Assassins creed 2 DRM is going to be really really painfull

save games will always be on your local hard drive. you get a choice of whether to save them on the ubisoft servers or not... i let the saves also get stored online as well... all it takes is 5 seconds to sync them before the game launches and after it exits. and there's no downside to it :)
spindoctor said:
like you said, you weren't actually disconnected from the internet, which is what matters in this case. quake live is sending a lot of data to and from your pc constantly. that will not be the case for ac2 where it will only check with the master servers at discrete intervals. how often does your internet go down completely?

Never so far. So guess I should be good to go :clap:
what an awesome DRM this has turned out to be for the company, still not cracked and forced many to buy this game... nice going ubi xD <3
Well, they aren't actually forcing anyone to buy the game. :)

I understand that we have a high percentage of people in our country who can't afford to pay for games or other software (actually I think this is more to do with people always expecting any software to be free and never budgeting for it- have my own share of faults here), but once we start earning I think we should start budgeting for the software too.
Man.......... Indeed DRM is working out nice till now for UBI Soft....

Lets see for how much time, they have success as of it!!!

Though it is really problematic for those who dont have interenet coonnection or have slow interenet connection!!!

And no doubt in somme time it shall be succesfully hacked, though atm a hell of a job for the hackers to work upon atm!!!
lord nemesis said:
well obviously they were fed up with pirates long before you got fed up with their shenanigans. So face it, (bad) drm is here to stay and all future games will have it till the time they can achieve better content protection at a much more lower level like in ps3 games without having to resort to crappy third party lib's.

+1 .
playing AC2 for about 5 days now and must say the drm is quite unhindering actually until unless your internet connection goes off. I think this one should work on even 75kbps connections as it just remains connected to ubisoft server rather than checking it intermittently. my downloads go on full swing at the back while i am playing the game. no problem.

must say that on a bright side we are saved from putting the dvd in the drive everytime.
well this DRM is working in a way. It has forced me to buy the game but then again the game costs only 900 bucks. If it was priced more, I wouldn't have bought it.
i dnt belive its an 100 % piracy proof ,if it was other big firms wd had adopted this approach long ago , anywayz developers spend there sweat on coding game, the only way to payback is by purchasing it :)
game cracked to a point...but the method to crack it is a pita and that too for just a few levels.(based on offline servers theory).
Ryunosuke said:
well this DRM is working in a way. It has forced me to buy the game but then again the game costs only 900 bucks. If it was priced more, I wouldn't have bought it.

From where you got it from...../

Now I am feeling the urge to buy it as well!!!
himanshuaieee said:

And is it out in retail shops, like PlanetM etc!!

yea you can find it at retail shops, but they will probably charge full price for it (999 bucks) while you can get it shipped from praashant for 900.

the game has turned out to be one of the best singleplayer games i've ever played. i'm almost near the end now and i just don't want it to get over :(
spindoctor said:
yea you can find it at retail shops, but they will probably charge full price for it (999 bucks) while you can get it shipped from praashant for 900.

the game has turned out to be one of the best singleplayer games i've ever played. i'm almost near the end now and i just don't want it to get over :(

so for the single player alone do you think it is stll worth 900rs?
^^ Yes, I think so. You can get about 30 hours from the game in a avg play through and its good enough to play a 2nd or 3rd time for a lot of people. 15 Rs per hour on this entertaining game I think is paisa wasool and you still have the game with you to play again or barter/sell/gift. I spent 1.8k for the PS3 version of this title and it was still worth it for me though I would have preferred a lower price.
I think the game is worth of its money never had a single DRM issue into Sequence 9 now
ubergeek said:
so for the single player alone do you think it is stll worth 900rs?

easily :hap2:. i just completed the main story of the game... lasted 26.5 hours and there's still a lot of assassination contracts and other things left to do. it is one of the best games i've ever played.
spindoctor said:
easily :hap2:. i just completed the main story of the game... lasted 26.5 hours and there's still a lot of assassination contracts and other things left to do. it is one of the best games i've ever played.
How did you find the "WTF" ending? ;)

It was one of the most surprising turnarounds in the entire game.