How is Dr. Batra's for acne?

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So I went there last month on 13th to inquire about my acne. And the doctor there said about some Dusshera discount. As it was only for one day, I registered for the treatment the very same day and paid 2500. After that I haven't seen any positive changes but my acne has increased though. A doctor their said that it might take about 2-3 months for medication to take effect. So I tried for some reviews and testimonials and found out that most of the times it is not recommended by previous patients.
I have only paid 2500 till now and two cheques of 3375 each are with them post dated for 13 November and 13 December.
If anybody of you has experience with them, please share here as I would get the cheques canceled by that time.
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Homoeopathy is a scam. Period.

However, most homoeopaths here don't even follow the proper principles, and mix homoeopathy with other saner practices such as herbal medicine and the likes. Nevertheless, it is still a very impractical and unscientific medicinal method, especially when serious diseases are involved. For you, it's just acne, a harmless condition, and you can choose freely, but for someone with other serious conditions, these homoeopaths are disgusting.

You are getting fleeced for something that doesn't even work.
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2 Arjun & blkrb0t :- Have you or any of your friends or relatives used it? I am thinking of getting the cheques canceled but as I still have few days left before they can cash it in, I wanna be sure.
Thanks to both of you BTW
My brother was going there for hair treatment. But his hairfall never reduced. They just call you in frequently and extract money.

Try to find a good dermatologist and start the treatment. But treatment for acne can take some time. In the meantime you can also change your food intake. Try to drink lots of water, eat fruits and veggies with lots of antioxidants.
Batra is scam even my friend got nothing out of thier treatment for hair fall. I would suggest u go to derm. Also change ur diet a bit drink lots water. Do some excersice. And keep ur face clean. Eat good amounts of fiber to keep ur bowels clean. Hope this helps.
2 swordfish123 & Deathbearer :- Thanks. Will get the cheques cancelled in 2-3 days time, but still I dont understand, if its a fraud, why is it still flourishing? I mean it has been so many years and by now many people would have known it by now that its just a rip-off and nothing more. Or maybe I was just too eager to go there as I have had this problem from a decade (no, you dont need glasses. I wrote a decade and I mean it) and have tried many things including 2 dermatologists too but in vain. Maybe its people like me who dont get any benefit anywhere else and wanna try everything possible.
Did you sign some sort of agreement while opting for the treatment? There's got to be a fine print in there that's taking 'care' of dissatisfied clients like you who would like to quit midway. They may have a legal cell too, that's just there to litigate cases of cancelled/bounced cheques. I just don't think they'll let go of clients so easily.

Suggest you send them some kind of notice explaining why you are unhappy and so discontinuing further treatment, copying to your bank, before you cancel the cheques. A review on some feedback website, perhaps, a day or two before you cancel might legally 'support' your dissatisfaction.
Did you sign some sort of agreement while opting for the treatment? There's got to be a fine print in there that's taking 'care' of dissatisfied clients like you who would like to quit midway. They may have a legal cell too, that's just there to litigate cases of cancelled/bounced cheques. I just don't think they'll let go of clients so easily.

Suggest you send them some kind of notice explaining why you are unhappy and so discontinuing further treatment, copying to your bank, before you cancel the cheques. A review on some feedback website, perhaps, a day or two before you cancel might legally 'support' your dissatisfaction.

I don't think there is anything that I signed other than registration form. Anyways, still attaching pic of the reg form and the bill for consultation fees
And what do you mean by "copying to your bank"? And, can't I just go there and tell them that I am opting out of the treatment?

Acne can be genetic also. I also had acne since i was 15. Now i m 28 and i still get one or two now and then but not as serious as before i had chappan tikili face :p . U just have to bring some lifestyle changes. Hope it helps.
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Batra's is definitely a scam. I don't think they will let you cancel your cheques and be done. If you singed up for a time based membership, It is likely that they would have terms that would allow them to collect the fee for the entire period. If I am right, earlier (several years back) they used to have a considerably longer list of things that to had to sign in agreement and it was titled as agreement terms or something, not as declaration. In any case, I think even the 2nd point in the declaration should be enough for them to claim their fee regardless of the results. So if you just cancel the cheques, they can take legal recourse and make you pay. You better talk to them for a cleaner way out before you do anything.
Dr. Batras. LOL

Do you have red (infected) ones or are they just white heads kind that ooze white stringy substance when pinched with nails? And how serious are they?
2 Arjun :- Most probably to ensure that I don't leave it mid term.
2 Lord Nemesis :- What do you suggest I tell them for opting out?
2 Party Monger :-They were not red ones before going to Batra's. Only pus filled acne. Now after using their treatment, they have turned red. :(

Please give me suggestion on what reason should I give them? I guess my acnes turning red and their intensity being increased should suffice but some guys here have wrote about them taking legal action which is creating doubts.
I had a mild case of psoriasis and took treatment from them for a year. It only got way worse and led to other things. Made some lifestyle changes on my own like improved diet, exercise, meditation, etc and now i have baby skin and haven't been to a doctor for any condition for 2 years now skin or otherwise. I haven't taken any medication for the same period either.
It's a scam and i hope it runs into the ground soon.
It's a scam and i hope it runs into the ground soon.
It won't. Of all the major countries, only the UK has shown some nerve in kicking out pseudoscience medicinal practices. It's actually growing in India, and in a country where astrologers and conmen (babas) thrive, I don't see such companies running into the ground soon.
^^ Its not about the type of medicine as its about Batras duping people. Homeopathy does not have a full scientific basis or backing, but neither does Ayurveda nor Chinese medicine. But certain things still work across all these streams and there are people who have benefited from them. Same goes for Homeopathy. My Aunt has relied on nothing but Homeopathic medicine for her ailments and they work much better than allopathic medicines for her. Clinics like Batras on the other hand exist only to milk as much money as possible from the people. They push their yearly plans on the people and collect large amounts of money before they even began the treatment. Earlier they were dragged into court cases because of their dubious practices, mostly non working and occasionally side effect causing treatments. so they stated making people sign a agreement of terms that protects them from any potential legal action of the clients.
Are you applying any cream apart from oral meds ? Have you used stuff like Isotretinoin/Clindamycin/Benzyl Benzoate before ?

yup. Biotique Biochlorophyll Gel and a face pack and face wash given by Dr. Batra's.

And to all others who posted and helped. One last thing. Its certain that I will quit it in 2-3 days but would they take legal action? If you know someone who quit it midway, whats the reason they gave and how did the Batra guys responded?
I dont really think they will take any action. You can just say its not working and if they counter it by saying that u will get results in 6-7 months. Just ask them politely to give that in writing. ;)
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