A Few Of My Recent Purchases

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Guys, Stop..please..
arguments like these will result to nothing..

No one will accept their fault or try to understand what the other is trying to say(just a forum tiff fact)..

sushrukh said:
Ask your respected Mods , why did they delete all the posts which were posted in public in support of me ? If they were right , why they had to delete all those posts by the senior members ? Truths CAN NOT BE suppressed even if you try to.

Me said:
Posts were deleted because you were advertising your services all over the forum - in the Feedback section and in your show-off thread. There is a place for advertising, and feedback corner/show-off section is not it.

You seem to be confusing 'support' with 'quote requests' which is all the posts/PMs really are.

Once again, Feedback section is for Feedback.. not for support, not for asking for quotes.



sushrukh said:
I got the reply from a Mod that , " You can't make an IC thread just now because you are NOT a Dealer & you need to pay either 6500/- for 6 months or 12000/- in advance for a year just to get a Dealership.

sushrukh said:
I was re-directed to the DP rules where it is written that you need to pay 6500/- for 6 months or 12000/- for 1 year in advance.

These are both quotes by YOU. Why is there a HUGE difference in the 1st and 2nd quote?

In any case you were directed to DP (by me) to inform you that advertising outside DP is not allowed.

You seem to hide behind claims like money, politics(?!), etc. Have you never been rejected?

Once again good luck, we're done with the issue.

P.s.: There's no need to hide the usernames in your PM. Its not difficult to figure out who they are and neither are we that petty to ban them or infract them for what happens in private.

So manusag and dr.sankhadeep, have no fear :lol:
Good purchases. Awesomeness. Dealers using showoff section to showoff their meets with celebs or their bulk orders? Not cool- not cool at all.
avi said:
what was the reason they gave you for not accepting your request to sell as normal member ??

I think there is a bit of confusion about this.

There is no such thing as selling as a normal member.

We only have a Hot Deals section where a member can organise a [GO] on behalf of a dealer.

A dealer cannot organise a [GO] in this section.

We understand there is a loophole in that proxy dealers can sometimes operate through here which is why we have a [GO] limit of 1 per month per dealer source.

Usually most members report if there is something suspicious happening and we look into it.
^^ Ok if we are really done with the issue.Thank You for not helping/trusting me. ;)

The Sorcerer said:
Good purchases. Awesomeness. Dealers using showoff section to showoff their meets with celebs or their bulk orders? Not cool- not cool at all.
You kidding right ? I am NOT a dealer here.Just like a normal person like you & those were NOT any order.They were for my personal use. ;)

avi said:
Hmm. May be this can solve it ?
You can see they said it's over & they won't allow me to share anything here.That was the reason i thought i would never come back here because where you don't get any support from the authority & respect as a normal human being , you should not be there. ;)
@eddy - I get this. and thank you for replying :)

@sushruk - I think normal members who are selling, won't make profit. May be thats why they are not letting you.
@ Sushruk - You know what's wrong with all this? You display image!!! -- its of that stuttering,retarded,useless,hopeless,talentless cretin! Change your display picture to something/someone else and you will find all your problems solved over night!
sunny27 said:
@ Sushruk - You know what's wrong with all this? You display image!!! -- its of that stuttering,retarded,useless,hopeless,talentless cretin! Change your display picture to something/someone else and you will find all your problems solved over night!

You guys will not have to bother about me/avatar much because i will not bother you anymore.

All i could just say a talentless person can't have 4.5 Billion fans worldwide.I don't want to start a Khan flame war now.Its' already enough. :D

Please let me stay on topic.

Thank You.
Damn he has 4.5 billion fans ? Surely there can't be 4.5 billion sheep inhabiting our planet?
Anyways because of the flooding of OT , this thread has been moved to the Off Topic section from the Show Off Section. ;)
OMG! you just now said that the person in your previous avatar was your inspiration and your not going to change that and within seconds you delete that part of the post and change your avatar! Iam seriously amazed.
^^isn't that a good thing now? See! i told you after changing your avtar good things would start happening! I am the resident psychic!! Now get hold of some Pussy Energy drink and watch how new business ideas come flooding to you!! (google Pussy Energy Drink)
Sushrukh: let me clarify an important point, your dealership was refused because we are not comfortable with the business model. this has got nothing to do with you personally, KMD was doing a very good job till his model was busted, we have burnt our fingers once. We will be wary the next time. You putting your belongings as collateral will also not change our belief of a shaky business model. Sorry, but its not going to happen here again.
I think he did that thinking they might take him in then:rofl:

I really dont like the way he deleted that part of the post, as if trying to hide it.

@shushrukh: Dont flame me, Iam just saying it is not a nice way to deal with things and you have the right to not care about my comment. Please utilise that.

sunny27 said:
^^isn't that a good thing now? See! i told you after changing your avtar good things would start happening! I am the resident psychic!! Now get hold of some Pussy Energy drink and watch how new business ideas come flooding to you!! (google Pussy Energy Drink)
sushrukh said:
I am not in the mood of arguing anymore specially with the ^^ person.He has single handedly destroyed or tried to destroy my initiative in both the places & my friends from these 2 forums have suggested me to avoid him at any cost.

Some people always gets happy to bring others down no matter if there are any personal benefits or not.I hate these type of hypocrites & will always try to avoid them for my own sake.

Looks like some people either can't read or have very poor eyesight.The PMs from the senior members can already be seen on the earlier page if the Mods have not deleted them already.AND I AM TALKING ABOUT PMs IN THIS FORUM , NOT IN ANY OTHER FORUM.DO U HAVE - 20 Power on your eyes ?


With constraint i am not used to i am typing this.

Next time u type such dumb/personal shit i am reporting ur ass for abuse. Got that?

There are lot of things that i want to say. i usually do. but something says u dont need that now.

Learn to read and understand the post. understand the tone of the post.

I see u appreciate only posts that support ur sorry ass. Any criticism, u shake like a jelly.

And i didnt know that u dont understand english. I-TOLD-ADMIN-TO-DELETE-MY-POSTS. U can use google translate if u want. if u want u can always ask him.
pranaywhiz said:
OMG! you just now said that the person in your previous avatar was your inspiration and your not going to change that and within seconds you delete that part of the post and change your avatar! Iam seriously amazed.
The reason is , i am unable to handle more of the arguments.You guys are active here.I am still being considered an untrustworthy guy.So, i have to agree with everything you guys will ask me to do.

Aces170 said:
Sushrukh: let me clarify an important point, your dealership was refused because we are not comfortable with the business model. this has got nothing to do with you personally, KMD was doing a very good job till his model was busted, we have burnt our fingers once. We will be wary the next time. You putting your belongings as collateral will also not change our belief of a shaky business model. Sorry, but its not going to happen here again.
It's OK.If you want to believe every people is like same , i can't argue with that.You guys are the boss here & if you think i'm the latest version of the KMD episode , then i don't have anything to say.You maybe right from your point of view and i am from my point of view.Though if requested , i was ready to provide all my credentials to the authority like my PAN card photographs , my residential proofs , my Phone number etc but when you are NOT being able to trust me since the start , why should i request you ? I never thought before applying here that , you will not be able to believe me just because a complete different person did a mistake.Anyways , Thank You.

pranaywhiz said:
I think he did that thinking they might take him in then:rofl:

I really dont like the way he deleted that part of the post, as if trying to hide it.

@shushrukh: Dont flame me, Iam just saying it is not a nice way to deal with things and you have the right to not care about my comment. Please utilise that.
I said above why i changed that & i hided that because i don't like when people abuse him.So, it's better not to talk/discuss about it.Also i did not want any more arguments on that topic.It's my personal matter & i don't feel like discussing it with people who will abuse me and/or him in public.

I never flamed anyone.See all the posts in this thread from the start & you will see who have started this.

Thank You.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

m-jeri said:
with constraint i am not used to i am typing this.next time u type such dumb/personal shit i am reporting ur ass for abuse. Got that?
I don't give a damn about your reporting you smart ass you got that ? I don't talk to Nonsense people LIKE YOU whose only work is to criticize people for no god damn reason.

Get the hell outta my thread.

I don't know English ? Prove that here or get the hell out of this thread.I could care less about your shitty comments.Do you get that ?

I reported your post by the way.
I am sure the mods are here.. they ll be the better judge of nonsense posts. and oh yea please dont pm me begging me for support/shit like in other forum. i hit delete usually.

I thank the people responsible for not letting people like this to conduct business here.
^^ Also people like you don't deserve to be anywhere actually.I generally like to avoid dumb-asses at any cost.And who the hell do you think you are exactly ? Though i personally did not like the Mod's decision to not allow me because i know from my heart that i'm not a fraud or something.But i have no power/control here & i won't be begging to appoint me as a dealer.I have tried to make them understand that , i am not a fake person & it would have been helpful but if they can't allow me at any cost , well what can i say ?

But that in no way means i will tolerate hypocrite people like you.And you said i don't know English ? Everyone in India knows the style of the English speaking of the place where you live.So, don't force me to go there.

Don't ever try to become a Mod or an Admin because you are just a normal person without any knowledge & lots of shittz filled in your head.

This is a public thread.Don't go personal.Do not think if you continue your bashing towards me (like you did in E & got all your posts deleted by Admin) i will remain quiet.


GOT THAT ? Now mind your own damn business kid.

Thank You.
avi said:
@sushruk - I think normal members who are selling, won't make profit.

You'll be surprised (and I'll be surprised that you will be surprised if you're surprised) but we had cases where people bought stuff from people who sell their not-so-old hardware in a very cheap price (usually the ones who change hardware on their regular business) and after a month, they sold it in a bit higher price than they have bought it.

2 senior members caught such cases red handed, one of them went to the extreme of forging a bill through a dealer he is well acquainted with (that too with a year old product). You'll also be surprised that they come from a financially well built background. TE is attracting the wrong crowd here and the name is getting misused- not just in the forums but outside as well. There's also dealer/sub dealer fanboys here, going to the extent of defending the product their fanlords sell and troll on well-respected (famous and senior is way too overrated) members :P. We even had cases where dealers are known to damage a manufacturer's reputation. Rumour is that one of the good audio earphone stopped distributing to India all thanks to a jhol a dealer did. Another rumour (based on facts) is that some folks import a large bulk without distributor's sticker so dealers conviniently do not mentioned the serial number on the bill. If issue comes, they are referred to the service centre and service centre can't do unless the company authorizes such RMA, in the process damaging the reputation of the company.

Judging by the things how people are doing, its important TE to stand strong when it comes to policy with dealers and all. So far, so good :).
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