English TV series discussion

In Dexter S08E02.....

who do you think, killed the guy in the cabin ? The person who put a gun on his head to suffocate the second victim ?
I think it is the new women who studies psycopaths. My gut feeling. May be wrong.

Same here.
But I would really not like her to be a B****.
See the thing with The Sopranos is that, if you could sit through the boring family drama of Breaking Bad from the first two seasons, you will breeze through this. I am only 5 episodes in and yet, the show has not managed to get the two of us bored. Not once!

There are plenty of hilarious moments during the show, and some occasional nudity. It aired in HBO, 'nuff said! :P

In Dexter S08E02.....

who do you think, killed the guy in the cabin ? The person who put a gun on his head to suffocate the second victim ?
I think it is the new women who studies psycopaths. My gut feeling. May be wrong.

Yup, me and my roomie think

the one behind that.

Actually the two of us watch most of the series together. It's fun with someone around, to clear some doubts on say a character on the screen or share some interesting trivia etc. We also have our dinner while we are at it. But he also watches plenty of comedy stuff which I don't so there are a few clashes there. I caught up with Hannibal, The Shield, Person of Interest, Vikings when he managed to watch some other comedy stuff like Archer.

That also reminds me, I am yet to begin Mad Men! I've been told after Breaking Bad, this is their next best show.

Actually the two of us watch most of the series together. It's fun with someone around, to clear some doubts on say a character on the screen or share some interesting trivia etc. We also have our dinner while we are at it. But he also watches plenty of comedy stuff which I don't so there are a few clashes there. I caught up with Hannibal, The Shield, Person of Interest, Vikings when he managed to watch some other comedy stuff like Archer.

That also reminds me, I am yet to begin Mad Men! I've been told after Breaking Bad, this is their next best show.

I grew bored with Mad Men pretty quickly. And even though I did watch Sopranos completely, IMHO it doesn't belong to the class of Breaking Bad/House. In both Breaking Bad and House I found it very difficult to get going but the seasons after the first 2 were a pleasure to watch.
However in both Mad Men and Sopranos, even though I loved the first 2 seasons I found it getting harder each time I tried watching an episode after the first 2-3 seasons because it started getting monotonous.
I've watched till epsiode 7 so I've gotten to that part :)
Are you watching Continuum btw? Another decent series with a badass female lead character.
In Dexter S08E02.....

who do you think, killed the guy in the cabin ? The person who put a gun on his head to suffocate the second victim ?
I think it is the new women who studies psycopaths. My gut feeling. May be wrong.

i thought so too since the person in the vid was wearing gloves.
But how can an old woman hang a fat guy up so high. I think it's her too, only time will tell
Saw the premiere of Sons of Anarchy. Excellent episode. Loved it. :happy:

Refresh your memory please, there was not much family drama in BrBa. Drama, yes; but never family drama. The first season is very fast paced and you can breeze through it in a single sitting.

Huh?! o_O

The first season is where they focus on his family, his pregnant wife, his son, the discovery of cancer, how his family comes to terms with it, his chemotherapy sessions, how he dislikes the whole treatment and finally the last few episodes when he begins cooking meth.

The second season is where it picked up pace. At least that's the way it happened to me.
@Gannu The pace was set in the first few minutes itself. I'll recap it all to you down here:
Episode 1: The epic opening scene where Walt is driving the RV with Jesse unconscious at his side. One of the best opening in a TV show ever. Later, the recap happens, but towards the end it retraces back to the first scene and how it came into being. One guy is killed here while another wakes up, but is taken captive.

Episode 2: Krazzy-8 held captive in basement, while Jesse uses Hydrofluoric acid in his bathtub to dispose of the bodies. Hehe, the chemistry gets deeper. One of the most discussed scenes.

Episode 3: The epic drama with Walt and Krazzy-8 in the basement. The ending of this episode defines the initial rise of Heisenberg.

Episode 4: The blue meth has been established and police start looking for the new drug kingpin in town. Jesse also goes back to his home and his familial relations are also explained.

Episode 5: The drama is heavy in this episode: dealing with chemotherapy, Walt's connection to Gray Matter and his refusal to seek help.

Episode 6: Introduction of Tuco. Also: "This is not Meth" scene; need I say more?

Episode 7: Break in to steal the barrel of methylamine to produce the big batch promised to Tuco. Also, another epic scene at the end: "Tight, tight, tight". Way to end the season the way it was started. The first "official" look of Heisenberg is also seen towards the end here.
There is a lot of drama in between to establish the characters, their relations and how they affect the storyline. I agree that there is some family drama, but the overall pace is super fast and there are enough interesting things going around to make you breeze through the season; having 7 episodes also helps to keep the storyline compact.
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Entourage done. For people wanting to start this series, i would just say what the tag line of the series mentions "Enjoy the ride". Don't apply logic on what's happening. Things fall in place automagically for the stars and everything works out at the end.
Ari Gold is one character you cannot miss. His antics, quotes, everything is simply awesome. After season 6, things slow down a bit and even Ari is not that much interesting but still it is good time pass series.
Although there are like 8 seasons, some of them have just 8-12 episodes and each is less than 30 Minutes so one should be able to finish up the season fast.
Enjoy the Ride.

Started with Sopranos, seems like it will take some time to get hang of this. On top of that some episodes seem to be lengthy (like 55+ minutes) which is personally don't like.
Guys, take it easy with 'The Sopranos'. It's not a show that you can just watch when in a rushed state, eg on the ride from home to work. At least not in the beginning when you're just getting into it.
Try and watch it when you're a bit relaxed... and on your big screen :)
Might take a wee bit at the start to get to know all the various characters.
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Dexter S08E02
The doc being the one behind Sussman's murder could be possible, but that's not what will happen I feel.
I do think she is somehow involved in Deb's mess.
How is the series, "Its Always sunny in Philadelphia" ?

Wicked Sick in a funny way, lots of really inappropriate humor IYKWIM. Bunch of screw ups making wrong decisions.

You can try something more mainstream. New Girl, Suits, Hustle.

I completed Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip starring Matthew Perry, Amanda Peet written by Aaron Sorkin. It's his take on SNL and drama surrounding it. Funny show.

On a different note what's everybody's "Guilty Pleasure" here?

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