iPhone 4s vs Samsung Galaxy S3

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guys please help me choose one of these.. their specifications sound quite similar and i already have an iphone 3g(Got kinda bored with it).
i will mainly use my phone for music, games(if i get bored while travelling or in a party) and photography. ya i do watch videos on it occasionally.
how is the sound quality on both of it? Please help me with your opinions..

God bless..
dont think you would get logic...cause thats what you are defying...

first you argue that flashing a rom is too geeky...now you are saying that it is not geeky enough for you?

let me know how I can find you on xda....and then I can teach you how to develop an android rom (which you wont get) and then flashing it for you noobs (which you might get but you would ofcourse not be able to follow the steps correctly)
The way I see it, this has become more of a flaming thread rather than anything else. Mods if needed, please lock it down.

Also, would agree with @raksrules on the points he made. Having used all 3, iOS, WP and A; all i can say is that each is targeted towards a specific subset. My choice of preference would be A >> WP >> iOS. The only reason for not going for the iOS is simply not enough bang for your money.

Android has the best flexibility, WP has good good fb integration sans app but at decent prices. iOS is good, but too pricey.
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dont think you would get logic...cause thats what you are defying...

first you argue that flashing a rom is too geeky...now you are saying that it is not geeky enough for you?

let me know how I can find you on xda....and then I can teach you how to develop an android rom (which you wont get) and then flashing it for you noobs (which you might get but you would ofcourse not be able to follow the steps correctly)

LOL.. We have a extremely well qualified software professional (expert in C, C++, Java, Python and Apache) amongst us who incidently will teach us how to develop an Android ROM.

Or a typical ROM chef, who will take another person's work or Stock firmware, copy mods from another dev, make a few changes to the buildprop and say 'I created this, I am a dev'. Epic fail..!

Anyways instead of giving me lessons, why don't you create a thread here to explain how to 'develop' a ROM for your device. Will be a first for the TE community and will gain you credibility. That you actually know something and are not just gas..

**sorry peeps, did not mean to start a war, but really dont like ignorants**
^^ How can you believe that Google writes inefficient codes compared to Apple?? Who has the largest search engine (along with the infrastructure) in the world? Who has the whole world mapped? Who has more visitors per day to their site than the number of total phones or comps apple has sold in its lifetime??

You are providing quite pointless arguments which is actually weakening your stand instead of helping it . Google being the most successful search engine has nothing to do with efficient coding . And saying Google's site gets more visitors per day than all Apple products sold , is even more pointless.

Android obviously has issues regarding stability , lag and quite a few other problems , saying Apple's code is more efficient than Android wouldn't be blasphemy in my opinion.

dont think you would get logic...cause thats what you are defying...

first you argue that flashing a rom is too geeky...now you are saying that it is not geeky enough for you?

let me know how I can find you on xda....and then I can teach you how to develop an android rom (which you wont get) and then flashing it for you noobs (which you might get but you would ofcourse not be able to follow the steps correctly)

You say you are a developer and you are on XDA so you should be quite accustomed with the etiquette one is supposed to follow in Forums , but your statement shows otherwise :(

As for me , i am a student , i have lots of free time , and reason to flash (normal flash , as in showing off ) around my phone to my friends the latest games and themes , i am not a developer at all , my reach is limited to tutorials and forum posts for installing something , yet Android is my preferred choice , iOS is too costly as it is :(
There are some reasons why i sold my iphone and gone back to android... its very difficult/time consuming for me to download email attachment every time... and cant very easily transfer the files into external source... you cant easily find wireless printers everywhere, missing file explorer, like this i can list out some more, which affects my daily productivity works. My main usage of smartphone is for browsing, exchange sync(WP is best here), tapatalk and little bit camera usage. I'm not too much bothered about little lag here and there, since i'm not using my phones in the places/applications where seconds/microseconds are very important!

Of-course this is again my personal opinion :)
There are some reasons why i sold my iphone and gone back to android... its very difficult/time consuming for me to download email attachment every time... and cant very easily transfer the files into external source... you cant easily find wireless printers everywhere, missing file explorer, like this i can list out some more, which affects my daily productivity works. My main usage of smartphone is for browsing, exchange sync(WP is best here), tapatalk and little bit camera usage. I'm not too much bothered about little lag here and there, since i'm not using my phones in the places/applications where seconds/microseconds are very important!

Of-course this is again my personal opinion :)

Yes here you left iOS because it did not fulfill YOUR requirement. This is completely normal.
So yes it is personal choice of OP of what he wants from a phone. Both OSes are good and have their share of pros and cons.
Buy what you like OP and don't think about it. If you go finding defects in the phone you won't enjoy it.
There are some reasons why i sold my iphone and gone back to android... its very difficult/time consuming for me to download email attachment every time... and cant very easily transfer the files into external source... you cant easily find wireless printers everywhere, missing file explorer, like this i can list out some more, which affects my daily productivity works. My main usage of smartphone is for browsing, exchange sync(WP is best here), tapatalk and little bit camera usage. I'm not too much bothered about little lag here and there, since i'm not using my phones in the places/applications where seconds/microseconds are very important!

Of-course this is again my personal opinion :)
I second with you.
I have used Android 1.6 & 2.1...........that time Android was evolving. It was laggy, buggy & not much apps.
Switched over to iPhone 3GS, but when stable GB 2.3 is released. I again went back to Android as i found myself under so much restriction on iOS.
Why itunes everytime for sync, most imp. NO BT file transfer which is must needed. & separate cable for charging/connecting to pc.

Now i must say, Android has emerged as lagless, powerful & versatile mobile OS after ICS & JB release.
Most of the Apple store apps are already thr in playstore(even more in case of rooted phones).
But to use the maximum power of android user must buy Dual-core/Quad-core phone as single core one will hang/FC if person is a heavy user, like me 180+ apps, 16gb int + 16gb card.....both memories almost filled, movies, songs, games etc etc.

Moreover if iOS allows external memory slot, sending file over Bluetooth functionality, widgets, launcher, FM, Flash, USB OTG etc etc features, then i am 101 % , sure iOS will also lag. Thats y they they are keeping features less which makes iOS zippier & less prone to lag.
Moreover if iOS allows external memory slot, sending file over Bluetooth functionality, widgets, launcher, FM, Flash, USB OTG etc etc features, then i am 101 % , sure iOS will also lag. Thats y they they are keeping features less which makes iOS zippier & less prone to lag.

These are the 2 major gripes I've had with the iPhones launched till date! :(

I mean why the heck can't Tim advise his people to include a microSD card slot and include the drag and drop feature for the media (dropping iTunes may be secondary)? They could have sold a lot more devices had they included these features but they are hell bent they won't and will probably never.
Moreover the updates to google products, YouTube, Google Currents, Drive etc is pretty neat.. In fact I'm really digging Google Currents right now. Very clean, simple UI.

The earlier versions of Android looked very unpolished. Icons, scrolling etc. Waiting for Google Now, now.
1st of i would like to tell u, mine was the same case...............................
after using s2 for more than a year (longest i have ever used a device) i expected a lot from s3 n i didn't live up to my expectations it felt cheap, i went to buy it straight a way but when i saw it i thought it was a bigger corby device,n no significant improvement from s2 than a bigger screen, i found s2 to be as fast as s3, though s3 has significantly improved audio thanks to the wolf inside other than that it was waste of money. so i decided to be patient (a quality which severely lacks in me). as music is most important to me, n iphones r best for that business so i had that in mind n haveing used both i would like to tell u that iso is much more mature n smooth than android, so if u switch to android u'll feel that but having used ios u may want something fresh as i did, than u can go for android.
bottom line
s3 - super fluid video playback of any format, gorgeous screen, expandable memory
4s - slightly better music quality,better os,better aaps,gr8 looks.
These are the 2 major gripes I've had with the iPhones launched till date! :(

I mean why the heck can't Tim advise his people to include a microSD card slot and include the drag and drop feature for the media (dropping iTunes may be secondary)? They could have sold a lot more devices had they included these features but they are hell bent they won't and will probably never.

Well that one is easy :)

1) Give an SD Card slot, people will stop buying the ipods..
2) Apple has always staunchly opposed piracy. Hence, by locking file transfer to itunes only, it stops the user from sharing any protected media files (DRM). (And I can too damn sure, that your collection does not consist of songs that you have always 'legitimately' brought)

Moreover if iOS allows external memory slot, sending file over Bluetooth functionality, widgets, launcher, FM, Flash, USB OTG etc etc features, then i am 101 % , sure iOS will also lag. Thats y they they are keeping features less which makes iOS zippier & less prone to lag.

3) Lack of BT Transfer is a bummer, but again it is used to transfer mostly songs and rarely anything else. (Refer to Point 2)
4) FM. Don't use it much, digital radio for me.
5) Flash is a dying platform (if you are referring to Adobe Flash). html5 will soon be the standard. And JB onwards there will be no Flash support by Adobe.
6) USB OTG, ummm.. I'd say a novelty feature, why would you want to attach a keyboard or a mouse to your phone? Unless you want to type a document or an article. For that we have something called a laptop/desktop...!

Contrary to some people's belief here, I am neither a pro iOS or a Android hater..! I use an SII and I like the phone, it is one of the best there ever were. But I hate Samsung for screwing up the ICS 4.03 update, releasing a buggy ICS 4.04 update (which can actually brick a device. God help you if you are out of warranty!).

HTC is slightly (only slightly) better. Look at the update cycle of LG, Sony (erstwhile SE), Motorola and yeah Samsung. It is even worse if you have a carrier locked phone. You wouldn't really mind if you have brought a mid range droid for 10,000 - 15,000 (which AFAIK already has outdated hardware) and is bound to lose official support in 1 year and can only survive on dev support there on. But a top of the line f***in 30,000 phone orphaned in 1 - 1.5 years by the phone maker... Ridiculous...!
I personnaly liked Android coz of its customizability....Every thing works on android...But, i was inclined towards ios coz of the looks of iphone , easy to use features and Super smooth operations and ui..
But,all my likes towards ios vanised when i purchased the new ipad retina....Though it has all the appeal for a tablet..But the most important thing for which any one uses a tab is the web browsing.... And ios lacks flash,,which is a must in most of web videos, and messengers like facebook chat, gtalk etc....
There are many apps for those on ios which are useless..
I think if ios adopts adobe flash then it would be the best os for browsing..But , as we all know apple wont.....
Thus , as per my conclusion ios is a disgrace to operating system's name.........
I personnaly liked Android coz of its customizability....Every thing works on android...But, i was inclined towards ios coz of the looks of iphone , easy to use features and Super smooth operations and ui..
But,all my likes towards ios vanised when i purchased the new ipad retina....Though it has all the appeal for a tablet..But the most important thing for which any one uses a tab is the web browsing.... And ios lacks flash,,which is a must in most of web videos, and messengers like facebook chat, gtalk etc....
There are many apps for those on ios which are useless..
I think if ios adopts adobe flash then it would be the best os for browsing..But , as we all know apple wont.....
Thus , as per my conclusion ios is a disgrace to operating system's name.........

I don't know how it works but i play youtube and dailymotion videos on my iPad 2 using chrome browser (inside the browser i mean).

I feel there should be a dedicated sticky thread for mobile OS wars :p May be in GT section. It will be fun.
I personnaly liked Android coz of its customizability....Every thing works on android...But, i was inclined towards ios coz of the looks of iphone , easy to use features and Super smooth operations and ui..
But,all my likes towards ios vanised when i purchased the new ipad retina....Though it has all the appeal for a tablet..But the most important thing for which any one uses a tab is the web browsing.... And ios lacks flash,,which is a must in most of web videos, and messengers like facebook chat, gtalk etc....
There are many apps for those on ios which are useless..
I think if ios adopts adobe flash then it would be the best os for browsing..But , as we all know apple wont.....
Thus , as per my conclusion ios is a disgrace to operating system's name.........

Flash is outdated technology my friend. JellyBean does not have flash support and nor will any future versions..
Why itunes everytime for sync, most imp. NO BT file transfer which is must needed. & separate cable for charging/connecting to pc.

Bluetooth file sharing is very much possible with Airblue sharing.
Separate cable for charging and connecting to computer!!Did not get it!!

---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 PM ----------

I think poweramp on Android pretty much negates that advantage of the iPhone.
If you think Poweramp is great/magical,give Equ a try on 4/4s an see how great it can sound!!

---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

I personnaly liked Android coz of its customizability....Every thing works on android...But, i was inclined towards ios coz of the looks of iphone , easy to use features and Super smooth operations and ui..
But,all my likes towards ios vanised when i purchased the new ipad retina....Though it has all the appeal for a tablet..But the most important thing for which any one uses a tab is the web browsing.... And ios lacks flash,,which is a must in most of web videos, and messengers like facebook chat, gtalk etc....
There are many apps for those on ios which are useless..
I think if ios adopts adobe flash then it would be the best os for browsing..But , as we all know apple wont.....
Thus , as per my conclusion ios is a disgrace to operating system's name.........
You sir,have made my day!
Thanks for the comic relief!!
These are the 2 major gripes I've had with the iPhones launched till date! :(

I mean why the heck can't Tim advise his people to include a microSD card slot and include the drag and drop feature for the media (dropping iTunes may be secondary)? They could have sold a lot more devices had they included these features but they are hell bent they won't and will probably never.

I used to hate iTunes at one point of time as well and would always wonder why Apple doesnt just allow drag and drop of music or files . It is only later when I truly discovered iTunes and had my music library completely organized , I realized how efficient iTunes actually was with syncing media files etc

Also another major reason why Apple will probably never drop iTunes is cause more than the just the sales of devices it benefits from the major share of music,app,Video.books etc sales it has on the iTunes store . So there is a chance that at some point of time the user might actually end up buying something from the store while fidling with iTunes . Atleast I have a few times ;) .

and at this point I wouldnt really want Apple to drop iTunes cause it just makes things easy for a lot of people . Keeping podcasts on auto download , or new music downloading to library and seeing it on your phone directly thanks to wi-fi sync . I dont remember the last time I had to connect my phone to the PC to transfer something or for a sync .

Downloading music etc from ahem souces probably could be the reason we dont realize why Apple sticks to their closed ecosystem but for their major market ie - US it works wonders where a lot of people dont think twice before adding 0.99c music track to their cart .

---------- Post added at 10:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

I do have a question surrounding Flash videos on iOS devices. What happens if a site has Flash videos? I am not talking only about YouTube, but other sites in general. Let's say we have these links:

28 dead, several injured in fire on Tamil Nadu Express near Nellore Video: NDTV.com
Shemaroo Releases '101 Duets Of Mohd. Rafi' | Bollywood Videos - Bollywood Hungama

Does the video on these pages play?

Could play the videos on the iPad :)
@FaH33m, does the default browser work, or is it that these sites are customised for the device, since when I access them from the browser they have their own Flash videos.
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