All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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Nikon products from Canada would be eligible for 1year international warranty.

Are D5000 ~ 38k and EOS 500D ~ 40k more suited for a starter as compared to D3000 ~ 27k and EOS 450D ~ 30k?
^ D5000 and 500D supports HD video recording capability and faster continuous shots where as lower end does not support video recording as well as slower shots. So if you can afford get D5000 or 500D.
there is no good or bad camera for beginners .

When you do not know which camera to take, then trust me it does not matter to you if you get a D40, 1000d,500d or any other cam.

It will be your first cam and you will outgrow it in not less than 2-3 years atleast, off course unless you have money to spare.

That said, get a simple cam and save money for lenses and tripod.

You do not need video actually, but you won't be able to tell difference between pics take with a 1000D or with a 7D, so just don't worry about bodies.

Take a decent one and save cash for lenses and accessories.
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^^ It seems over-priced to me. You can get Lowepro Computrekker 200AW for around 4-4.5k in Mumbai (Fort).

In Pune, Camshot in Aundh is a nice play to try your luck with backpacks.

Btw, how what lenses/flashes do you own? I think both of these bags are overkill for your kit if you only have 2-3 lenses.
Dark Messiah said:
I know this question has been asked many times, but still
can the photoholics over here suggest a good entry level DSLR...
1) Any brand..i have no bias

2) 99 % nature photography

3) Below 30K

4) Lenses should be easily and if possible should be available cheaply.
Why dont you look at Prosumer cameras I think they're easier to handle before migrating to a entry level DSLR.
If you dont have brand preference then check out the FinePix S200EXR / S205EXR | Fujifilm Global
YouTube - Fujifilm Finepix S200/S205 EXR
-D.Payne- said:
^^ It seems over-priced to me. You can get Lowepro Computrekker 200AW for around 4-4.5k in Mumbai (Fort).

In Pune, Camshot in Aundh is a nice play to try your luck with backpacks.

Btw, how what lenses/flashes do you own? I think both of these bags are overkill for your kit if you only have 2-3 lenses.

I have only 2 lenses with me but i need the bag which can carry both my lappy as well as cam. It makes me comfortable to carry one sack instead of 2 bags with me:).
BTW can you tell me the exact location of Camshot in Aundh
Aces170 said:
Oh is it, I guess Nikon D3000 it is in that case, any other DSLR's in that range?

You should check out the fort areas. Prices are quite low there. Found a Canon 1000D for 21k and a Panasonic G1 (or was it GH1) for 39k. Seems reasonable I think.
ok, i have some questions...

1) I am considering the pentax k-x, is it worth getting it with 2 kit lenses, or only 1?

2) Also, If photography stays in my interests, and i start upgrading, does pentax have a similar wide range of lenses, like canon or nikon, or are they lacking?

3) I see that it uses AA cells, which ones to get (since they say Li- batteries as well)

links would be nice :)

thanks in advance
_pappu_ said:
ok, i have some questions...
1) I am considering the pentax k-x, is it worth getting it with 2 kit lenses, or only 1?
2) Also, If photography stays in my interests, and i start upgrading, does pentax have a similar wide range of lenses, like canon or nikon, or are they lacking?
3) I see that it uses AA cells, which ones to get (since they say Li- batteries as well)
links would be nice :)

thanks in advance

Hahaa.. exact same boat.
The 1 lens kit is for 519 at beachcamera on ebay. There's also 10% BCB on it.. I'm just trying to decide if I should look for a dual lens deal or stick to the single.
stalker said:
Hahaa.. exact same boat.
The 1 lens kit is for 519 at beachcamera on ebay. There's also 10% BCB on it.. I'm just trying to decide if I should look for a dual lens deal or stick to the single.

619 for dual one, on beach camera.... waiting for reply :S
@maddy_in65: Don't take the Lowepro, I've found a link for one of my bags (Kata DR-467). I've been using it for 2 years now and it is an amazing bag. Easily fits 3 standard lenses + 1 flash + laptop + diary/charger/books/cell-phone and comes with its own raincoat. Superb bag.

Here it is at smartshoppers for Rs.4,295 with warranty! At everyone else looking for a great DSLR bag, this is my daily bag and it is lovely to use even for a full-frame DSLR! :)

@_pappu_ and stalker:

The Pentax is great VFM and ticks off every box, BUT does not have an affordable fast 50mm prime that I can find anywhere. That's it. Otherwise, its a great little camera that will do everything for you.

Take it with 2-lens kit since $100 for the second lens is awesome VFM which you'll never get later when you want to buy that 2nd telephoto lens.

My alternatives? Probably a Sony A500 or a Nikon D5000 - both of which are muuuch costlier than the K-x. :)


i know this is not the right place to post my query but i guess i wont be able to give that much time on camera skills right now , thats why i want to buy a mid range camera around 200$ like canon powershot sx120 , so that when i want to get a SLR for myself i can pass it on to my folks ( dont want these point and shoot kind )

give me some good options , may be i will be back on the thread with real SLR discussion in 6 months or so :clap:
-D.Payne- said:
@_pappu_ and stalker:
The Pentax is great VFM and ticks off every box, BUT does not have an affordable fast 50mm prime that I can find anywhere. That's it. Otherwise, its a great little camera that will do everything for you.

Take it with 2-lens kit since $100 for the second lens is awesome VFM which you'll never get later when you want to buy that 2nd telephoto lens.

My alternatives? Probably a Sony A500 or a Nikon D5000 - both of which are muuuch costlier than the K-x. :)


I am already stretching my bugdet, so suggest a cheaper alternative too :P
^^ There simply isn't. The Olympus'es are great at that range too but their viewfinders are darker, their sensors slightly noisier, they also don't have many cheap affordable primes nor do they do video. :)

So yes, the K-x is my choice for the best cheap DSLR out there - by a looooong mile. As I said, only two issues: no cheap primes (AF) and no AF red-light in the viewfinder (which means u pretty much have to live with centre-spot AF always).

Eitherways, its much better than the Canon 1000D (no video, bad viewfinder, sad screen, atrocious grip), the Nikon D3000 (no liveview, no video, old sensor), the Sony A2xx/3xx series (horrible grips, bad viewfinder, OK sensors).

The only camera that comes close to the price and feature-set is the Olympus E-620 dual-lens kit, but it also suffers a small viewfinder and no video.
Eitherways, its much better than the Canon 1000D (no video, bad viewfinder, sad screen, atrocious grip), the Nikon D3000 (no liveview, no video, old sensor), the Sony A2xx/3xx series (horrible grips, bad viewfinder, OK sensors).

Hmm I was planning on the EOS1000D, Pappu where are you buying the Pentax from?
Yep, Pentax ain't available here.

@Aces: Don't forget that with Canon/Nikon, you get unparalleled lens/accessory availability and support. Their lowest-end products are disappointing in terms of features when compared to Pentax/Olympus, but you do get an unbeatable upgrade option with both Canon & Nikon.

If all you'll ever do is buy the 3 lenses (standard zoom, telephoto zoom, 50mm prime) which everyone buys, then Pentax/Sony/Canon/Nikon are pretty much on the same footing!
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