits your needs. Don't be in the cattle herd and go where everyone (in general) is going. I am even ok with using my 1.5 year old ZTE blade as i don't really do much on my phone except calls/SMS some times and browsing web.
And yes i feel iOS devices have far better battery life than others (in similar category).
I have never seen S3 in flesh (except dummy pieces) so cannot comment on that. I am sure the OS on S3 will not be laggy but personally what i find enticing in apple is the lag free experience. Believe me lag can be frustrating.
That said, i love the true multitasking nature of android phones but i don't really do multitasking much with phones so it is not really a priority for me.
Still debating on what my next phone will be. But yes an iOS device does have a better resale value and its build quality is superior IMO.
V4: Whats the point here ? :|
The point is that Apple accesories are not mecessarily as costly as the quoted poster implies them to be. If you were to buy similar quality stuff for your Android it would cost the same.

About the screen size, that is why Iasked the OP to wait for the iphone5 which is rumored to have a bigger screen..
Okay so this has turned into an Android vs Apple catfight thread LOL
OOPS I mean brawl :p
You can blame me for starting this. However this also clears that user experience is at its best on an apple device. Android is for the..... People who have ample of time to play with it. For an amazing OOBE, I will take an Apple Device.
Apple users pay for the user experience which is top notch, hassle free, very intuitive and virtually bug free. If their products were as bad as you think they are (or I dare say *sour*), the company would have been bankrupt by now. And dont get me started on the build quality.

If $600 is worth paying for a good Android phone, then by using the same standards I won't pay more than $250~300 for a fully unlocked iPhone 4s keeping the overall user experience in view. Similarly, I have a Transformer TF300 and iPad 2 at home. If the TF300 is worth the $380 that I payed for it, then the iPad 2 is not worth more than $200. That is the impression I get after using both devices. Having a primitive UI which makes it easy to use is not the equivalent of good user experience. User experience is a culmination of hardware and software capabilities that make up for a general impression of the usability of the product. Things like the restrictiveness of iOS and the hardware running it also count in the overall user experience. Also having a lot of sales is not a indication of a capable product. It is merely an indication of market success. iPhone is a lot like the Nokia 1100 in that it finds favor with a lot of average joes who don't really require a smartphone.

As for iPhone vs S3, no iPhone existing or yet to come (assuming the restrictiveness is kept the same in future versions as well) is any match for the S3. But as a dumb phone, iPhone probably has no equal except for the price factor.
If $600 is worth........ iPhone probably has no equal except for the price factor.

Absolutely correct if your technical know how is in upper echelons of the gentry. But you unfortunately are a part of only a 5% minority.

And we are surrounded by people who dont care about the innards of a phone. What they care about is how it looks, is it easy to work with and is it an extenaion of their personality. It does not matter to them if the OS is locked, if itunes is the only way to transfer stuff, they will learn how to use it.

I'll quote you a simple experiment. I had a xoom and an ipad. I took both to my office and kept them on the table..
90% said the following for the respective tabs:
- xoom - Since, when did Motorola make tabs?
- ipad - Wow! You have an ipad, Can I have a look?

The rest 10% did not bother about the xoom..!

See what I mean..
^^ Yeah you mean to say a shiny piece of equipment is better to buy than a toy which is more configurable and functional ...but not attractive to show off

So in case the OP is looking to awe non-techies/common people than sure he can buy a phone which is less powerful and more expensive. Or since he is on techenclave (a Technology Forum) asking about it we might assume he is not technically challenged and he can handle his own phone without any company controlling the power for him.

SO I would still say go with the Pad/Phone which gives you the power to do whatever you want with it, whichever software you want to do with it and not worry about the SHINY, oh not so powerful piece of phone.

OH sorry I missed one thing /.... extension of personality ????? what does that even mean? a phone that too an Iphone defining you? which clearly states that you cant or wont handle technology so you have decided to buy a dumbed down version of the smartphone?
I absolutely HATE apple and will never buy an apple product in my life nor will recommend Apple products BUT I have to disagree with you there. Iphone 4S is NOT a dumb phone. It is every bit as smart as the Galaxy S3, especially when jailbroken. And also the quality of apps and games (although expensive) is better than Android.

There is no point asking for android phone vs iOS phone here or for that matter any other forum as usually you will find people favoring either of the OS. Both OSes are powerful and work as expected. It is what you want and not what others want for you. Go to a store, try out the phones and see for yourself. Phone is one thing which you are going to use most extensively so make an informed decision. And yes with really good OSes like android ICS/JB and iOS it is difficult to come to a conclusion (happening with me currently).
^^ Yeah you mean to say a shiny piece ...
dumbed down version of the

95% people do not buy a smart phone so that they can tinker with it. They buy it to:
1. Call + Text
2. Access Emails+scheduling
4. Photography (back up)
3. Surf the web (occasionally)
4. Listen to music
5. Play games (occasionally)
6. Watch movies (very very occasionally)

An iphone does this inch perfectly.

Each platform has its shortcomings. Android for instance is prone to malware, and if not optimised properly by the phonemaker, downright bad (Samsung**cough**cough**)

And just so you know, I type this from an SII..
And one thing that should be put when you are comparing is that compare the stock OSes and not what a modified ROM or jailbreak brings to the phone. IMO a statement saying "But XYZ phone has community support and modified ROMs to enable XYZ feature" is baseless when comparing them with iOS device on stock OS.
In case of android, in more number of cases the manufacturer does abandon the phone very soon and the community takes over of giving the phone the latest OS. Please mind that the manufacturer has already said no to the JB etc update.
Btw when i first got my ZTE Blade i like the idea of ROM changing and all but as time passed, i got bored of that. Now i almost never change the ROM and last time i changed it only because the previous one had a horrible GPS reception.
Not sure what time has come that we are now measuring battery life is hours which previously was a mere number in the manual of the phone. In the times of nokia, we all never even had the %age of battery which is more of now. Battery was considered as being something which is taken for granted.
Also having a lot of sales is not a indication of a capable product. It is merely an indication of market success. iPhone is a lot like the Nokia 1100 in that it finds favor with a lot of average joes who don't really require a smartphone.

... But as a dumb phone, iPhone probably has no equal except for the price factor.
So what does exactly a power user do with his/her Android superphone?
Send photos and mp3 via bluetooth?Download torrents?Install thousands of cracked apks from shady sites?
And how often does he wipe his phone clean for installing the latest cr@p from xda/CM9 team?
Power user indeed!!
These people actually do not even need a phone!
So what does exactly a power user do with his/her Android superphone?
Send photos and mp3 via bluetooth?Download torrents?Install thousands of cracked apks from shady sites?
And how often does he wipe his phone clean for installing the latest cr@p from xda/CM9 team?
Power user indeed!!
These people actually do not even need a phone!

Haha please refrain from commenting on xda... These guys do more good for the community than you can even speak of... As to the people who don't need the phones... These people make up around 60 percent of the market and your beloved "phone" - makes up just 38 percent
Someone here mentioned that smartphones are used to make calls. I wonder how, going by the pathetic quality of receivers in most modern devices. It is so bad to the extent I know folks who carry a Nokia 101 in their pocket so that they get uninterrupted coverage even in the basement.
95% people do not buy a smart phone so that they can tinker with it. They buy it to:
1. Call + Text
2. Access Emails+scheduling
4. Photography (back up)
3. Surf the web (occasionally)
4. Listen to music
5. Play games (occasionally)
6. Watch movies (very very occasionally)

An iphone does this inch perfectly.

The pureview 808 will do these things even better!
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