Search results

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    CPU/Mobo LGA775 Mobo reqd

    That ASUS Mobo looks good, but the problem is also that its ASUS (and thus Rashi's service :().
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    Graphic Cards Problem with PC

    If that's in centigrade I dont think its normal.
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    CPU/Mobo LGA775 Mobo reqd

    Hmm... thanks. I was also looking up more on the Intel Chipsets and looks like the Q45 would be the best of the lot (of my available choices). Does anyone have any recommendations on good available brands for this?
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    CPU/Mobo LGA775 Mobo reqd

    Hi, I am looking to get a new motherboard for my Quad Core Q6600, DDR2 rig. Main criteria is that it should be reliable and preferably one with onboard graphics as it appears my ASUS mobo has given out on me. Any recommendations on motherboards for this?
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    Bing using google search :p

    The title is very misleading. From it I thought this was about Bing using a background Google search and returning a result, but the results are from data gathered from users opting to send their search results of other search engines to Bing. I think that if Bing search improves to a point...
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    Graphic Cards GPU question: Integrated vs Dedicated

    So then the max number of monitors we can accommodate would be 2 (considering that most GPU's come with 2 ports)?
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    Graphic Cards GPU question: Integrated vs Dedicated

    Hi, If I get a Mobo with on-board graphics and then add an independent GPU. Would I be able to use switch between their usage while running the PC to help save power with the onboard (for normal usage) and the Dedicated GPU (when gaming etc.)? Or is this not possible and depends on the OS? TIA
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    Mac OS Current state of HackinTosh, how well does mac os work on PC?

    Hey. On thinking about it, running it on a VM would be cool for me too. Can you please let me know how to go about this?
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    CPU/Mobo Motherboard prices set to climb in 2011, says Asustek executive!

    Also how the heck is China having a labour shortage? :huh:
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    CPU/Mobo System weirdness - Part II

    Is OCCT CPU available for Ubuntu? I was only able to find a windows exe for this.
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    Mac OS Current state of HackinTosh, how well does mac os work on PC?

    Could someone let me know if my rig (in sig) would be able to run this? Also please PM (if cannot post here) on how I can get this to work on a PC.
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    CPU/Mobo System weirdness - Part II

    Did you mean this one? The one I currently have is this
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    CPU/Mobo System weirdness - Part II

    I had replaced the HDD about 2 months back as my earlier one was not being detected (this happened around the time the UPS issue was going on). Anyway by HDD check did you mean the Chkdsk?
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    CPU/Mobo System weirdness - Part II

    Ok. I'm on a mission now. Thanks aman. Will try these out on this weekend and post back. All this is making we want to actually learn hardware debugging now :), but first things first. BTW my UPS is a APC 1100 VA BRI one.
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    CPU/Mobo System weirdness - Part II

    Ok, this problem is back now so it clearly isn't anything to do with heat or dust now. However I've now observed that this happens only during the night mainly (that is also the time when I'm home). So I am beginning to think it is related to power supply from the mains / UPS. My APC UPS did...
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    Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

    Hi Folks, Any X10 owners here? Would like to get some feedback on the Xperia X10 as am planning to get it for a friend as a gift? Is this a good choice for 20K?
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    PC Peripherals Convince me to buy a pc. Or Not.

    Since you're not sure if you want to get a PC at the moment, I would recommend not getting one until you need to. As hardware keeps getting outdated pretty fast now.
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    Getting a Multimeter

    Hi, I would like to get a multimeter and try checking out some voltages on some of my electronic equipment to see if there are voltage problems in the supply. I am a complete noob to this and would like some advice / suggestions on what to look for in a multimeter when buying one and the cost...
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    Android 3.7 inch Cheapest phone......Motorola Defy where r u ???

    Wouldn't recommend Motorola phones for Android. Motorola will frustrate you in the long run.
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    CPU/Mobo System weirdness - Part II

    Well... I just cleaned out everything, motherboard, CPU and whole cabinet. There was lots of dust everywhere. Anyway now, everything seems to be working fine. Lets hope it stays this way. :hap2: