iPhone 4s vs Samsung Galaxy S3

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guys please help me choose one of these.. their specifications sound quite similar and i already have an iphone 3g(Got kinda bored with it).
i will mainly use my phone for music, games(if i get bored while travelling or in a party) and photography. ya i do watch videos on it occasionally.
how is the sound quality on both of it? Please help me with your opinions..

God bless..
I bought a one x last month and it's been amazing. The screen is just beautiful. You should really try using a big screen phone before you judge it as unnecessary.you won't feel like going back to a normal screen.
I bought a one x last month and it's been amazing. The screen is just beautiful. You should really try using a big screen phone before you judge it as unnecessary.you won't feel like going back to a normal screen.

Yes big screen is definitely joy to use. I have briefly used an Infuse and it is fun with big screen. Since most people are moving the bigger screen phones, apple is probably going to come out with a bigger screen iPhone (possibly on 12th September :p ). It might not be 4.3/4.8 or anything but definitely bigger than the current.
If the next iPhone is 3.5 inch screen then god help them as i see many iPhone loyalists will move out to androids.
@adaneam,thanks for your effort!
But there are people here who have used Android extensively for 2/3 years and switched to ios and remained content even with all the restrictions and limitations of iOS.
I am sure there are people who felt exactly the other way around!
So basically it is all about personal preference.
I bought my first non Nokia smartphone in 2009,the htc hd2,it was wonderful,it ran Froyo,GB,early WP7 etc and had a wonderful time with it.
After that came a flurry of htc phones(all plagued with bad battery and sound quality),my romance with Android ended with Galaxy S2,it was also a pretty good phone,but was getting sick of all those custom ROM,kernel etc...just to get a decent performance and battery!

In 2009 thought for days before spending 30k on a phone,but now fortunately I dont have to worry much about spending 35/40k on a phone,so getting the 4s was not really a difficult choice.
Now,after a long time I am actually using a smartphone without worrying about the battery life,can ditch the stupid office Blackberry completely(always used this stupid bold 2 as a primary phone in the Android days as it was impossible to trust a droid for any serious office related job)

As a Mac user,I am extremely comfortable in Apple ecosystem and will always prefer to remain an isheep than a Google slave!
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Awesome post precisely like apple keeping fancy names for ancient and basic android features and claiming it is the most developed os in the world.... Scope max dream on.
adaneam,thanks for your effort!
But there are people here who have used Android extensively for 2/3 years and switched to ios and remained content even with all the restrictions and limitations of iOS.
I am sure there are people who felt exactly the other way around!
So basically it is all about personal preference.
I bought my first non Nokia smartphone in 2009,the htc hd2,it was wonderful,it ran Froyo,GB,early WP7 etc and had a wonderful time with it.
After that came a flurry of htc phones(all plagued with bad battery and sound quality),my romance with Android ended with Galaxy S2,it was also a pretty good phone,but was getting sick of all those custom ROM,kernel etc...just to get a decent performance and battery!

In 2009 thought for days before spending 30k on a phone,but now fortunately I dont have to worry much about spending 35/40k on a phone,so getting the 4s was not really a difficult choice.
Now,after a long time I am actually using a smartphone without worrying about the battery life,can ditch the stupid office Blackberry completely(always used this stupid bold 2 as a primary phone in the Android days as it was impossible to trust a droid for any serious office related job)

As a Mac user,I am extremely comfortable in Apple ecosystem and will always prefer to remain an isheep than a Google slave!

Fair enough. All would be fine if people stopped passing there personal preferences as facts rather than opinions!
Ditto!It is extremely efficient in organizing music library.

Not really too hard. But if you have tons of music and have not yet sorted it out, then its a PITA. Major PITA. Ever since i got my new rig 3 yrs back, have been keeping the music and movies and *ahem* folders too sorted well :p

---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 AM ----------

I bought a one x last month and it's been amazing. The screen is just beautiful. You should really try using a big screen phone before you judge it as unnecessary.you won't feel like going back to a normal screen.

Agreed. Was using a 4 incher vibrant, went to almost using a smaller device, plans for which i scrapped. Now looking forward to a S2.
Some one mentioned here, it's impossible to trust a DROID for office related jobs... This statement quite surprising for me... Because for the same reason, I left iphone and not to forget small screen...

Maybe then I don't know to use iphone. properly for my office related work... It will be good, if you compare the office related jobs which you cannot believe DROID and iphone is good...
Some one mentioned here, it's impossible to trust a DROID for office related jobs... This statement quite surprising for me... Because for the same reason, I left iphone and not to forget small screen... ..
It was me!
I always had trouble with html both in k9 and the stock gmail app in Android.
The CSS support in Android has always baffled me.
While the browser handle html nicely the gmail app is moody at best.
There are other minor niggles like occasional inability to pull down the notification bar in the middle of certain apps,the amount of time taken for the 2g/3g toggle or time required for the phone to enter network from airplane mode can be annoying.
Thought the last 2 issues were SIM/network related,but after trying the same SIM at same place in a 4s,I am convinced it is os related.As iphone takes 2-3 secs max to change bands,while for GS2 it is never less than 10 seconds.
Same with GPS,the Note is the fastest I have seen in Android,but 4s is even faster than that(in fact instantaneous)at the exact same physical location.
Lastly the most embarrassing!
After almost a year of struggle found out the alarm in GS2 refuses to go off in the morning if it receives more than 25 emails at night!!
Agreed,it defies logic... but it happened with two separate GS2!
BUT there is one thing,where Android beats iphone hands down!!
The super awesome Swift key X!
This is probably the only thing I really miss in the 4s.
Why did you delete your post?
Everyone has high hopes for WP8.
Even I am expecting MS to beat Apple this time around!
No matter how many Android phone is selling everyday,ios and iphone is still virtually unchallanged, only MS and Nokia can change it for good.

Unchallenged? How? What data shows that? It is the second best os even now and yeah it is unchallenged at that

And about the alarms, notification bar (which came on Android first)... It was your personal experience please don't generalize... I have been using Android since ever... Nothing like that ever happened even once... First on captivate and then on note
Why did you delete your post?
Everyone has high hopes for WP8.
Even I am expecting MS to beat Apple this time around!
No matter how many Android phone is selling everyday,ios and iphone is still virtually unchallanged, only MS and Nokia can change it for good.

Even though I wish that WP does come out as a strong contender, unless MS does some drastic changes, I do not think WP will pose a big threat.
It was me!
I always had trouble with html both in k9 and the stock gmail app in Android.
The CSS support in Android has always baffled me.
While the browser handle html nicely the gmail app is moody at best.
There are other minor niggles like occasional inability to pull down the notification bar in the middle of certain apps,the amount of time taken for the 2g/3g toggle or time required for the phone to enter network from airplane mode can be annoying.
Thought the last 2 issues were SIM/network related,but after trying the same SIM at same place in a 4s,I am convinced it is os related.As iphone takes 2-3 secs max to change bands,while for GS2 it is never less than 10 seconds.
Same with GPS,the Note is the fastest I have seen in Android,but 4s is even faster than that(in fact instantaneous)at the exact same physical location.
Lastly the most embarrassing!
After almost a year of struggle found out the alarm in GS2 refuses to go off in the morning if it receives more than 25 emails at night!!
Agreed,it defies logic... but it happened with two separate GS2!
BUT there is one thing,where Android beats iphone hands down!!
The super awesome Swift key X!
This is probably the only thing I really miss in the 4s.
Hm.. i think what you are complaining about is GS2, but definitely not about android. I've never faced the issues you've mentioned in my HTC mobiles... 2g/3g toggle in iphone 4s takes 3 sec? then may be i had a faulty 4s, since for me i always felt 4s took more time than onex and S3. GPS lock? still i've ipad 3g model in my home(bought only for my kid) and no one can beat One X in the GPS dept. After my DHD(though took some time for GPS lock in my room) and one X very fast in this, yeah iphone 4s never locked in side my room and Ipad also same. Another major issue while using iphone, even if i switch on wifi, i need to manually switch of mobile data(android does automatically) and tasker app will switch on wifi whenever i reach my home. Does iphone 4s has widgets? All these toggling is just one click operation for me by using HTC widgets.

Anyways none of the issues you've mentioned really is not about office related work. Really whatever complain you've made i've never faced in my one X(S4 version). TBF, i use email lot and due to the same reason, i opted out of iphone 4s. main issue is, every time the attachment was getting downloaded and several times i wanted to take printout of my attachment, but miserably failed. i liked the camera lot in 4s, but again s3 and hox is not bad in that department.

Anyways as i said, what your experienced is device specific issues, but not OS issue.
GS2 was probably the best Android I have used.
My last htc phone was a DHD,which had the same html issue(if not worse)
Never had to manually turn off data while on wifi in 4s.
Yes,the GPS never locks while indoor, but once outside it fixes within a second,will compare with HOX tomorrow,but I really doubt it will be any faster than Note(which in turn in slightly slower than 4s)
I did not mention the real problem of Android with the office in the last post because it should not concern most users.
WHO uses some small surveillance related statistical SW,which requires a constant refresh of data as it works in real time,but the Android application never ever works properly,while the same thing works flawlessly in BB and iphones.
I am not sure which agency actually made these app but the senior IT guys always blame Android for this erratic behaviour and have sort of put a blanket ban on Android for medical stat guys like us.
Regarding print,what issues are you facing?
I am taking prints of pretty long spreadsheets(sometimes huge actually) almost everyday without any issue!
The portable version of iworks work just great in iphone,the number actually works better than the Mac counterpart.
And the auto back up in ML (thank God that I updated this Sunday)from keynote saved my as& today,as somehow I did the unimaginable today!went for last week's sum up meeting without the laptop!!
Never had to manually turn off data while on wifi in 4s.
Regarding print,what issues are you facing?
I am taking prints of pretty long spreadsheets(sometimes huge actually) almost everyday without any issue!
The portable version of iworks work just great in iphone,the number actually works better than the Mac counterpart.
And the auto back up in ML (thank God that I updated this Sunday)from keynote saved my as& today,as somehow I did the unimaginable today!went for last week's sum up meeting without the laptop!!
How you transfer/send the file printing, basically email attachments to print? Do i need wireless printer?
Unchallenged? How? What data shows that? It is the second best os even now and yeah it is unchallenged at that

And about the alarms, notification bar (which came on Android first)... It was your personal experience please don't generalize... I have been using Android since ever... Nothing like that ever happened even once... First on captivate and then on note

Everything I said were personal experience,where did I try to generalise?
Regarding notification bar,ios still do not have toggles in the notification bar,was just talking about a Cydia tweak!
Do not get so much worked up mate!
I was also using Android for a pretty long time and know a thing or two.
How you transfer/send the file printing, basically email attachments to print? Do i need wireless printer?
Yes!I am afraid you do!
How were you planning to do it?
You just need an air print supporting printer(and there are lots of them everywhere @ office)
Just touch the arrow key at the bottom (if in email)or the right upper arrow key if in Pages or Numbers,select print...select no of copies..done!
^the easiest way for me is to do bluetooth transfer(if the printing shop has the option for bluetooth transfer), or mostly everyone will have memory card reader, so save my attachments to microSD card(ofcourse not possible in HOX :(), or connect my device as mass storage device in their PC.. Yeah, all these possible in android, but not in ios(at least i dont know, how to do)...

I dont know how many shops will have wireless printer.. even my workplace doesn't have one:annoyed:

Anyways its all are personal requirements and tastes.. from your posts, you seems to be very happy with ios and from my experience i'm not.. basically i felt, my options were restricted, but not in the case of android!
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