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    Graphic Cards 8800 GTS freezes whenever I play any 3d app.

    mmmm... WinXP runs in DX9L mode... Try a Service Pack/VGA Driver update and call me in the morning...
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    Most emotionally appealing storyline(s)

    Shadow of Colossus was simply epic. Got a lot of dislike for the Combine in HL2
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    Freakingly awesome CSS video!

    Haha Those terrorists on CSS must have some nice stuff...
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    OC & Modding Correct way for mounting hard disk cooler?

    mmm tasty tasty duct tape mounting... PCB side I think. That's a pretty HDD cooler you've got there. Seems a bit confusing though...
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    OC & Modding Q6600 hits 4ghz

    Sweetness of da OC...
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    Graphic Cards DX 10.1 out , not compatible with DX 10

    Hey, everybody! First post in a while and guess what-it's about how stupid microsoft is! So they decided to make a newer version of their newest and it isn't backwards compatible! BTW, MR. ED IS ON MUSHROOMS! THATS HOW HE CAN TALK!
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    UPCOMING POPULAR titles for PC.. check it out.. u will be happy

    upgrades... upgrades... upgrades... gonna need a 640 meg 8800gts, an Opty180, and another stick of RAM... and... that's way over my budget.
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    Gears of War for PC/Movie

    hmmm... I hear that DX10 is based off of the Xbox360 so... I didn't really like the game for 360 to tell the truth, and I usally don't like the control setup on most ported games (DMC3, Biohazard4). We'll see...
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    Post your CSS nicknames here

    Kao-tick I had another for a while, but it's time passed. BTW, AWP IS AMAZINGLY CHEAP AND YOU SHOULDN'T USE IT!!! :@ :@ :@ Use the Scout. It takes more skill. This is the first post in my life that I have used smilies... I just feel so strongly about it that I have to do it!
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    OC & Modding Post your overclocks !

    Does anyone know what the voltage tolerance on Venice is? I'm afraid to take it above 1.5500.
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    OC & Modding finally..a complete cooling

    San Diego cores can get up to 2.7-2.9. Higher with good cooling. My Venice 3200 can go up to 2.65 fairly easily with the RAM down and a 9.5 multi. (I'm no longer having trouble with my OC)
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    Graphic Cards Upgrade possibilities...

    Tell me what you think of this upgrade idea: Current system: Abit an8 32x 939 board (keeping) Athlon 64 3200+ clocked @ 2.45 Gskill 1GB DDR400 cl2-3-2 @ DDR 333 (DDR 412) 2x Geforce 7600GT 520 watt Kingwin PSU Occasionally I take the CPU up to 2.65 by taking down the RAM to DDR 266. (it...
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    Graphic Cards AMD talks R700

    Perhaps they are going through the same phase that nvidia went through with the FX cards. Thats a scary thought for amd...
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    Graphic Cards Does is make sense to replace 7600GS with 8600GT/GS?

    8800 GTS is probably best price/performance out there now. hd2900 series are out at $400+. If you're wanting a mid-range card you can wait for the rest of the HD2xxx series.
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    Graphic Cards R600 News Thread

    I dunno... I would hope to see some improvement over nv cards after postponing it for so long even with early drivers. 320 stream proccys/512 interface? I should hope its a driver problem otherwise I'm going to worry for AMD.
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    Graphic Cards NVIDIA overclocking,tweaking and cooling....All info you need.

    Geforce 7x? 8x? I know nothing about 8x series OC'ing as I've never seen it first hand.
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    OC & Modding Post your overclocks !

    I finally got my 3200+ to 2.57Ghz (2.02 stock) with RAM @ DDR266 (around 333 effective I think) 990 cpu score 3dmark06 Pics are on home computer WHICH STILL DOESN'T GET INTERNET! I'm always amazed at the ocs on c2ds
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    Need some serious advice..

    Stress makes a big distraction which can be made worse by taking too many classes or taking on too many projects at once. Try talking to your boss (if you think he'll understand your problem) if that won't work slow down with your studies a little. mushrooms can help you clear your head if...
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    Graphic Cards is 8600 the right choice?

    I thought that I heard 320 stream proccys for 2800xtx (maybe 2900?) of course it'll start at around $600. R600 is the base core specification R650 is also in development. The 2900 is 65nm R600 with -320 Stream proccys -512 bit interface -115gb/s memory bandwidth The 2400 is 65nm RV610 with...