All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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^^ Damn the insane ISO performance, maybe after I get a good salary upgrade :P

Also a theoretical question?

1. Would a low light lens perform well in ISO 800 settings (anything higher on my 1000d , and picture is very grainy)

2. Explain to me in lay man's term the importance of aperture values, and how does it impact a picture?
Darky said:
^ It priced very decently in India considering US price. Its more of like a smaller brother of more expensive Canon 7D rather than step up from earlier Rebel series.

It exhibits quite similar sensor, metering system, high ISO performance(upto 12800 for ultra low light conditions) and very good movie making capabilities.

Though its body and grip is more or less same as other Rebel series which is its weakest point.

very correct..

but I can see many Nikonians making sound on its 18 MP sensor..

want to know how good is 18 MP on APS-C sensor.. especially when all theory books says that the pixels need space to breath.. thus less the pixel desity, better will be the things..

So is more pixel more noise is still the phrase that is in existance.. or gone those days when more pixel was a issue of more noise??

Aces170 said:
^^ Damn the insane ISO performance, maybe after I get a good salary upgrade :P

Also a theoretical question?
1. Would a low light lens perform well in ISO 800 settings (anything higher on my 1000d , and picture is very grainy)
2. Explain to me in lay man's term the importance of aperture values, and how does it impact a picture?

1. There are no different thing in low light lenses..
only they have the bigger aperture size (smaller number)

For eg.. 17-50mm f/2.8 will allow you to grab more light that 18-55mm f/4-5.6 at 50mm just because 17-50 has maximum aperture of f/2.8 and 18-55 has f/5.6..

thus more light will pass through f/2.8 that f/5.6 hence U will be able to take better picture through the former one...

However, both the lenses will give U same amount of grains at ISO 800..
but U will be able to use lesser ISO number with f/2.8 than f/5.6

For a fixed shutter speed, if U use ISO 1600 with f/5.6 than U need to use ISO 400 with f/2.8 {two stops variation..}


2. However I am sure you would had not understood anything above if U dont know much about aperture..

So read aperture in layman here -- Photography 101.5 – Aperture
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ashvarybabul said:
very correct..

but I can see many Nikonians making sound on its 18 MP sensor..

want to know how good is 18 MP on APS-C sensor.. especially when all theory books says that the pixels need space to breath.. thus less the pixel desity, better will be the things..

So is more pixel more noise is still the phrase that is in existance.. or gone those days when more pixel was a issue of more noise??

Yes, theory is same as earlier as more the pixel density, there will be more noise. But Canon managed to overcome by using similar sensor of 7D and better image interpretation and processing algorithm. For that they deserve a pat on their back.

Aces170 said:
^^ Damn the insane ISO performance, maybe after I get a good salary upgrade

Also a theoretical question?

1. Would a low light lens perform well in ISO 800 settings (anything higher on my 1000d , and picture is very grainy)

2. Explain to me in lay man's term the importance of aperture values, and how does it impact a picture?

Anything above ISO 800(which is high enough for normal use) will be grainy. For working in low light, you need a faster lens(F2.8 or less).

Aperture values plays a vital role in composing a picture and it indicates or directs how much light should be passed to sensor(by closing or opening of blades). High aperture values means less light should be passed whereas lower aperture values like f2.8 or f1.4 pass more amount of light to the sensor. Setting a right aperture value is very important in composing a picture as higher value underexpose your picture or lesser value might overexpose it. Hence you need a faster lens to work in low light conditions(ISO value also helps but it also bring noise) but keep in mind Faster lens= Expensive.
I would really really suggest people stop worrying about ISO 12800 and such. If the camera can give you decent ISO 1600 shots then thats all you will need for 95- 97% of your shots.

Pay more importance to speed and ergonomics rather than ISO performance. All the best snaps I have ever seen were taken at low ISOs. Just visit Flickr and have a look at all the lovely photos there. You will be hard pressed to see any great ISO 1600 and above shots even if you really try hard.

What is more important is things like AF performance, grip, viewfinder, no of dedicated buttons etc. I would place these things much higher than megapixels and high ISO performance.

For 47k or so I would rather get a D90 as it has a) better grip (debatable), better pentaprism viewfinder, more dedicated buttons. The Canon Rebel series have long been know for their poor ergonomics but Nikon have not helped things by dropping the AF motor from their budget bodies.

Just my 2 cents.

Aces170 said:
^^ Damn the insane ISO performance, maybe after I get a good salary upgrade :P

Also a theoretical question?
1. Would a low light lens perform well in ISO 800 settings (anything higher on my 1000d , and picture is very grainy)
2. Explain to me in lay man's term the importance of aperture values, and how does it impact a picture?

Aperture affects the shutter speed and depth of field of your photo.

A high aperture value (f16/f32) will make the whole image appear in focus. However the shutter speed will also drop.

A low aperture value (f2.8) will make only your subject appear in focus and cause most of the background to appear blurred. This will also cause your shutter speed to increase.

ashvarybabul explained very well about a fast lens with high ISO so I will not add anything to what he said. :)
^ No doubt, D90 wins over 550D in AF performance, Higher fps speed and better viewfinder but it belongs to different price bracket(65+ with B/W against 47k 550D with B/W) even if you consider body only(8k difference to be exact).

I would also suggest getting D90 over 550D, if pricing is not a concern.

Just my 2c.
If you go for the kit lens d90, it does come with the excellent 18-105mm as well

Nikon D-90 12.3 MP DSLR Camera 18-105mm - with 6 Months Vendor Warranty ? Smart Shoppers - Digital Cameras, Camera Lenses | Buy Latest Laptops, MP3 Players, Ipods in India

52.5k with 18-105mm lens

Nikon D-90 12.3 MP DSLR Camera (Body Only) - with 6 Months Vendor Warranty ? Smart Shoppers - Digital Cameras, Camera Lenses | Buy Latest Laptops, MP3 Players, Ipods in India

41.7k body only

its 47k for canon, with 2yr warranty though

i'd say, splash your cash on the kitlens option d90 instead of the canon 550d
The 450d is 33k with 2yr warranty, and 26.7k with 6 month vendor warranty :) Hope it drops some more by the time I'm ready to buy.
@ Pappu..

price difference is quite a lot b/w 550D and D90..

With 2 year Manufacturer warranty min. price of body only are -

550D - Rs 44K

D90 - Rs 55K

Close to 11k difference..

courtesy -
^^ d90 has better reviews than 550d..

if you know someone in USA ..checkout nikonrumours(google) you might find good deals

i am a canon guy
zhopudey said:
The 450d is 33k with 2yr warranty, and 26.7k with 6 month vendor warranty :) Hope it drops some more by the time I'm ready to buy.

If you're referring to price, then 26.7k is the price of body only :bleh:

If you have another source, I'll be glad to know :hap5:
zhopudey said:
^^ yep, smartshoppers body only prices.

If you mentioned both of the prices for the body only, then check again ;)

Canon EOS 450D 12.2 MP With 18-55mm IS Lens 2 Years Manufacturer Warranty ? Smart Shoppers - Digital Cameras, Camera Lenses | Buy Latest Laptops, MP3 Players, Ipods in India

So the price of 26.7k for body only (that too with vendor warranty) is useless :bleh:

By the way I inquired smartshoppers about 1000D with IS kit lens (Rs 24,295) and I was told that since 1000D does't come with IS kit lens officially, they will replace the Non-IS with IS kit lens.

But then it'll be Body with 2 years Canon India warranty and IS kit lens with 6 months vendor warranty.

So now Aces170 should tell us how did he get his 1000D with IS kit lens?

Did they also do the same thing, replacing non-IS with IS lens? What about warranty?

_pappu_ said:
i'd say, splash your cash on the kitlens option d90 instead of the canon 550d

Would it not be good to get 50D for a thousand more than D90 :S
^^ High ISO performance is not the only deciding factor.

By the way where from you got your 1000D and for how much?
If high ISO is not concern then 50D is a good choice over D90 considering Magnesium Alloy body.

I got 1000D from New Delhi, 3 months back.
So now Aces170 should tell us how did he get his 1000D with IS kit lens?

Did they also do the same thing, replacing non-IS with IS lens? What about warranty?
Hmm, as I told earlier looks like the shopkeeper was right. I got one with warranty, as he removed one from a Canon 500D box (you just required the serial number for warranty, or so he told me). Without that he was giving me a gray market lenses for 24.6k with body warranty.
^^ looks like a good price then. But how he gave you 500d kit lens, will it not be difficult for him to sell open box 500d? I thought sellers avoid these things.

So 26k for 1000d or 33k for 450d, which is better of two?

I guess 1000d should do fine considering it's more or less same as 450d saving you 7k.
^^ looks like a good price then. But how he gave you 500d kit lens, will it not be difficult for him to sell open box 500d? I thought sellers avoid these things.

Mostly the 500D guys dont take kit lenses, they just take the body. Besides the warranty is purely on the serial number.
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