A weird question!!!

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imagine is with everyone:P

i hv a feeling a sad mod is gng to hit the ban button on me:ashamed:

I like most of them most of the time but sometimes they appear harsh n too full of themselves...ok il stop..peace:)
vij said:
The mods attitude is annoying to say the least...
sheer high handedness. Wish I cud ban some of these mods n this wud be a very fun democratic place...
what kinda shit is that...
you messed up there dude...

actually vij, i think ull make a good laywer.. its called a metaphor refer to that incase you are still scratching your head :P

anyway point of what i wanted to make there for the people with a little less grey matter is that

you dont get banned easily, infact we ourself refrain from banning ppl for this very same reason, and bluffy has been given more than his fair share of warnings, and hence got banned, ofcoz as nukeu666 posted above aclled reduce time thingy, well no one was stopping him from confronting a mod and asking for the unban giving a good reason instead of creating an alternate id and again posting BS with that, after he himself is a mod at FE, he should know better.
Rave said:
actually vij, i think ull make a good laywer.. its called a metaphor refer to that incase you are still scratching your head :P

anyway point of what i wanted to make there for the people with a little less grey matter is that

you dont get banned easily, infact we ourself refrain from banning ppl for this very same reason, and bluffy has been given more than his fair share of warnings, and hence got banned, ofcoz as nukeu666 posted above aclled reduce time thingy, well no one was stopping him from confronting a mod and asking for the unban giving a good reason instead of creating an alternate id and again posting BS with that, after he himself is a mod at FE, he should know better.

Condescending and defensive... that post is full of examples related to what I'm talking about :)

Since we're onto grammar suddenly, 95% of the posts here have grammatical errors including yours Rave.
RiO said:
Lighten up mods, you're taking your jobs a little too seriously... and when you do that, you miss out on the damn ride which is supposed to be fun afterall. Stop taking cheap shots at people just because you can.

...imagine that you missed the whole point :rofl:

its not a single case of wontedly targeting a single member we have techboy for that :P, most of bluffy's post ive deleted myself, i can provide you with the logs who ever wants to see them and then you can decide by yourself what is fair and whats not.

i dont get the fact that people without getting their facts straight or knowing anything about the issue at hand type some gibberish and hit the post button

@Rio's 2nd post,

well you havent quite seen taking me pot shots then mate, the kind others do, and i dont want to either coz am not an elite god with a bunch of followers backing up whatever the hell i post :P
Rave said:
its not a single case of wontedly targeting a single member we have techboy for that :P, most of bluffy's post ive deleted myself, i can provide you with the logs who ever wants to see them and then you can decide by yourself what is fair and whats not.

i dont get the fact that people without getting their facts straight or knowing anything about the issue at hand type some gibberish and hit the post button

@Rio's 2nd post,
well you havent quite seen taking me pot shots then mate, the kind others do, and i dont want to either coz am not an elite god with a bunch of followers backing up whatever the hell i post :P

Right, you guys surely know what you're doing... someday, someone will spoil the fun you're having big time and I hope you remember these incidents then. Whatever wrong you do comes back at you 10x man; not immediately, but it will eventually... keep your eyes open.

And I have got no idea what your last sentence meant so assume I ignored that.
RiO said:
Right, you guys surely know what you're doing... someday, someone will spoil the fun you're having big time and I hope you remember these incidents then. Whatever wrong you do comes back at you 10x man; not immediately, but it will eventually... keep your eyes open.

And I have got no idea what your last sentence meant so assume I ignored that.

its all about perspective, what appears to be bad for you might not be the case with others, in anycase, ive always stood up to whatever ive done, so if this thing comes back to me 10x then its more than welcome, but then again i guess it works both ways, so maybe ill get lucky...

now since your advocating of bluffy is done, id like to invite any other member or mod or admin who needs clarification to come and post and i shall do the needful, if not then i guess the thread will be locked in an hr or so and the appropriate action taken, thank you for your time.
eating an alternate id and again posting BS with that

Look dude .... now its very easy to put all the Blame on me .... Now i never complained wen u banned me for 1 month .... did i ? I knew i had spammed and i deserved it .... moving on i quitely created an alternate id for the time being just to be on TE .... wat was wrong in doing so ? The most important thing of all was that i was behaving properly. I had a Flame fight with someone a few days back ... for dat i recieved 2 points infraction from saiyan. I made peace after dat. Not one time after that have i misbehaved on the tony montana ID. Not one time. And specially not today ..... where were u 20 days back when i actually did create the ID ?? Why Ban me now ?? Wat did i post Today dat hurt u so Bad that u banned me ?? Did anybody PM me before banning me ? Did anybody gimme any warnings ? According to switch we have absolutely no Rights to question the action of Mods. Hell u talk about Posting B.S .... I come so Rare on TE after d formation of FE that i cudn't spam even if i wanted to .... but that day yes i did it .... i accept it. But just explain to me your logic for Banning my alternate id Today !! :) I just need an explaination , thats all !

And mate ... we r still mantaining a Civil Tone ... why dont u try that ? I know u r full of urself ... dis is not the first time i am having arguments with u but still why make dis more dirty ? About the Thread .... it went for so long since No Mod came forward for an xplaination. All i am asking is some explaination.
Rave... great speech, but you completely missed that I haven't been advocating bluffmaster - I've been talking about mods spoiling the fun and I've suggested you guys to take it easy. You're just a mod, remember. But I guess if you strongly believe this is YOUR site and you can do as you please, so be it. When it starts affecting the community, you'll see a difference in your numbers end of day - whether it's organic traffic, revenue, popularity, what have you. That's the negative effect on a community-based site when members are taken for a ride.
RiO said:
Rave... great speech, but you completely missed that I haven't been advocating bluffmaster - I've been talking about mods spoiling the fun and asking you guys to take it easy. You're just a mod, remember.

Ahh thank you for appreciating my speech, am humbled :P

Regarding mods being more lenient, well i guess we are lenient enough but in certain cases we have to act and this was such a case, tell me though why is it that there are just a bunch of people or members in question who always seem to get the wrong end of the stick dealing with a Mod? just a thought...
tell me though why is it that there are just a bunch of people or members in question who always seem to get the wrong end of the stick dealing with a Mod? just a thought...

i agree on this 1. there are 15k members here. atleast 1k are active. atleast 200 are hyper active. but still the same .1% gets banned rebanned re rebanned....
RiO said:
Read my edited post...

again, why is just a few members that feel that they are taken for a ride and not all of them? Surely if we are biased or are acting like a bunch of kindergarten care takers, other too should feel the pinch and i dont see any such thing, its always the same bunch of members who feel this way.

We've always been at the same level of leniency , its just a case of community increasing and along with it the number of miscreants, again out of which action is taken on only 1 or two, 1 in 1000 active members, think about it.
tell me though why is it that there are just a bunch of people or members in question who always seem to get the wrong end of the stick dealing with a Mod? just a thought...

Maybe coz they r born Rebels ..... dey rebel to anything n everything which dont seem right to them. The way crazzy Eddy replied , thats the way a Mod replies. Humble yet to the Point.

well we did know who you were but we were being patient and watching you,

Fair enuf .... Then what made u change ur mind ? I mean i certainly behaved quite well .... was living in peace then why this sudden decision. You could have also PMed me this before Banning me ??

About your main bluffmaster ID - yes, in hindsight the ban was probably harsh.. i was one of the few who questioned the ban as well. The point is, you are doing a Techboy take by refusing to observe the law of the board and re-registering under a diff alias each time you get banned. Had you patiently held your horses, the ban would've been lifted within a week or even less in all likelihood. However by re-registering almost immediately and refuting the ban you nullified any positive points you may have had on your side. All i can suggest for now is wait till your ban is up, be patient and you will have your main ID itself back - how hard is that?

P.s2: AFAIK there is no restriction for banned users from browsing the forums, i.e. your friends can log in using your ID and browse around, just that posting wont be possible (which i wouldnt recommend your friends do through your ID anyway)

Fair enuf .... But why r my friends not allowed to Post ? I dont really get this point. I mean whats the logic behind not banning IP's den ? If you wanna prevent me from posting on TE .... IP ban ... its that simple , Now i have friends .... they have their own ID's , they log in frm my PC and browse .... now dey r not allowed to post just coz dey r posting frm my PC .... is dat Fair ?

In a way actually i was respecting ur Ban , wasn't I ?? I mean not able to Log in to my ID for one month .... dats bad enuf. I accepted the fact that i have been banned for 1 month and moved on. Ofcourse i did create an alternate but then if i wasn't troubling anyone , y the Ban ?
i agree on this 1. there are 15k members here. atleast 1k are active. atleast 200 are hyper active. but still the same .1% gets banned rebanned re rebanned....

In this post if at all u were reffering to me then let me tell u this is the second and last time i have got banned .... Infact u can say the first time .... coz the actual first time was a Joke .... i was new n the ban was 12 hours ! But this time things got serious ... well i have been here for more then a year ... 2 bans in 17 months ... not bad i guess !!

Close the damn stupid thread already...:/

Didn't help :/
Maybe coz they r born Rebels ..... dey rebel to anything n everything which dont seem right to them.


Now i have friends .... they have their own ID's , they log in frm my PC and browse .... now dey r not allowed to post just coz dey r posting frm my PC .... is dat Fair ?

Errm, well if you use some other ID from your pc, they arent allowed to post? what bs is that? the ban is on a member and not his id or friends, ofcource u know very well that in this case its you who've been posting, ofcoz even if your friend do use your pc, there is a log off link which you can use :cool2:


mate the reason am posting here over and over again is as against other forums where every such thread is closed point blankly, is to make people understand that Mods are not out to get them, we are not sasquatch
Rave said:
again, why is just a few members that feel that they are taken for a ride and not all of them? Surely if we are biased or are acting like a bunch of kindergarten care takers, other too should feel the pinch and i dont see any such thing, its always the same bunch of members who feel this way.

We've always been at the same level of leniency , its just a case of community increasing and along with it the number of miscreants, again out of which action is taken on only 1 or two, 1 in 1000 active members, think about it.
Nice message from a mod lol - now I question who made you mod. Grow up! Let me say it in English this time: I'm questioning the general attitude and behavior of mods, using techboy as an example. You guys are party poopers. But then, it's just my opinion (1 in a 1000 right?) so who gives a shit, including you. I don't have time for this anymore, you guys run the site - so run it the way you want to, but don't be puzzled when your numbers start looking bad.
Rave said:

Errm, well if you use some other ID from your pc, they arent allowed to post? what bs is that? the ban is on a member and not his id or friends, ofcource u know very well that in this case its you who've been posting, ofcoz even if your friend do use your pc, there is a log off link which you can use :cool2:

Okay ... so according to u , i was banned for being Honest ? I admitted that i was bluff , that was my mistake ? If i continue to post with the same IP but dont own up dat i m bluffmaster , i am in no danger of Ban ? Is dat wat u r tryin to say ?
RiO said:
Nice message from a mod lol - now I question who made you mod. Grow up! Let me say it in English this time: I'm questioning the general attitude and behavior of mods, using techboy as an example. You guys are party poopers. But then, it's just my opinion (1 in a 1000 right?) so who gives a shit, including you. I don't have time for this anymore, you guys run the site - so run it the way you want to, but don't be puzzled when your numbers start looking bad.

that still doesn't answer my question though :P

in anycase, regarding who made me a mod, well am not sure, coz it was so long ago, oh no wait, i remember, i bribed the internal staff :ohyeah:

Regarding asking me to grow up, I will surely do so sir as soon as i get a sip of that holy water you have in your avatar, unfortunately for me, am not old enough for that just as yet, so growing up has to wait :P
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