Assassins creed 2 DRM is going to be really really painfull


Uff.... this one also have a complex ending....

Even in first one, I have to read through places to understand that you have actually see on wall in the bedroom using some vision to end the game!!!!

Is AS2 ending more complex to understand this time??
himanshuaieee said:
Is AS2 ending more complex to understand this time??

i never completed the first game so i can't compare them. with this game though, i'd say the chances of fully understanding the ending the first time you see it are low. you'll get the general idea though, but not the intricacies imo. the ending itself is crazy.. it will challenge everything that is believed by history and religion.
Looks like a workaround is out and from what I understand of its nature, looks like the same idea can be applied to every such DRM that would be enabled in future games. This is an achievement in itself though, lasted nearly a month before getting cracked.
Yep the DRM for this game has been broken

You can play till sequence 5 and its still a work in progress. In your face, boobisoft!!!!!!!!!!!
atiamd said:
Yep the DRM for this game has been broken
You can play till sequence 5 and its still a work in progress. In your face, boobisoft!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I said, a total workaround is out, you can play the entire game.
Its sad, it must be so demotivating for the devs, the future of PC gaming does not look as bright.
damn said:
Like I said, a total workaround is out, you can play the entire game.
Its sad, it must be so demotivating for the devs, the future of PC gaming does not look as bright.
oh boy i hope this doesnt discorage ubisoft from releaseing pop and splinter cell :(
himanshuaieee said:
Muah ,... Muah... Muah...

Lovely, was waiting for this only!!!

It seems this infamous team skidrow cracked drm..../

And no, it was not done by skidrow.......... Its somebody else, probably new to the scene.........

And anyways, this SHOULD encourage boobisoft to not mess with the PC players. If not for the DRM, I was the first in line to buy the game. But I did not. And I am still playing the game... Are you listening boobisoft?!!!!!!
Down with your DRM......... Dont implement it in POP and Splinter cell and I WILL buy them... As will most of us who did not buy AC2............

psdatta2005 said:
Just finished download the game now will try everything and report back

Its working dude......... Plain and simple........... Enjoy..........
lol @ a pirate complaining about the drm. you are the reason we have to put up with this shit. the "i would have bought it if not for the drm" statement loses validity the moment you pirate the game.
atiamd said:
And no, it was not done by skidrow.......... Its somebody else, probably new to the scene.........

And anyways, this SHOULD encourage boobisoft to not mess with the PC players. If not for the DRM, I was the first in line to buy the game. But I did not. And I am still playing the game... Are you listening boobisoft?!!!!!!
Down with your DRM......... Dont implement it in POP and Splinter cell and I WILL buy them... As will most of us who did not buy AC2............

Its working dude......... Plain and simple........... Enjoy..........

Your posts here have been a sad read :| Presume the online save game sync doesn't work on the pirated version. Would love to know how you'd feel if you really like the game, complete 90% of it and your HDD crashes !! Happened to me and all I had to do was install the game again, log in to the a/c and voila !! I start right from where I left before the crash. I dont hate this DRM at all. Agreed, making people forcibly buy a game is bad but again, its upto the individual to take it in the way he likes.
Freaky said:
Agreed, making people forcibly buy a game is bad
They aren't "forcing" anyone to do anything, they simply want those that play the game to pay for it.

"Forcing" would be making you buy the game at gunpoint or the likes.
damn said:
They aren't "forcing" anyone to do anything, they simply want those that play the game to pay for it.

"Forcing" would be making you buy the game at gunpoint or the likes.

Agreed !! My bad :ashamed: