I suspect your problem is electrical and not mechanical. I consider the latter more detrimental than the former. Might be counterintuitive but drum not spinning up isn't as bad as it seemsMy Bosch machine which magically worked once yesterday has now bitten the dust. The drum just won't spin up. 9 years of solid service and it's mostly breathed it's last.

Guess what, Bosch is at no disadvantage compared to other brands with electrical provided parts can be had.
How much did that repair cost?I once had to avail their customer support back in January' 2020 when the front control pod PCB was malfunctioning in the same washing machine
News to me. Visiting charges might cost a little more with Bosch than with Koreans but my impression is service has been relatively decent at least in tier-1 cities. None of the two posts (all i can see without being a quora member) specify where they live and only those with issues have posted.Came across this thread on Quora as well about the woes of Bosch's after sales service:
How is your experience with Bosch appliances and their warranty?
I think you should try more with Bosch before throwing in the towelAnyways, I won't be calling the Bosch CC up anymore
Reason being the bolded bit. A 9 year old machine is all buttons and more durable. All machines these days regardless of brand come with touchscreens. Given the high humidity you have then touch screen issues will occur within five years regardless of which brand you I have made up my mind to jump ship and get me a new washing machine. 9 years and it's about damn time I did!
Also I find 9 years to be rather short to replace a machine. Twelve to fifteen maybe but even then if it can be fixed no need to replace.
Put off the replacement cost for as long as possible. If it turns out the repair is no more than 5k then how does it make sense to buy a new machine?I'm currently debating between these two options:
LG 8 Kg - FHM1408BDW
Samsung 9 kg - WW90T4040CB1TL
@blr_p : You would recommend the above LG right between the two?
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