Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

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The state has decided enough is enough.

Don't know how many caught this

Googlers against genocide :wideyed:

Has Google reduced their hiring requirements that such idiots cannot sufficiently educate themselves that no genocide is happening by simply googling?

28 fired with another 20 more for aiding and abetting a mutiny.

Does working for Google matter anymore that people can throw away such high paying jobs at a whim?

Finally, what was the need to harass Alec Baldwin like this.

White devil she calls him. Seriously WTF

Eyeballs yeah. Deserved what he did after
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Who is funding these protests in the US and unrest in general?

Qatar. Who sees itself as part of the Muslim brotherhood.

This report lays out the way that Qatar is operating a war-chest with between $500 Billion – $1 Trillion USD of assets and growing, to affect soft power in the west – including the U.S.’ prestigious universities.

That's an awful lot of money to have. Billions to US universities, buy up media and lobbying firms. No wonder university administrators suffered a lack of moral clarity when it came to clearing out the encampments. All these protests had lots of money backing them. And the professors too. These are not organic or natural protests. They are fully paid for.

Who is Israel fighting. Hamas, a group that considers itself an affiliate of the Muslim brotherhood.

There I was thinking that this was some future threat to deal with but it turns out we've had to deal with the Muslim brotherhood not so long ago and it's a pity the government caved.

Remember the Nupur Sharma affair?

Whereas in the west these people have to resort to bribing here they hold our expatriates to ransom. That's why the government caved.

This lot want to break the friendly relations between India and the gulf. So the Muslim brotherhood is an evil group that needs to monitored and defeated. They were ousted from Egypt under gulf encouragement because they threaten the governments of Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, UAE & Saudi.

In the Arab countries the MB resorts to violence which is why it's been kicked out of most of them only to take up refuge in Qatar. A country that in 2017 was blocaded by the Saudis & Emiratis. Qatar is a country that plays both sides and will get it's fingers burnt sooner or later.
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To preface my reply below: I am currently attending one of the US universities which until very recently had an encampment.
All these protests had lots of money backing them. And the professors too. These are not organic or natural protests. They are fully paid for.
Since you are so sure, could you kindly connect me to the person(s) in charge of disbursing funds for the protests and sit-ins? My friends and I were wholly unaware of this and I am sure they will appreciate receiving money for their efforts as much as I will :D

Looking forward receiving this monetary compensation you speak about, thanks so much for the info :D
Will also ask my profs. who they were being funded by and try to get contacts, because money is totally the reason all of us were/are doing this.

In your worldview there, there appears to be no place for principles or morals for those who you consider "others" and it is purely money that drives these "others". These concepts of morality and principles apply only to yourself and your own ilk/believers, right?
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Since you are so sure, could you kindly connect me to the person(s) in charge of disbursing funds for the protests and sit-ins? My friends and I were wholly unaware of this and I am sure they will appreciate receiving money for their efforts as much as I will :D
This is for Columbia since they hogged all the limelight

Check the isgap link above
Looking forward receiving this monetary compensation you speak about, thanks so much for the info :D
Will also ask my profs. who they were being funded by and try to get contacts, because money is totally the reason all of us were/are doing this.
You know there was a similar exchange from 2010 which should tell you nothing has changed. That is the shocking part.

You should watch the below video to understand who it is you are really supporting

Her reply at the end says it all. Chilling.
In your worldview there, there appears to be no place for principles or morals for those who you consider "others" and it is purely money that drives these "others".
Protests cost money. It means you are not doing what you should be doing.

The participation by people off campus was like 60%. A minority might have the views you espouse. Definitely not the rest.

There was a lot of organisation going on here. Synchronised protests across several countries and this was before Israel even began operations. Who are those people?

They went so far that people in the US understand who this lot are when they see the american flag being taken down and replaced by a Palestinian one. When an American flag is even burned.
These concepts of morality and principles apply only to yourself and your own ilk/believers, right?
No Israeli should ever have to apologise for Israel defending itself. Israel owes the world nothing.

These protests are not pro pal, they are pro Hamas

What morality are you talking about?

If you really cared for the Pals you would have asked for the surrender of Hamas and the unconditional return of the hostages. The war would be over. Isn't that your goal?

But not one 'pro pal' protest ever asks for that. I wonder why :)
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No Israeli should ever have to apologise for Israel defending itself.
Would you say the same about Pakistan also then? What are your views on Pakistan as a state, since both these religious states treat the minority religious groups as second-class citizens with much less rights than the religious majority?
Israel owes the world nothing.
This sentence tells me you are definitely either an excellent troll or have graduated with honors from WhatsApp University. Just one article which shows how much money Israel owes to simply the cotizens of USA alone. And before you say it's "aid", know that no country, much less the USA, is not so naive to simply give $300billion of aid to any country if it doesn't expect something in return (be it intelligence via MOSSAD, technology developed by them, etc).

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck and I am not going to engage further with this conversation as this is not going to go anywhere.
Would you say the same about Pakistan also then? What are your views on Pakistan as a state, since both these religious states treat the minority religious groups as second-class citizens with much less rights than the religious majority?
Your idea of morality means Israel has no right to self defence. They should just take it. For the last two millenia this has been the case for the jews. Everybody loves a dead jew, it's the ones that stand up and return fire that are unacceptable.

Where did you hear Israel treats minorities like second class citizens. Israeli Arabs make up 20% of the population and are represented in the supreme court, in Parliament, in the media and the IDF. Israeli Arabs are more free and have more rights in Israel than they would be in any other Arab or Muslim country.
This sentence tells me you are definitely either an excellent troll or have graduated with honors from WhatsApp University. Just one article which shows how much money Israel owes to simply the cotizens of USA alone. And before you say it's "aid", know that no country, much less the USA, is not so naive to simply give $300billion of aid to any country if it doesn't expect something in return (be it intelligence via MOSSAD, technology developed by them, etc).

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck and I am not going to engage further with this conversation as this is not going to go anywhere.
What is the purpose of this 'aid' ?

It's not money given out of the goodness of American hearts. It's intent is to put a leash on Israel. Change their mindset from an offensive one which is good for them to a defensive one which is bad. But good from a US standpoint in the backdrop of the cold war chessboard.

The US only appears on the scene after the '67 war.

'48,' 56 & '67 had no US involvement in fact US opposition and Israel came out ahead.

In the 70s this so called aid made up half of the IDF' s budget. These days it's not even a sixth.

Under Obama, basic munitions, tank and artillery shells were offered for free. This means no incentive for local ordinance factories to make the same. The Israelis foolishly agreed to this at the time and have had to scramble to get their domestic lines up.

The Israelis want variants of F15's & F16's. They don't need more. No dice, the coupons they get are only good for F35's. I could go on but you get the idea.

To be an US ally is the equivalent of getting strung out on drugs. First few hits are free...

The US also gives aid to the Pals. The police force in Judea & Samaria are funded, armed and trained by the US. Can't say that money went to good use. Nobody ever talks about it.
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What are your views on Pakistan as a state, since both these religious states
Pakistan is a religious state. Israel is a nation/tribal state. Very different.

Membership to the Jewish nation doesn't depend on a belief. If you are born to a Jewish mother, you are a Jew (other people do join the tribe, but it is rare and the process is difficult).

A religious state is a state of perversion. It is unnatural.

Will also ask my profs. who they were being funded by and try to get contacts, because money is totally the reason all of us were/are doing this.


You can verify these numbers from other sources.

My friends and I were wholly unaware of this and I am sure they will appreciate receiving money for their efforts as much as I will :D
In your worldview there, there appears to be no place for principles or morals for those who you consider "others" and it is purely money that drives these "others".
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Five minutes the anchor tried and nothing got through to this student organiser from Leeds. She's not going to let facts get in the way of her cause. No way.

She's had media training and pivots when asked questions.

Encampments circus coming soon to a UK college campus near you.

It's just the coolest thing to do right now :woot:

Divestment isn't as easy as people think. They're all in index funds, hedge funds etc. If these universities pull out some one else will step in to invest. So why do it in the first place?

FWIW, Columbia has outright said no. Big fail there for these protests.

Another from Canada
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She's not going to let facts get in the way of her cause. No way.
The West regularly uses this technique to bully the rest of the world. Although I am on the interviewer's side on the issue, I have no sympathy for her.

If the topic was India, this interviewer would be using the word like 'authoritarianism' and 'fascism' just the way this girl is using 'genocide'. So f%^&k them both.

Europeans stopped searching for truth about 2000 years ago. Since then, public discourse has mostly been about gaining influence and power. For them, the purpose of a conversation is to subdue the opponent and I am glad she didn't succeed.
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Still think these protests aren't externally organised and funded?


If the topic was India, this interviewer would be using the word like 'authoritarianism' and 'fascism' just the way this girl is using 'genocide'. So f%^&k them both.
Talk TV veers towards the right so no. Its the anchors that would be called those who things.

You're thinking instead of a left lib channel. They tend to discuss global issues. Given the present dispensation that is exactly what we will be called

The right of centre are more interested in what happens inside their borders
Although I am on the interviewer's side on the issue, I have no sympathy for her.
What made me sad is could not reason with this student. So don't bother with these kids because they ain't listening.

What kind of students are these?
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How important are these protests for US students among other concerns?


It's like ninth in the list of issues.

Just 13% think so. Of which only 8% took part. But you wouldn't think that given the publicity

A large majority (81%) of students support holding protesters accountable, agreeing with the notion that those who destroyed property or vandalized or illegally occupied buildings should be held responsible by their university, per the survey.

  • A majority also said they oppose the protest tactics: 67% say occupying campus buildings is unacceptable and 58% say it's not acceptable to refuse a university's order to disperse.
  • Another 90% said blocking pro-Israel students from parts of campus is unacceptable.

Quite revealing
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Palestinians and their supporters will say that they are the weaker power as dispossessed peoples against the might of Israel and its blank check backing by the biggest military in the world. They have no substantial military presence, and nowhere to run to and are being slaughtered.

Israel and supporters will point to them being the sole Jewish state in the world, a world which has historically tried to exterminate them again and again, and also the sole democracy in the middle East. And in this case, responding to an awful attack in the only way they know how to survive. And they are against the weight of the entire Islamic world which either tacitly or explicitly supports Palestinians and is much more populous and wealthy than them.

**Of course you will choose one of those sides**. But that is actually a value judgement, rather than a clear factual reflection of who is being abused by a stronger power.
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Meanwhile in Amsterdam... they're using bulldozers to clear out these squatters :)

These are supposed to be Dutch students but they protest in English and shout at the Dutch cops in English. Interesting.

All for the cameras. They've been coached too.

Slowly we see the money moving to where the action is. The US is out, Europe is next.
Palestinians and their supporters will say ...
There are no Palestinians. The Palestine nation is as fake (or real) as the nation of Pak.

What kind of students are these?
Hard to blame her.

The basic structure of her argument is same as that used by the guardians of European morality. I.e. "x is true because I BELIEVE x is true, and if you do not BELIEVE x is true you are an evil person."

Europeans wrote this script when they dropped Socrates' "all I know is that I know nothing" and choose "I know everything" instead.
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I am expecting lawsuits by irate Jewish parents against high fee paying universities for not doing enough to protect their children. That is when who is behind these protests will come out.

This is a long distance one
This is such a bogus argument. Just because someone didn't raise their voice in the past shouldn't be allowed to raise it in the future.
Why now? Why so many? In different countries?

When there was no noise before. I don't remember any college campuses being taken over.

Yeah, no $$$ for those hence hypocrisy
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