Your point of view suggests that you see the ban on these apps as absolutely baseless. While admittedly there could be more transparency on the stated basis for banning these apps, but anyone moderately informed of the situation knows that these bans are the consequence of the political and strategic strife we have with China. The bans and the resulting business impacts on China are a way of obtaining leverage over the situation and it's sort of like a slap on their wrist for disregarding our interests. Because make no mistake, all of the bans have a negative impact on Chinese economic interests, however significant or insignificant they may be, and that's one means of getting them to act with more consideration for our interests. It's not completely so random that this move automatically extends to the possibility that tomorrow the government would do the same for Canada or Japan or Australia and that it should come as no surprise.
I guess the bottom line is that you're quite pissed. Not a very wise thing to say to someone who's pissed, but your views say more about your mood than about the future we're heading to.