PC Peripherals Another adventure begins for me.

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Magnet, u asking me for ram dealer!!:huh:
Is it urgent- then PM me!! Coz i will mention names in my thread only with my idea of how honest or should i say less dishonest they r!!:@
Will b soon posting a new thread on Quotations for my config from diff dealers!!:)
Maybe it will give an idea on how rates vary and wot thw average prices should be!!:)

Hacker!!- where's Doc Terror?? Just kidding Pal!!:bleh:
The cabby was a last min desperate buy as Antec not in stock, that too from a dealer near my place in Andheri!! Bought it friday evening and assembled on Sunday!! Was feeling quite jagged already and didn't want to get into an altercation with the BANIA!!:no:

ZPD- i mentioned in my cabby post, my experience of the Grabit!! seems you didnt read that!! I strongly oppose it!! will repost it and you can hav a hearty laugh!! :rofl:
Thankfully , a frnd wanted a cheap cabby and he will buy it from me, once i get my antec!!:hap2:
Fell in LOVE(first cabby love) with a CABBY featured in the Atlon64 FX print ads- the one with the gamer dude!!:)
Then saw an Antec print advt with silver cabby wtith blue light behind bezel!!
Been in trance like state when found name- siver W A V E M A S T E R (with echo effect)!!:ohyeah:
Then the rude awkening- Ex-coolermaster-dealer Prime and now coolermasterindia do not have it!!:@
Prime might still have 2 black wavemasters- thought of painting it silver- then realised won't get OE finish- waste of time and money!!:(
NEXT, Me wanted Super Lanboy too!!:D
But my place hot and dusty too!!
Don't think SLB will look very good with Amateur cable management and dust inside!! he he he... :ashamed:
Will have to clean it more often!!:P
Chk pis of Saiyan's rig and you will see the Master of cable management- Freaky- with his latest piece of art!! :hap2:
The antec3700AMB/AMG are cheaper with single stock 120 fan, if you return the OE PSU (4887/- with psu), But adding a Tricool 120(1750/-) slightly exceeds the measly discount by the dealer!! 3000B (4900/- approx) has no psu and 2 120 fans but almost same price as SLB!! They r mids unlike Supermini SLB!!
Was planning to move the std 120 to intake and adding aTC 120 to exhaust!! Unless new stock comes with TC120 as std fitment as is now with antec worlwide!!
else if u want to save some money, retain stock 120 at rear and add a cheaper Sunon120 or similar to intake!!
Exhaust matters more and wouldn't like it to fail while some mindless Gaming spree with headphones on!! Intake fan failure is not very critical i guess!! Ask my Gurus here too as they already know way more than i can possibly know in this lifetime!!
Also the additional space ofered at similar price (with additional antec fan) is too good to resist as performance, VFM is more important to me than Flaunt value!!
But in case you don't need extra space, The Super Lanboy is indeed Super!!
Chk Saiyan's rig's pics!!
Also saw it in person at the nVidia gallery(BBC)!!
Supercool Boss, especially with the Blue light of BIG6600GT!! :hap2:
And absolutely D.I.S.C.O as Eazy rightly stated!!:clap:
SLB was 5386/- all incl at Prime 3weeks back!!
The P160W comes with clearside panel, is a super mid unlike the supermini SLB but costs 9161/- without PSU at Prime, when i checked a couple of weeks back! anodised aluminium construction like SLB, 2 120 fans, removable Mobo tray, intake removable/washable air filter,...
I call it the SUPER Super Lanboy!! he he he...
But don't hav any moolah left for the timrbeing!!
And for a few hundred more, you can have the BAAP of Cool&Quiet cabbies...
the P180 (9873/-)!!
Eazy uses p160 has nice tips and tricks to make it cooler but even he Recoed the P180, if u have the moolah Sir!!
Always wanted Antec- Budget one if not better but...
Assembled my pc in an iBall Grabit coz 3700/3000 out of stock- now i know why my pal said he wouldn't buy iBall even if it was the LAST CABBY on this planet!!:rofl:
When i switch on my Rig, all i hear is a distinct whirring of fans!!:@
First i thought it might b PSU fans, as i considered my PS450 a compromise due to unavailability of TP2.0 550!! but it has decent Sunon fans and i duly apologise to it!!:ashamed:
The culprit is a chimney like intake on the side panel that sits flush on the proccy!! though it supplies fresh air to it, it kind of amplifies the CPU fan sound and sends it outside!! AARGHH!!!!:@ :rofl:
Still waiting for stocks to arrive!!
Was told available in a day or two but 2weeks hav gone by- but am still waiting!! hope it arrives well before my time to report to hospital in Nov!!
Dear magnet-
You misunderstood me asking your info!!:(
Gotta make sure you r not my dealer, else he will be furious and i need to claim my 5K balance and warranty from him!!:(
I had read about the Transcend 2.5 in CHIP and price was quoted at 2350/-.
That too at PrimeABGB!!
By the time i went there on 10-09-2005, they asked me 2450/-, as is their norm of quoting higher prices at first!!
Another quote was obtained 4 my config from the place i bought finally but couldnt purchase that day!! He asked similar rate for T2.5!!
Was supposed to get twinmos but when i went for final purchase on 04-10-2005, my dealer had T2.5 which was out of stock in market and he asked me wot he had quoted me for T2.5 earlier and i promptly mentioned 2350/-.:ashamed:
Amonth had passed by and he grumbled abt rates having gone up, quoted 2375/- per stick!!:tongue:
But if you see my config and rates- You win some, lose some!!;)
If i hadn't spent the time and money on diff quotations, i wouldnt know!!
Diff dealers offer diff rates and it give an idea of wot is lowest with whom, get the lowest together and throw them at your dealer with names if he does't agree to it- he will most probably oblige!!:hap2:
The dealer is- Active Infocom.
Mr. Bhavesh Gandhi- AsUS, AMD topseller
Very knowledgeable and good person!!

Extremely hurt Sir Magnet!!:(
I owe a lot to TE and want to help in my own small way!!:hap2:

I am such a dummy, i didn't know Ram available boxpack!!
I got it in sealed antistatic packs!!

Dealer located in grnd floor of last bldg in tara temple lane, lammy!1
He Also got a shop in andheri east!1
Ask Anish for Ashish and he will oblige!!
Both r brothers or something i guess coz it doesnt matter whom you speak to!!
Ask Funky- He is not only their client but a pal too!!
Hi, I'm back.
Getting the cpu and mobo from darky. So now the major confusion is about PSU and cabby.
I'm interested in zb01, but appo told me its very loud with all fans installed. So, are there any silent 80mm fans ( at reasonable cost? )
Hunt around for Sunon fans.:)
Heard good things about them and pretty inexpensive too, maybe cheap!!:hap2:
Powersafe PSUs have Sunon 60mm(i think) at he rear and they are pretty quiet coz when i enable Qfan in bios, the irritating CPU fan slows down from 5625-5818 to 2550-3250 and i can hear almost nothing, maybe a slight whisper, that too in the pindrop silence of the night!!:ohyeah:
My Grabit cabinet used to amplify the already loud CPU fan:@ and i used to curse the PS450 PSU coz it had a small exhaust fan and even smaller intake fan:ashamed: !! But i realised my folly and thats been taken care of by my Antec3700!!:clap:
Seems like there is one thing that AMD provide Factory overclocked- the CPU fan!!:rofl: :rofl:
my stock heatsink and fan are upto the mark in cooling as everyone else here rightly said and asked me not to buy any exotic CPU cooler!! But i prefer my CPU fan at full blast and might just go for that as it will definitely cut down the noise in my cabby, Extra cooling is a big bonus!!:clap: But only after Help from TE! Already got some very insightful suggestions from Dear Dr. Deejay- the mad scientist!!:ohyeah:
(Mad as in intelligent:cool2: )
Hunt around for Sunon fans.:)
Heard good things about them and pretty inexpensive too, maybe cheap!!:hap2:
Powersafe PSUs have Sunon 60mm(i think) at he rear and they are pretty quiet coz when i enable Qfan in bios, the irritating CPU fan slows down from 5625-5818 to 2550-3250 and i can hear almost nothing, maybe a slight whisper, that too in the pindrop silence of the night!!:ohyeah:
My Grabit cabinet used to amplify the already loud CPU fan:@ and i used to curse the PS450 PSU coz it had a small exhaust fan and even smaller intake fan:ashamed: !! But i realised my folly and thats been taken care of by my Antec3700!!:clap:
Seems like there is one thing that AMD provide Factory overclocked- the CPU fan!!:rofl: :rofl:
my stock heatsink and fan are upto the mark in cooling as everyone else here rightly said and asked me not to buy any exotic CPU cooler!! But i prefer my CPU fan at full blast and might just go for that as it will definitely cut down the noise in my cabby, Extra cooling is a big bonus!!:clap: But only after Help from TE! Already got some very insightful suggestions from Dear Dr. Deejay- the mad scientist!!:ohyeah:
(Mad as in intelligent:cool2: )

sunons...i have all sunons, 80mm S3...was bloodyy noisy on my powersafe...

then got the S1 sunons...not that noisy, but ok....
Eazy said:
In Jan 2005 I took a bank loan from HDFC bank for some computer hardware purchases and they put money into my account and I withdrew cash and bought 20k worth of toys. No problems as my dealings were with cash.

Will be buying new rig by this month-end. So all this month is the most exciting part - deciding the config

Most probably, I'll be going for a loan, so Lam Rd is out.

Heres the quotation I got today form mnemonics. All prices are approx -

Asus A8N-E 7350
Athlon64 3000+ 7300
TwinMos 2x1GB 10500
2x80GB SATA Maxtor D+ 9 6200
ViewSonic E90 19" 12750
Altec Lansing MX5021 13900
Zalman 5.1 Headphones 3000
Benq 1640 DVD-RW 3100
Pinnacle TV Tuner 1900
Logitech Optical Duo 900
VIP ZB01 w/Powersafe 450W 6750

To this I'll be adding:

Sapphire x800 gto2 (hopefully moddable)
M-Audio Revo 7.1
Seagate 7200.7 160GB PATA.

What do you guys think? I feel the prices are way too high. How much do you think he'll reduce? Also, any suggestions/changes in config?

Ohh....I forgot to add Fans. Does the zb01 allow fans for drive bays?

The original prices now are -

Asus A8N-E 6400
Athlon64 3000+ 5800
Seagate ST3250823AS 250 GB 7200.8 SATA Hard Disk with NCQ 6300
Altec Lansing MX5021 8500
Benq 1640 DVD-RW 3000
Antec TruePower 2.0 480W 5250
Thnxs for the price update. I've already got the cpu and mobo. HDDs I need 2x80gb SATA. Cabby I've almost finalised zb01.
PSU, I'm leaning towards powersafe 500W ( is it 24-pin?). Darky, appo told me that you'd put 2x6800, 4 hdd, 2 optical, and 5-6 fans on a powersafe. Did it run fine?
Otherwise, theres the vantec 460w for 3750, or Zebby 520 for 4500. ( Funky, how much did the shipping cost?)

I'm also looking for a cheap timepass 5.1 solution. After reading all the reviews for the Zalman headphones that I could find, I don't think they're worth 3000/-. The next best option seems to be Altec 251. But I'd rather go for headphones, as a> I dont have space in my room, its just 8x8. and b> I'm also getting the mx5021. My mom will kill me if I have 7 spks + 2 woofers.

I have an old artis 4.1 setup. I'm thinking of buying some cheap 2.0 spks, and adding to the artis to get a 5.1 or 6.1 setup. Hope my Revo's bass management lets me do that.
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