English TV series discussion

How is the animation series South Park. It is rated good on imdb and has been running since 1997.
It is amazing, especially the first five seasons. It drops and picks up in quality later on, but still has an above average quality. Sometimes the humour can be crude and revolve around local US political issues; so, it might be hard to pick up the jokes. You'll enjoy it anyway for the absurd way in which it is presented though.
^^ TVD got boring after some time, specially since the Silas part !!! they are dragging the series further like a rubber band

It's true that they are dragging the series further like a rubber.
But silas become stefan make something new and interesting.
Waiting for next season.

In current time i'm watching teen wolf third season ongoing with the latest 6th episode completed. It's gonna be getting interesting while seeing scott becoming ALPHA.
Replace that with Ads.

Lol few years back when star movies and all stopped the 18+ and all movies and everything became PG type stuff, my friend used to complain that whenever a "scene" was supposed to come, they would cut to an ad and when the ad was over, the "scene" was gone and the next scene would come. :p
Just finished Vikings. Pretty damn good. But the final two episodes were of surprisingly low intensity -- almost none. Guess they were just setting up for the next season.
Sopranos might be some awesome show but for some reason I am unable to generate interest in this, if I don't like by season 1 end I shall shut this show.

Not sure if related or not, but I have never seen the godfather movies which I know many rave about.
If the quality of the remaining Vikings season stays the same as the first two episodes, I think I won't be able to stop myself from doing a marathon tonight. :/

Ep 3 is feels very slow after the end of Ep 2. The series is still very good (watched up to Ep 5).

Btw, the latest episode of Under the Dome was a total snoozefest and I don't think I am going to continue with it until the season is over or people start raving about it here. Probably going to get cancelled anyway.

Breaking bad without any references to drugs, coming soon, to star world :D

Not to forget the retarded anti-smoking advisory which seems to be mandatory in all channels now.
I have also started with Under the Dome and watched its first 3 episodes. I too have a feeling this thing is gonna get cancelled after 1st season or sometime soon,