A weird question!!!

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Rave said:
Regarding asking me to grow up, I will surely do so sir as soon as i get a sip of that holy water you have in your avatar, unfortunately for me, am not old enough for that just as yet, so growing up has to wait :P
Oh yeah, that's right... not surprised by your behavior now... carry on buddy! My bad :)
Rave said:
that still doesn't answer my question though :P

in anycase, regarding who made me a mod, well am not sure, coz it was so long ago, oh no wait, i remember, i bribed the internal staff :ohyeah:

Regarding asking me to grow up, I will surely do so sir as soon as i get a sip of that holy water you have in your avatar, unfortunately for me, am not old enough for that just as yet, so growing up has to wait :P

^that still doesn't answer my question though
Aww comeon people...........

Dont even talk about techboy.

I see people saying it was funny to read all crap that went into threads made by him.

Comeon, how you dont realise that nutcase wanted exact same thing. He just wants to get attention that way.

Do you think he is that dumb?

He aint, he is being an attention whore who thinks its cool and smart of him to get attention by posting fake stupid posts.

These guys dont deserve to be entertained like this.

Maybe he should start his own forum just to post stupid $#i^
@ Tony Montana 2 - I dont know if you are bluffmaster or not... There is just a simple answer to your question...... You wont be banned if you dont start up ridiculous threads like these/ spam others/ create nuisance of yourself. Thats it.

But its not easy changing the way you interact is it. you can change your way of posting, once, twice but you would come around to the same bend and start posting useless stuff, and then everyone knows who you are.. (eg. Techboi)

@ Rave, this isnt the first time this kind of discussion is taking place, i think we have had enough discussions like these where Mods go on explainig that they arent sasquatches, but i dont think it matters...

@ Rio : Who made him Mod isnt the point, the point is that he is sensible enough to analyze threads and remove the comments and posts that are posted by some members just so that they get known on the fourms, even if its for their stupidity, for being party poopers, the mods have to be that, or else whats gonna happen is that the so called "fallling numbers" point that you just typed out, would happen on a major scale with the overall knowledged member base of the site leaving as the active threads are those that are just going on about why a guy was banned, and why is the mods attitude towards a particular member sore.

How many times have you seen a thread made by techboi with diffrent Id's not ending with the guy asking berserk quesitons...

hell i even blocked him on messenger at times, cause he asked questions such as, " would you read my poem" or "whats the probability of a guy and girl ending up married".
Being stupid once is fun, twice is still ok.. but you go on like this you are bound to become one irritating idiot whom no one want to even discuss about.
I think mods need to show a bit more leniency before they press the 'ban' button...afterall this is a free forum..and people shud b given a chance to redeem themselves..i think he(bluffy) has repeatedly confessed his few minutes of madness tht night on the last movie thread....why is it so hard to forgive him then? Just because he makes a new ID and tells everyone about it, he suddenly becomes eligible for a ban? I mean what if no one ever came to know who he was with his new id..as for the IP explanation, u ppl wud have checked it only if u had any suspicion tht he is Bluffy..rit? Atleast when he is telling u the truth about his identity, u shud atleast let him use his new ID...

Sorry Rave but its like history repeating itself...i am seeing the same thing tht happened in TA happening here now..then u all were the one who protested against sandeep...but now u ppl are doing what u ppl thought, he did then..

I know u very well since TA days and prolly u know me too but i dont use the TA ID here anymore..so u may not recognise me but i see tht u ppl are doing exactly what mods at TA used to do..i wud not give much explanation but i just want u all to think about it..i wud say it again, dont let TE go down the TA way..rest is upto u ppl..
Funky said:
Aww comeon people...........

Dont even talk about techboy.

I see people saying it was funny to read all crap that went into threads made by him.

Comeon, how you dont realise that nutcase wanted exact same thing. He just wants to get attention that way.

Do you think he is that dumb?

He aint, he is being an attention whore who thinks its cool and smart of him to get attention by posting fake stupid posts.

These guys dont deserve to be entertained like this.

Maybe he should start his own forum just to post stupid $#i^

a valid point there is about always targetting techboy, but in this case, he posted such a vague topic, i mean will a gun kill if u shoot from point blank? wth, what if he actually does that and given him i dont doubt that much, who is to blame here...

certainly there are no shortage of nut jobs like these, and a recent incident at Virginia tech is an example of that
@ Tony Montana 2 -

But its not easy changing the way you interact is it. you can change your way of posting, once, twice but you would come around to the same bend and start posting useless stuff, and then everyone knows who you are.. (eg. Techboi)

Dude ... welcome to Earth .... Do u even know me ? Do u follow my history ? Do u know how many times i have been banned ? Do u know how many Crap Threads i have posted ? Do u knw anything ?

Comparing me to Techboi ? I suggest u Read the whole Thread, maybe just maybe then u r gonna get some idea of wat exactly m i talkin abt.

You wont be banned if you dont start up ridiculous threads like these/ spam others/ create nuisance of yourself.

Again get ur facts Right. I spammed , I got banned. Fine , No regrets. Tony Montana didn't spam , he got banned. Why ?

How many times have you seen a thread made by techboi with diffrent Id's not ending with the guy asking berserk quesitons...

hell i even blocked him on messenger at times, cause he asked questions such as, " would you read my poem" or "whats the probability of a guy and girl ending up married".

Being stupid once is ok, twice is fun.. but you go on like this you are bound to become one irritating idiot whom no one want to even discuss about.

I am offended by this. You have no right to call some other person idiot in a public forum. You being a Mod should know that ...lol. I dont care what u think of him , but the person u r talkin abt is one Akshay Talwar and not TechBoi. I Guess he made a mistake by even adding u to his Yahoo. He asks the same questions to me as well .... but i dont shoo him like that , i understand what he is going through and i try and help him in watever way i can. Moreover why does him asking u to read his poems make him an idiot ? :S You have some serious Patience/social issues i guess and i used to wonder why d hell did u put me on Ignore @ Orkut :|
i think he(bluffy) has repeatedly confessed his few minutes of madness tht night on the last movie thread....why is it so hard to forgive him then? Just because he makes a new ID and tells everyone about it, he suddenly becomes eligible for a ban? I mean what if no one ever came to know who he was with his new id..as for the IP explanation, u ppl wud have checked it only if u had any suspicion tht he is Bluffy..rit? Atleast when he is telling u the truth about his identity, u shud atleast let him use his new ID...

actually, it was his own posts that gave him away, and am not here posting to justify the banning of bluffy, all I am saying is that he being a mod at FE knew the proper way to approach for unban instead of creating such a thread in the first place, regarding TA days, difference between then and now is that at TA you would not get such a huge thread with some explaining the reasons, they just posted something xyz and bang thread closed as if shutting the door on your face.
as for the IP explanation, u ppl wud have checked it only if u had any suspicion tht he is Bluffy..rit? Atleast when he is telling u the truth about his identity, u shud atleast let him use his new ID...

The truth behind why they dont go around banning IP address is that IP ban risks banning other users as well, who might come and click the ads all over the site.

actually, it was his own posts that gave him away, and am not here posting to justify the banning of bluffy,

Yes n i did that intentionally , had i not confessed of being bluff~ this thread would'nt have been created !
Tony Montana 2 said:
Dude ... welcome to Earth .... Do u even know me ? Do u follow my history ? Do u know how many times i have been banned ? Do u know how many Crap Threads i have posted ? Do u knw anything ?

Comparing me to Techboi ? I suggest u Read the whole Thread, maybe just maybe then u r gonna get some idea of wat exactly m i talkin abt.

Again get ur facts Right. I spammed , I got banned. Fine , No regrets. Tony Montana didn't spam , he got banned. Why ?
I am offended by this. You have no right to call some other person stupid in a public forum. You being a Mod should know that ...lol. I dont care what u think of him , but the person u r talkin abt is one Akshay Talwar not TechBoi. I Guess he made a mistake by even adding u to his Yahoo. He asks the same question to me .... i dont shoo him like that , i understand what he is going through and i try and help him in watever way i can. You have some serious Patience/social issues i guess and i used to wonder why d ell did u put me on Ignore @ Orkut :|

Thats the whole point ... I am not a MOD... get this fact straight... yes i am a member of staff.. but not a MOD...
Again.. never compared you to techboi, only gave an example of what he did and why he got banned...

Btw.. i Dont know you, i dont really care if i am gonna know you, to tell you the truth, i didnt even go through the whole thread, the first page and the last page are enough.....

You spammed, you got banned, tony montana didnt spammed, but it was you wasnt it... instead of requestin the adming to unban you, why make a new ID, how do i know that you didnt make this ID solely for the purpose of spamming again...
If you want to get back on the forum, why make a new ID..you wont get into a job that you were banned from for some time by changing you looks and reapplying will you.

Actually i have the full right to call anyone anything i like in a public forum, and i am calling him stupid that cause i felt that way, thankfully he isnt on my yahoo or MSN.. he is on Gtalk..

I have serious issues, lol.. i think the people on TE can very well vouch for me being the least of their worries..

As for puttin you on Ignore, i neve put any1 even on block, not even Mr. Akshay Talwar, only blocked him for a day when i was too busy at work, and unblocked him the next day...

Never ignored any1 on orkut dude, just chose not to post replies to people i dont want to...
Thats whats meant by freedom of speech also right....
@ ppl who think Bluff didnt deserve a ban : he was given enough warnings, and still when the spamming didnt stop, he was banned. In his own admittance, he was 'high.' As mods, we cant sit here all day and all night to keep a watch on who goes 'high' n when. Hence his ban.

coming to Tony Montana's ban, Eddy has given the reasons in the other thread, which BM, TM or TM2 gladly seems to have accepted.

and Funky has summed it up nicely as to why TB was and shud be banned.

In the history of TE, apart from TB and Bluff, no other active member has been banned.

And, though a few find the posts of these spammers/trollers amusing, there are quite a few reported (bad) posts highlighting the same. Ban is only the extreme measure taken when things go out of control.

Anyways, enough! Closing thread.
^ Not so fast :P

Bluffmaster said:
Fair enuf .... Then what made u change ur mind ? I mean i certainly behaved quite well .... was living in peace then why this sudden decision. You could have also PMed me this before Banning me ??

Admitted it was out of the blue. Few people brought up the issue today.. asked why you haven't been banned inspite of being on a duplicate ID (there were many threads before asking the same), so i thought no sense beating around the bush and did the needful. And no we dont PM someone before banning them (actually doesnt make sense to PM them - how will they read it :S ). I did put in a reason when giving the Infraction/Ban so assumed you read it.

Bluffmaster said:
Fair enuf .... But why r my friends not allowed to Post ? I dont really get this point. I mean whats the logic behind not banning IP's den ? If you wanna prevent me from posting on TE .... IP ban ... its that simple , Now i have friends .... they have their own ID's , they log in frm my PC and browse .... now dey r not allowed to post just coz dey r posting frm my PC .... is dat Fair ?

In a way actually i was respecting ur Ban , wasn't I ?? I mean not able to Log in to my ID for one month .... dats bad enuf. I accepted the fact that i have been banned for 1 month and moved on. Ofcourse i did create an alternate but then if i wasn't troubling anyone , y the Ban ?

IP bans never work effectively. Reason being most users are on connections with dynamic IP adds. Moreover an IP ban can block a genuine user who later happens to be accessing TE through that IP (a rare but unfortunate coincidence). We've only banned your user ID.. If your friends log in through your PC with their User ID's, i see no reason why they will get blocked?

And no no, when we ban an ID we dont intend for you to create another ID and use it for the time being and 'sacrifice' not being able to log in to that main ID :lol:

Anyway thanks everyone for your comments/feedback, we will definitely think about it.. although i'm disappointed that there was a lot of mod-bashing and railing especially against Rave - for the record, I was the one who banned Tony Montana and Rave as a fellow mod was just sticking out his neck for me. :)
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