
  1. S

    FS: Games PS2 Games( Okami,Persona ,Onimusha, FF series,RnC etc) ( 3 Games Available)

    Selling many of my Ps2 games. Entire Collection Sold to @V!bU . Only Getaway and both FF Games Remaining . Shipping Rs 60 extra for each game. okami ( Ntsc u/c) Rs Sold. Onimusha 1 ( ntsc u/c) Rs Sold Onimusha Dawn of dreams (Pal) Sold Final Fantasy 12 (ntsc u/c) Rs 1000 Final Fantasy X-2...
  2. S

    FS: Games 6 Big Posters Gaming ( Framed) -(Kolkata)MGS, TR,Heavy Rain

    Hi, Selling some of my Collected Posters I got from buying first hand Video Games as promotion and some getting printed in High Quality. They were all Framed and have been kept very well. Very minor signs of fade in wooden part of frames . Otherwise all still good as new. Some Never even got...
  3. M

    FS: Games PS4 Games - GTA V, Watch Dogs 2, PUBG

    Product Name: PS4 Games - GTA V, Watch Dogs 2, PUBG. Expected Price: GTA V - Rs. 750, Watch Dogs 2 - Rs. 500, PUBG - Rs. 500. Shipping charges: Rs. 50 per disc or Rs. 100 for all three. Description if any: All the discs in excellent condition. Reason for Sale: Not required...
  4. S

    FS: Games (Sold) Jak And Daxter - all 3 games -Ps2

    Selling Jak and Daxter collection all 3 games. 1,2,3 Jak 1 comes with Poster thing. Jak 3 is pal.copy rest 2 ntsc u/c Jak 2 box is little broken. Rs 600 each. Plus shipping Rs 60 Buy all 3 for 1500 plus shipping. I do not have means to check the games if they are working. But otherwise they...
  5. S

    FS: Games (Sold)Ps2 Games for Collectors- MGS The Essenti Collection + MGS2 and MGS3

    Selling Sold to @prakhargr8 Payment Received. Ps2 ( ntsc u/c ) games Mgs2 ( pal) Metal Gear Solid The Essential Collection Contains all 3 games. Plus MGS3 Plus MGS2 it comes with bonus dvd. Rs 4.7k shipped for entire collection. For Separate purchase MGSthe essential collection -2700 Mgs2...
  6. S

    FS: Games (Sold)Final Fantasy VIII (Psone Game) for collectors

    Selling ff8 -1100 +50 Sold to @V!bU Psone game Ntsc u/c Can give my( little broken at the back Steelbool ff13 )with this game for Rs 1500 plus shipping. This was for collection And never played...
  7. S

    FS: Games [Sold]Psone Games (Ntsc u/c) for collectors.

    Want to sell psone games collectors. Dino Crisis 2 -700 FFIX- 800 VRally- 300 Chrono Cross -600 Buy All for Rs 2k . Conditions Chrono cross may not work at all as I remember it had lot of issues.And its cover is broken. Ff9 and Dino crisis 2 were literally bought for collection back in...
  8. R

    Should i buy ps4 or play in cafe for exclusives?

    Heres the list of games i wanna play: Bloodborne Shadow of the colossus The last guardian The last of us remastered Uncharted 4 Uncharted nathan drake bundle Marvels Spiderman God of War Ghost of Tsushima The last of us 2 It will take me exactly 227 hrs to play all of these titles. What are...
  9. K

    FS: Games FS 3 PS3 GAMES CHEAP(wwe 13, dead space and godfather)

    Dead Space 200 Wwe 13 300 Godfather Dons Edition 500 Take all together for 700. Looking for quick sale. Battlefield 3 250 @RedCardRef Splinter Cell Blacklist @RedCardRef Assassins Creed Americas saga (3, Black flag and liberation) 400 on hold Riddick 250 @prakhargr8 Wwe 12 @RedCardRef...
  10. S

    FS: Games [Sold]5 Ps3 Games For just 1500 -

    All Sold To RedCardRef. Payment received. Will ship soon. Otherwise Selling 5 Ps3 games for Rs 400 each. ( God of war 3, Rnc : Tools of destruction, infamous 2, heavy rain, Xcom) Shipping Rs 60 extra.( indian speed post) Buy all for just Rs 1500( thats one game free) shipping Rs 100 extra...
  11. rkkaranrk

    FS: Consoles PS 4 Slim 1 TB

    PS 4 Slim 1 TB (Firmware Version 7.51) 3.5 month old but was used for less then 20 hours comes with 1 wireless controller, Hdmi cable, Power cable and box and 2 Game CDs. I'm not able to find the invoice but I do have a picture of it will take a print out get it signed and stamped from the...
  12. C

    Best games of 2019?

    What are your best games of 2019? Mine are : Metro exodus (mainly for pushing my hardware to the limit and the story) Control ( plays with your mind ) Gears 5
  13. boss.bhavesh2

    FS: Consoles Nintendo switch for sale!

    Hey guys, selling my Nintendo switch with all accessories and box. Accessories are like new. Console has some scratches on body and screen. Screen scratches aren’t visible after applying a tempered glass screen protector except two dock scratch marks on both sides. Zero issues functionality...
  14. walibaa

    FS: Games Marvel SpiderMan & PUBG for PS4

    unopened Sealed Unit of SpiderMan and PUBG for PS4 is available at 40% discount. Spiderman at 2400 and PUBG at 1200 or both at 3300 shipped.
  15. samiryadav

    FS: Games Resident Evil 2, @1750

    For Sale !Hi, i am selling . 1.Devil May Cry™ 5 - Steam --sold to @prakhargr8 2.Resident Evil™ 2 - Steam sold to Debaditya 3.Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2 - Ubisoft --- Sold to Akash These are genuine and received as AMD rewards. Selling because i do not play games. Product Name, Manufacturers...
  16. A

    FS: Games Bunch of PC Games

    I have a bunch of PC Games for sale, all of which are digital codes to be redeemed on Steam. Selling because I already own them, and received extra copies through gifts / subscriptions Just Cause 3 XXL Edition : Rs 350 Wizard of Legend: Rs. 150 Mega Man Legacy Collection: Rs. 200 Seven: The...
  17. 6

    Linux A large amount of games on Steam are coming to Linux

    Source: Reddit thread on this:
  18. 6

    Linux Lutris - open source gaming platform for GNU/Linux.

    Source: Lutris Open Gaming Platform I don't game at all, but i keep hearing that this is the better version of getting games to run on linux now. seems to be better than even PlayonLinux.
  19. A

    FS: Games Uncharted 4 & Uncharted: Lost Legacy

    Hello Guys, Look to selling these two games. Finished both of them, played them once. Open to even trades for another PS4 games. If someone has God of war, that'll be great! But, anyway, have invoices for both. Purchased from amazon. Asking Uncharted 4: 1k Uncharted Lost Legacy: 1.5k...
  20. A

    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    This thread shall be dedicated for ongoing game deals on Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG etc - daily deals, weekend deals, holiday sales all goes here! :) Buy Lost Planetâ„¢: Extreme Condition Weekend Deal - 75% Off link Lost Planetâ„¢: Extreme Condition on Steam