A weird question!!!

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RiO said:
Give him a chance to redeem himself, while we get entertained ;)

Entertainment once in a while like this is good enough, if we let him stay here then TE will become a junk:P
Saiyan said:
Entertainment once in a while like this is good enough, if we let him stay here then TE will become a junk:P
That's why I'm saying, give him a chance to redeem himself - I'm sure he's changed, for better or worse lol. And it's not like his threads are worse than some of the others that are started on the forum these days... look around ;)
^Exactly .... wats up with those Gud-nite threads ?? Where r d mods when such threads r created ?? And its not like u r banning his IP or something .... u know he will come back , then whats the point banning him ? :S

Moreover i think u guys have made it ur habit to label anything that comes from TB a Gibberish :| .... he is far sensible then some of the folks here btw. I am not defending him or anything , only saying what i feel is right !
pisen said:
his posts count is stuck at 3 so dose that mean he is banned

No..it simply means he has been in General Talk section for too long..:lol: :rofl:

as for ur question anonymous bro...ur questions and symptoms seem suicidal...:P

Get on with life buddy..there are better things to look into and better questions to ask..

As for the answer to ur question, well, a person may die instantly without feeling the sense of pain for too long or he will die writhing in pain if not shot properly...lol..thts some dark comedy..eh??but in both the cases, he will die..

fcuk....cant believe i just said tht....:O Peace ppl...
OK, I'm going to give a serious answer to this question.

The chances of dying from a bullet to the head is approximately 92%, not 100%. This is because it depends on the distance as well as the direction from which the bullet was fired at the skull. Some factors to be noted when taking this into account:

1) Distance at which the bullet was fired towards the skull

2) Size and weight of the bullet

3) Speed of the bullet

4) Probably some other factors which some physics professor will know

Such a bullet injury can cause either or all of the below problems:

1) Cerebral contusion (bruise of the brain tissue, minor injury, heals by itself usually over a period of time)

2) Intra-cranial haemorrage i.e. bleeding withing the skull caused by blood vessel rupture. Very serious medical condition, can cause death or permanent mental disability

3) Breakage of temporal bones, which is just skull damage, no real damage to the brain.

4) Ischemia, or restriction in blood supply, leading to dysfunction of tissues, can be extremely fatal.

5) For those who survive the trauma, they may suffer epilepsy after a certain period after they feel they are healed. This results in occasional seizures provoked by certain things, i.e. strange activity from the nerve cells of the body which causes the person to behave very strangely. They can manifest themselves as strange movements, change in metal state, convulsions or some symptoms such as deja vu.

6) Unlucky people who survive may get a part of their brain permanently damaged, does resulting in beng unable to perform certain tasks which rely on certain lobes in the brain.

So, which one do you dig? :P
nukeu666 said:
wont do him any harm
:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: Lol...Tht was a good one..:lol:
Darth_Infernus said:
6) Unlucky people who survive may get a part of their brain permanently damaged, does resulting in beng unable to perform certain tasks which rely on certain lobes in the brain.

Yeah rite..to put it the other way, those who survive, are nothing more than a vegetable...they shud infact try another shot at that..cos its better to die than live like an immovable vegetable...:no:
Private Ryan said:
Yeah rite..to put it the other way, those who survive, are nothing more than a vegetable...they shud infact try another shot at that..cos its better to die than live like an immovable vegetable...:no:
Tell me you mean "vegetable" because there are no movable vegetables :rofl:

And stop beating someone when they're down... he was banned for no reason when others' posts are worse than his.
^I concur with RIO .... Just now my ID Tony Montana has been banned .... dont know for what reason though :S I was not spamming .... Infact i was participating in threads with a quite decent behaviour. Then why the hell was i banned ? TE has some serious rule Issues :|
RIO said:
And stop beating someone when they're down... he was banned for no reason when others' posts are worse than his.

Eh..bro check all my posts in this thread or the other one started by anonymous..i havent really ridiculed him anywhere re ..nor do i think tht he shud be banned... i am only advising him to think and act sanely and stop worrying about all this $hit..this isnt going to take him anywhere...:no:

Tell me you mean "vegetable" because there are no movable vegetables

No re...i didnt devise tht term..actually i read about it in some magazine how a guy after a failed suicide attempt was left paralysed and had nothing left to do now but lie around like a vegetable...i think they call it a vegetable because a vegetable even after being plucked has some juice left inside..:S..:P
I think TE should give TB another a chance.... just make sure he cant post in the regular sections....

I agree with Rio that some people post more crap than TB...but because of the fame of TB, he gets banned everytime.
Tony Montana aka bluffy said:
^I concur with RIO .... Just now my ID Tony Montana has been banned .... dont know for what reason though I was not spamming .... Infact i was participating in threads with a quite decent behaviour. Then why the hell was i banned ? TE has some serious rule Issues

U banned again....:lol: :rofl: errr...sorry..:ashamed:

But i agree with bluffy on this one....he has been very decent all this while..he has even put on a spamgaurd on himself...:P i dont think he shud have been banned now..people shud be given a chance to redeem themselves..

Live n let live guys...:D We need to promote TE as one of the best tech forum which is liberal towards everyones views and not an example of autocracy where ppl shud be scared to voice their POVs..tht negates the very concept of forums..:no:
TE administration is forgetting who they are... it's called Mod, not God... and it's a virtual title/position which doesn't mean anything in the real world! So take a step back and put yourself in these peoples shoes - they're here to have fun, learn in the process and you're stopping them from doing that because they fall out of line sometimes? Introduce ways/policies to get people back in line, banning them isn't the solution. When you fork up at home, do your parents boot you out of the house? Do you think that would be fair to you?

Give it some thought, although, I don't think anything good will come out of this based on:

Switch said:
Bluffy... You know you were banned for a reason... And you know you have been warned earlier also... You yourself are a moderator at FE... You should act responsibly... You should know that mods don't owe you an explanation so stop creating such threads...

As well, I'd appreciate you not deleting this post - it doesn't break any rules, but even if it is deleted I will expect a good explanation thank you!
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