An Unusual Problem

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well for once in life you could try to wake up early and keep an eye via peep hole.

is that harder than setting up a cam ? :|
saumilsingh said:
^ yup, set up a webcast. Or just stake it out the old fashioned way for a day or two.

Also don't underestimate cats and dogs. Cats come into our house many times at night and just stand before the fridge staring at it.
Once i was playing tf2 late at night, looked behind, and there was a damn street dog staring at me :s. My room is on the second floor.

holy shit !! :s :o
SharekhaN said:
Its a big colony with about 15 buildings. There are enough security guards. No body else gets in usually.

OK, then it could be anybody in those 15 buildings, meaning its not your immediate neighbours, no jealous stuff just one guy pinching milk to sell elsewhere for some extra cash. He hits random ppl to make his quota, plenty of targets in 15 buildings isn't there ;)

So therefore suspect this same thing might be happening to more ppl than just yourself. One way to find out if this is more widespread is to ask the milk guy himself if there have been any complaints recently about the same from others in the various buildings.

If you can somehow record the person in the act you might be solving the problem for many others. Dealing with the person youself is risky, suggest you take it up with the building authorities and let them sort it out. It's best he not know who caught him in the act.
take inspiration from this and post your own flyer on your door -

We had a similar problem here once. Our milk used to get stolen every other day. I stayed up couple of nights just to catch this crook. It took 3 sleepless nights to finally catch this SOB! :P
It turned out to be a another milk guy! He wanted to spoil the rep of the milk guys who delivers to us so that we would shift to him.
Called the security and had him banished from our complex.

Now I got to find a way to catch the SOB scratching my car in the basement!
Sandy said:
We had a similar problem here once. Our milk used to get stolen every other day. I stayed up couple of nights just to catch this crook. It took 3 sleepless nights to finally catch this SOB! :P

It turned out to be a another milk guy! He wanted to spoil the rep of the milk guys who delivers to us so that we would shift to him.

Called the security and had him banished from our complex.

Now I got to find a way to catch the SOB scratching my car in the basement!

Lol well sleep in the car for a couple of nights! :P

@op - for all you know, it could be the milk man himself?
a thing similar to this happened to me also, every morning the bag of milk used to be open,leaking and had holes in it and sometimes even on ground.Later when we observed it came to light that infact it was a crow doing all these things :|
check for any creature in your area which comes near your apartment.
@Sheru: Unless you stay up couple of nights to catch the a*hole red handed and punch two in his face, the only option left is putting up some kind of hidden cam to record and get him.
Dood, does your neighbor has any dogs or cats as pets who they take out every morning to poop? We had a similar problem. The cat used to do various acrobats and puncture our milk bag. It was confirmed when we saw her footprints on the floor from our door to our neighbours :P

P.S. Didn't know TE changed this much after the recent downtime!
Get a heavy duty rat trap and conceal it in the cloth bag, next day the guy with the bandaged fingers is the culprit :P
Might get the milk guy when he puts it in first time ?

...picturing the scenario :lol:

result: sharekhan gets blacklisted for home delivery on all milk suppliers lists.
There is a possibility that cats could be the culprit, but no cat is smart enough to know the right time your milk man arrives and ready to drink it all down ......

Maybe it'z on a mission "Must rip Sharekan's milk"
iyengar said:
dude its 3rd day.. how is it going? Any progress on the investigation?

I was about to post on that. No problem for the last two days. I am just holding out again. If it happens again, I will borrow a web-cam and start my surveillance.
good to know that.. I dont want to sound stupid but when i was like 14 or 16 dont remember exactly but i did the same to my next door cause his daughter cheated on me...

Ah feel relaxed now cause i let the truth out..... but it was 15 years back for sure.. !!!

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