Search results

  1. Saiyan

    SGS3 or One XL

    Ok i badly need a mobile and i need it really fast, more like tomorrow. My GNex got screwed in rain. SGS3 LTE with 2GB ram is out here in SG but i suspect it'll be too costly. Kindly help me choose :)
  2. Saiyan

    Motorola droid razr maxx or Sony Xperia S ?

    Guys, can you help me decide between these two ? From the looks of it the Xperia S seems to be faster, got a higher resolution and a very good camera (not that i care). Whereas maxx got a badass battery. A bit confused on what to take ?
  3. Saiyan

    Buying Galaxy S3 (under contract in SG), Good idea ?

    Am planning to get the SGS 3 under the contract. StarHub*-* Promotions *-* Mobile *-* The new Samsung Galaxy S III Under contract (2 years) the mobile comes to 498$ and monthly i'll be paying about 43$. Currently i am using prepaid plan @ an average of 30$ per month. You guys can check other...
  4. Saiyan


    Microsoft Xbox 360 4GB Kinect & Samsung 32D550 His Games Halo 3 Halo 3 : ODST Halo Reach Gears of War 2 Gears of War 3 Alan Wake Dance Central Too Human Forza 2 Kinect Adventures testing edit :23: Click here to view the gallery.
  5. Saiyan

    Recommend Laptop for 1100 SGD

    Looking to buy a Laptop in Singapore next week. Require recommendation for the same. What's your Budget? SGD 1100 What will be your primary usage for the notebook be? Heavy browsing, casual gaming, general college purpose. What size and weight considerations do you have? 14" preferred, 15"...
  6. Saiyan

    Headphone, IEM and mp3 player recommendation required

    I'll be moving out to do my PG next month. So require recommendation on buying the said devices. Headphone Budget - ~6k Requirement : Tighter bass, finer details. Currently using Audio Technica AD700. I don't mind buying the same but looking at other alternatives if possible. Will be using...
  7. Saiyan

    Non Tech/ General hot deals thread

    Alright, i see too many threads here being started for some small small non tech things like toothpaste, brush, soap etc.. From here on stick to this thread for posting such deals. Separate threads won't be entertained.
  8. Saiyan

    Happy birthday bottle!

    Many more happy returns of the day bro Treat please
  9. Saiyan

    HTC One Series Thread

    HTC One Series Was browsing around for the details wrt the upcoming HTC One Series, particularly the HTC One X model which will feature the Tegra 3 processor. Since there is no dedicated thread here, starting one. Official Page Detailed Specification HTC One X | HTC One S | HTC One V One...
  10. Saiyan

    TE BF3 Competition

    Like discussed in the other thread, we are trying to organize a BF3 competition for you guys. So those of you who are interested kindly post in this thread. Later on we can form a team and go ahead further. We'll accept participants till 1st of March. #Aman27deep will be helping the staff...
  11. Saiyan

    Car & Bike Vehicle: Yamaha FZ Special Edition (2009)

    Name: Yamaha FZ Special Edition (2009) Date Added: 12 January 2012 - 09:24 PM Owner: Saiyan Short Description: Only 1000 units were made with this special color scheme. Very good bike for city ride. Strictly no pillion rider unless its a hot chick. My Pussy Mobile. <acronym...
  12. Saiyan

    Article [Canon Poweshot G1 X]

    Canon has introduced a new model with a larger sensor to its Powershot series today. With the 1.5 - inch 14.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor Powershot S1 X can capture higher quality images. The G1 X joins (but doesn't replace) the G12, which previously held the title as the company's largest...
  13. Saiyan

    Article [New technologies unleashed at CES 2012]

    Some new interesting technologies were up for show in the latest edition of the International Consumer Electronic Show at Las Vegas. Waterproof smartphone coatings, diet-aiding armbands, 3D printing app and a social network that warns drivers of the latest police speed-traps were the few of them...
  14. Saiyan

    Review : Asus PA246Q - 24" IPS Eye candy

    Asus PA246Q Introduction I still remember the day when I moved from my CRT desktop monitor to my first LCD Screen. It was a TN panel and my impression was of washed out colors compared to the CRT. Later I came across IPS panels and since then I have been fascinated by IPS technology and...
  15. Saiyan

    PC Peripherals Details on PSU Manufacturing process required

    Hey Guys, I'd like to know some details on how the power supply Units are manufactured by the major players in this field. Like for example does Antec/Corsair outsource their manufacturing to the OEM companies like Delta or do they license the design from them and manufacture it in their own...
  16. Saiyan

    Halo 3 & ODST

    Guys, Anyone got Halo 3 & GeOW 2 for sale ? Must be in a good condition. Post a picture here. Needs to be shipped to chennai. Will transfer through HDFC or ICICI. Let me know your offer.
  17. Saiyan

    Wifi N Router Required

    Looking for a Wifi router which can provide a good range. Already have a wifi router given by Airtel but sadly it's range sucks big time. So planning it to use it as a ADSL Modem and connect a wifi N router to it. Router will be in the first floor and it has to pass 3 walls and reach a room...
  18. Saiyan

    HTC HD2 - Require help with installing the Android OS

    My friend has a HTC HD2 and looking at installing Android OS in the same. Anyone has done it over here ? I checked this and suggested the same - [29 APR][CWM ZIP]★★★★★HyperDroid-CM7-v2.0.1[a2sd+][CyanogenMod7 LEO 2.3.3][Tytung_R9] - xda-developers Better clarity and inputs are...
  19. Saiyan

    Building a Demo PC w/ corsair products - Requesting inputs (For Delta Peripherals)

    Hi Guys. Got a mail from Delta Peripherals, Chennai. They are building a Demo PC to showcase the corsair products in their showroom. So requesting your inputs for the same. Requirements as given below. -Following peripherals has to be from Corsair. Memory (Corsair Vengence 4GB...
  20. Saiyan

    Devdef-Full Body Protector for ZTE Blade- 2Nos.

    Hi Guys, Bought this Full Body protector for the ZTE blade on 20th January. Ordered extra by mistake. I totally forgot to put it on sale, was inside the sealed envelope it came in till today.Got reminded by varkey's FS thread :P Images [attachment=7857:14054.attach] Price Rs.450 per set...