Assassins creed 2 DRM is going to be really really painfull

You know why they do this don't you? This is to ensure they fail several times over publicly so that they can stop development altogether for the PC without inviting hysterical public abandonment.

Be it a good game or a bad game. Its gonna get pirated the shit out of it. The only way you are making money via a pc game online is via subscription channels or if its close to free (as in TF2).

The inevitable shift will happen sooner than later.
if this game is not cracked then in future, almost every game will employ this method and will make the life of a pc gamer miserable.

you have the legit copy but you dont have the right to play it now and then.bah...nice concept!
well assassins creed 2 has been fully cracked now. problem in animus in the earlier crack has been fixed.

so much for copy protection! now all pirates will play the game and legit buyers will be able to play only when ubi servers and their Internet connections are not down!
moshel said:
well assassins creed 2 has been fully cracked now. problem in animus in the earlier crack has been fixed.

so much for copy protection! now all pirates will play the game and legit buyers will be able to play only when ubi servers and their Internet connections are not down!

Who told you?
^^ nobody needs to tell you such things. You can only find out by yourself......

Although, the animus bug as NOT been fixed yet. There is only a workaround that let you start the game from a point. But that point is so much farther in the story that it makes no point to play form there. lol/.....

Dont worry, it will be fully cracked eventually..... As avatar did....... As so many other games did in the past taht tried some new anti-piracy technique or the other. In the end, it has been the legit buyers who have suffered....

I remember ubisoft as a company who actually slowed down on the anti piracy BS 2008 onwards. Remember farcry 2 , hawx etc. They had only serial and orginal disk protection. I bought both games. Now I am not gonna buy AC2 until they remove this internet required Horsecrap.

Tweakguides author Ghouroush goes deep into the issue of piracy and explains what actually affect the game sales: - PC Game Piracy Examined

The most crucial point is that the people who are pirating games are not willing to buy the game anyways. e.g. if I am a pirate and I wanna play far cry 2, I will obtain it illegally. If I cannot pirate it, I will just give it a pass and not buy it at all and thus wont play it and move along. Because I have no resources to buy it in the first place. These people never NEVER affect the game sales. And these people happen to be the majority of the pirates.

And I dont know why gaming industry does not understand this simple face...

^agree with you on this point.

Truth be told, I have downloaded my share of pirated games. That was when I simply couldnt afford the games at the prices that they were sold for. If the games were not cracked, I would've simply not got into gaming at all. (Yea, I would've saved a lot of money, but thats a different thing :))

But now that I can afford the luxury (plus the fact the game prices have come down drastically), I am a regular buyer. Especially since I bought my first game on Steam last December, I have more than 20 games on Steam now.

I had pirated all GTA games until GTA4 and I will buying legit copy of Episodes from LC also. The point of my post is that todays pirates could be tomorrows paying customers. This kind of stupid hurdles not only hurt the legit buyers, but also end up putting off potential customers and push them into piracy.
I still remember when I was still a student 3 years ago. we all know how parents in general are. they wil much rather have you buy new clothes and shiny shoes having lights in it than buying a PC game. Why? Because, apparently games are for children and waste of time. Now, I cannt show them GTA to prove em other wise, now can I?

Point is, I pirated games till I was a student. Not only because I could, but also because I did not have any other option. I simply could not afford it.... (Yeah yeah, I would much rather buy a bottle of teachers than A game, but still....)

It was 2007 that I got a shiny new job that could let me buy games..... which I did.. So I went from being a pirate to a legit customer when I had RESOURCES to do so..

Did I hurt PC games sales when I was in college? I dont know....
Am I ENCOURAGING pc game sales now....... Damn right I am mothaf...aaaaaa.............

Am I gonna buy AC2? I dont know........yet. Personally I will wait for a month for ubisoft to release a patch that removes the Internet only Bull****...... If they dont...... I dunno..... I wont be responsible for my actions.... Whether I buy it or not....

I mean c'mon, Rs.990 and a working net connection and no sucky sucky.......... NO
^yes i agree with you all.

i think even ubisoft knows the fact.What they really are doing is neglecting pc gamers.

In simple words if i say this is another method they are employing to increase the console sales and to promote their console version.

a pc user(if he is an assasins creed fan) will get frustrated and then will end up getting the console.

i think that is their idea.and if i am correct then they will surely release a patch for the game to remove this shit drm,or will release another copy of higher price without this drm.
WOW ! Some real serious discussion going on here :D

Good to see people seeing the brighter side of piracy. . as most pirates eventually end up buying a game they like !

This should push developers to make better games ! MW2 was pirated on DAY 1 but still broke all records !

All VALVE games get pirated, but with a aggressive pricing and kick ass sale [discounts] they end up making a fortune EVERY freaking TIME ! not to mention all the COOL free DLC only the original game holders get :D.

So yeah . . GG piracy . . FG AC II :(. I aint touching that game now !
atiamd said:
I still remember when I was still a student 3 years ago. we all know how parents in general are. they wil much rather have you buy new clothes and shiny shoes having lights in it than buying a PC game. Why? Because, apparently games are for children and waste of time. Now, I cannt show them GTA to prove em other wise, now can I?

Point is, I pirated games till I was a student. Not only because I could, but also because I did not have any other option. I simply could not afford it.... (Yeah yeah, I would much rather buy a bottle of teachers than A game, but still....)

It was 2007 that I got a shiny new job that could let me buy games..... which I did.. So I went from being a pirate to a legit customer when I had RESOURCES to do so..

Did I hurt PC games sales when I was in college? I dont know....

Am I ENCOURAGING pc game sales now....... Damn right I am mothaf...aaaaaa.............

Am I gonna buy AC2? I dont know........yet. Personally I will wait for a month for ubisoft to release a patch that removes the Internet only Bull****...... If they dont...... I dunno..... I wont be responsible for my actions.... Whether I buy it or not....

I mean c'mon, Rs.990 and a working net connection and no sucky sucky.......... NO

@pretttt, @atiamd, Way to go, keep buying genuine games and support PC gaming.

atiamd said:
^^ nobody needs to tell you such things. You can only find out by yourself......

Although, the animus bug as NOT been fixed yet. There is only a workaround that let you start the game from a point. But that point is so much farther in the story that it makes no point to play form there. lol/.....

Dont worry, it will be fully cracked eventually..... As avatar did....... As so many other games did in the past taht tried some new anti-piracy technique or the other. In the end, it has been the legit buyers who have suffered....

I remember ubisoft as a company who actually slowed down on the anti piracy BS 2008 onwards. Remember farcry 2 , hawx etc. They had only serial and orginal disk protection. I bought both games. Now I am not gonna buy AC2 until they remove this internet required Horsecrap.

Tweakguides author Ghouroush goes deep into the issue of piracy and explains what actually affect the game sales: - PC Game Piracy Examined

The most crucial point is that the people who are pirating games are not willing to buy the game anyways. e.g. if I am a pirate and I wanna play far cry 2, I will obtain it illegally. If I cannot pirate it, I will just give it a pass and not buy it at all and thus wont play it and move along. Because I have no resources to buy it in the first place. These people never NEVER affect the game sales. And these people happen to be the majority of the pirates.

And I dont know why gaming industry does not understand this simple face...


@atiamd the author's name is Koroush Ghazi. His tweak guides are great.

I read this article some time back. Till I read this article I was completely unaware of the fact that PC gaming is hard hit because of piracy.

It is in indeed an extensive and good article about PC Game Piracy, with statistics to support the claims. It is a must read for every PC gamer.

The summary of this article is:

* There is equal installed base of both PC and console gamers, but PC game sales are 1/10 of their console counterparts.

* It is not only games that are bad or have intrusive DRM that get cracked like hell. Even quality games with little or no DRM get cracked.

* For example COD:MW sold 4 million copies on xbox 360, where as it only sold around 500,000 copies on PC. What drives the point home is that the same game is pirated by 4 million people on PC (the torrent download statistics back this).

* 90 % of people playing World of Goo are playing with pirated copies, which has no DRM and its a good game.

* Crysis is a PC exclusive, which only sold less than a million copies, where as around 4 million people pirated it. If it is bad or the system req are so high why would so many people pirate it? The game is good and scales well. Because of this Cevat Yerli, founder of CRYTEK said crysis will no longer be a PC exclusive.

* If you think the game is not worth it then don't buy it, but at the same time don't pirate it. This sends the right message to the developers. At least they

cannot blame it on piracy.

In the end PC has become a secondary platform for gaming. Bad console ports, no PC version of a game, late release on PC (6 months to a year).

We are so passionate about gaming and our gaming rigs, that we get the best possible hardware, optimise it and tweak the software to get the best possible gaming experience. But, in the end if we don't have good games then what is the use? We spend so much dough to build our rigs, if 15-20% of this is spent on buying some good quality titles, I am sure it will be a good number of games. Besides games are cheaper here.

Koroush, also wrote an article on AC II DRM. Check it out.

I am not sure how well this game works on my 256kbps connection.

I want to play this game, but I am not going to buy it right now because of the DRM and I am not going to pirate it.

PC is an amazing platform for gaming. It is upto us PC gamers to keep PC gaming alive.

PC Rocks.
I guess this will soon turn into a Pirates Vs Anti-pirates thread, with pirates giving same old excuses like rich and greedy game makers, costly games, crappy DRMs, lack of tech support, etc.
i think so far valve has been the only company to have successfully implemented DRM without bieng a pain the ass for its legit consumer base
ubergeek said:
i think so far valve has been the only company to have successfully implemented DRM without bieng a pain the ass for its legit consumer base

I guess, Valve is also the only company, all of whose games are one of the most polished ones in the industry.

Valve's president had earlier made some comments about piracy which are worth a mention here.

Valve talks out about PC game piracy