All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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You cant say that those websites are 100% reliable...

If they would had, Canon 50D and Nikon D700 upgrades should had come more than 6 months ago...

However, they were quite right in case of Canon 550D and Nikon D3s
The site itself says Nikon 'Rumors' but then it does affect the decision making...I did hold the Canon 1000D and also Nikon D3000 and felt more comfortable with the Nikon. But then I dont quite like the fact that the user interface of Nikon is kinda slow and few other things...this is another reason why I was asking about D5000 and 500D..
harish_21_10 said:
The site itself says Nikon 'Rumors' but then it does affect the decision making...I did hold the Canon 1000D and also Nikon D3000 and felt more comfortable with the Nikon. But then I dont quite like the fact that the user interface of Nikon is kinda slow and few other things...this is another reason why I was asking about D5000 and 500D..
Ya it do affects the decision.. it did in my case...

I took a chance and waited for 550D... as a result 550D was out before the scheduled date of purchase...

and not to mention 550D is way better than 500D..
550D is sure better than 500D but expensive too....I was looking at something within 30k or maybe even less...ebay does have Nikon D5000 under 30k but is it worth it?
anyone know what is the correct price of canon 550d with original 2 year manufacturer warranty ?

today i asked in 4 shopes and all of them quoted me was giving for 43k, other was giving for 48k and two in khan market were giving for 46k ???

also is tamron 90mm f2.8 marco lens good/suitable for canon 550d ? because canon marco lens is much more expensive. please help :)
guys taking the plunge into the world of my budget is 25k so could you guys help me out in which camera should i buy also i saw that you guys mentioned that IS lens gives better picture quality so can you help me in choosing the lens too and from where i mean through online stores like or ebay...please excuse my noobness...
_pappu_ said:
wherever you buy the camera from, ask him to take back the kit lens and replace it with IS lens for 2k extra :)
Ah, i never knew that kit lens is a non-IS version :S Thanks for the info !

Just for my information, D3000 vs 1000D - who wins price/performance?
^^^ None.

There is no better Camera in the end.

Even a D3000 can take better pics than a D3S.

Stop looking for better camera and start shooting with *lenses*, lenses make pics, camera just takes a pic.

ronnie_gogs said:

Aren't we getting a Canon 1000D kit for somewhere around 20.5K in grey market as well ??
blufox said:
^^^ None.

There is no better Camera in the end.

Even a D3000 can take better pics than a D3S.

Stop looking for better camera and start shooting with *lenses*, lenses make pics, camera just takes a pic.


Pardon to my limited knowledge, but aren't buying a good camera keeps us up to date till a long time and one can always play with lenses.
Ashish.K said:
Aren't we getting a Canon 1000D kit for somewhere around 20.5K in grey market as well ??

Well the link i sent is with Canon 2 Year Warranty and not a grey piece... and its just 1k more.... I would gladly pay more for better warranty
ronnie_gogs said:
Well the link i sent is with Canon 2 Year Warranty and not a grey piece... and its just 1k more.... I would gladly pay more for better warranty
Ur ~21k deal comes with a non IS lens.... better to pay more and get IS piece..

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Ashish.K said:
Aren't we getting a Canon 1000D kit for somewhere around 20.5K in grey , but aren't buying a good camera keeps us up to date till a long time and one can always play with lenses.

Lenses technologies develop more slowly than cameras.....
Thats the reason, there is 24 MP DSLR in market but the old film time expensive lenses are still a gem...
therefore said : Cameras come and go, lenses are for lifetime..

Additionally, lifetime lenses aren't cheap.. and are more imp than good cams...
Hi ! Ive been looking for a dslr with budget of 25k. Canon1000d is on top of my list .however wish to know how these entry level dslrs compare in performamce with M4/3 particularly olympus pen epl-1. This fits in my budget and is loaded with features . Reviews are decent enough as well.

I am a casual hobbyist and wont be investing much into lenses,maybe two or max three would be all i ll have.

Kindly give your views w.r.t. dslr v/s m4/3 in general & oly epl-1 in particular.

Get the Olympus EPL1 :)

Best option for casual hobbyists.

Its small and non intrusive compared to most DSLRs.
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