Assassins creed 2 DRM is going to be really really painfull

i wont agree with this drm only when it shits on the paying customer so if this drm is allowing the legit users to play without any problem then i have no complaints about it.

so far only few people have problems with the drm but i guess they have been compensated by ubisoft by offering free games

so if this DRM is successful in battling piracy then whats the problem?

and one more thing i have bought original versions of crysis,BFBC2,Farcry and when i see that i could have gotten the game by paying nothing through torrents i felt really deceived so if i pay for a game and only i could play it because i payed for it and others couldn't play it because they didn't pay for it then that's the right thing to do.

simply put i don't want to feel like douche-bag seeing a game i bought with my hard earned money getting pirated and made available to people for nothing and if this drm solves this then so be it.

so far only people from Australia have seemed to run into some problems so if the game is that good and it is a no-bull-shit port to pc then i think it is worth the money.

so people who are complaining about the drm should think realistically.
The only pain I see with this DRM, for legit users, is not being able to play it in offline mode. This would only be an issue, in a worst case scenario, that your Internet connection is down for a prolonged time OR if Ubisoft's server would conk off. I don't see any other problem with it. When I turn ON my computer, my Internet connection is always on, regardless of me using it or not.
Ethan_Hunt said:
The only pain I see with this DRM, for legit users, is not being able to play it in offline mode. This would only be an issue, in a worst case scenario, that your Internet connection is down for a prolonged time OR if Ubisoft's server would conk off. I don't see any other problem with it. When I turn ON my computer, my Internet connection is always on, regardless of me using it or not.

egjactly so if they somehow manage to add offline support then this drm will be as good as steam
Freaky said:
Your posts here have been a sad read :| Presume the online save game sync doesn't work on the pirated version. Would love to know how you'd feel if you really like the game, complete 90% of it and your HDD crashes !! Happened to me and all I had to do was install the game again, log in to the a/c and voila !! I start right from where I left before the crash. I dont hate this DRM at all. Agreed, making people forcibly buy a game is bad but again, its upto the individual to take it in the way he likes.

Look, I hate piracy as much as you all do........... But there is a limit to everything. what did ubisoft accomplish after putting a shit DRM like this to the game? Everybody here knows that the games get cracked no matter what. But in the end, its the legit user that has to pay. The illegal user can play the game offline, without the internet connection. The legit user cant. Why? Please answer this question, Freaky.

I for one, prefer playing only legit games. I either buy the game and play or dont play at all. My last purchase was BFBC2. Why is it that I have only ahem AC2 and not Just Cause 2? Because, I will buy JC2, when I have the time to play it. But I wont buy AC2 ever because I dont want this DRM to be successful. I feel that a legit user should have at least this much of freedom to decide whether he wants to play online or offline. Forcing a legit user to play only online is as if granting a citizen living in a democratic country a freedom of speech but only as long as it is said via newspapers. Why not via TV or any other medium? Will that make any sense. In the end, the whole purpose of right to free speech is lost.

People will argue that if I dont wanna buy the game, I should not play it either. Agreed. My bad that I tried playing it.

One thing I can promise is that as soon as the DRM is removed by Ubisoft, I WILL pay for it. I just want to send a message to Ubisoft that I hate this DRM. Thats all.

And to answer your question Freaky, I dont need ubisoft to worry about my save games on my HDD. I will take care of it myself. I dont know about you but me and most people are smart enough to take backups on a regular basis. Heres a fun analogy..... I dont want government to pass a bill that sends a policeman to my home who lives here 24x7 (or asks me to go report to the police station every weekend to notify them that no burglary has taken place in my home this week) to make sure that a burglary can be prevented. No sir, its my home and I will take care of it.

And anyways, these are all my personal views and my own war against the DRM for my own reasons. I dont expect you all to agree with it and respect your sentiments. But please dont say that I am a pirate and I am responsible for this DRM. I dont buy ONE greaking game and I am a The only wrong on my part is that I am talking about it which I wont from now on. So, this is my last post on AC2 piracy issue.... Adios..

PS. A fun fact. Not too long ago, a game developer released a game. Some time later, decided to remove the "DVD required to play" DRM from the game. So they released a patch. Turns out the exe file in this patch was the one that was released by the scene group Reloaded some time ago. Guess who this company is................. Boobisoft.............
atiamd said:
But please dont say that I am a pirate and I am responsible for this DRM.

what a nice long post you made to justify your piracy. and it's hilarious that you think you aren't a pirate. stay in denial all you want, but you are the reason this drm exists.
well somebody asked for an alternate solution.

and mine is release the game in blu ray disk and utilize its full data accumulating capacity.

otherwise release a game with some technical faults.
release a patch for it which only legit users can apply that too after creating an account.the account holder will get a secret key to activate the patch which is different for every patch and have to be activated online just once.
spindoctor said:
what a nice long post you made to justify your piracy. and it's hilarious that you think you aren't a pirate. stay in denial all you want, but you are the reason this drm exists.

And at the same time, you dont have the answers to any of my questions, do you spinD?
atiamd said:
And at the same time, you dont have the answers to any of my questions, do you spinD?

if you don't like the drm, fine, don't buy the game and rant about it all you want. save your money for all the other games you supposedly buy. do you really believe you have a valid complaint after you steal the game?

what questions do you have anyway? why did ubisoft implement this drm? because of you. why do they want persistent connections? because of you. why are they punishing legit customers? because of you.
spindoctor said:
if you don't like the drm, fine, don't buy the game and rant about it all you want. save your money for all the other games you supposedly buy. do you really believe you have a valid complaint after you steal the game?

what questions do you have anyway? why did ubisoft implement this drm? because of you. why do they want persistent connections? because of you. why are they punishing legit customers? because of you.

wow... just wow.........
Woah, woah woah

Stop it both of you (atiamd and spindoctor).....

Its done, the thingy is working, released till 11 sequences and development going on!!!

Let it be the decision of users, whether to or not buy a genuine game/

Dont try to force something on anybody, look what UBISoft tried to do, and how the outburst have come on allmost all tech, gaming forum!!!

Its human nature, the more you press him, the huger the outburst be/
I agree with spindoc. I dont like this DRM, i have not bought this game and I have not even tried to "play" this game. Simple.

Sincerely boycott this instead of pretending to :p

@ himanshuaieee : who is forcing you to buy the game?
atiamd said:
wow... just wow.........
While spindoctor's post does tend to put words into your mouth, he has a point.
Your entire rant would have been valid if not for the fact that you admit to pirating the game.

Pirating a game out of spite for a DRM which was implemented because of the high levels of piracy on the platform? Uhh...
Simply not buying the game would have resulted in the same message being sent to Ubisoft.

Nobody is forcing me, you took the sentence all the way wrong.../

UBISoft with DRM wants all the people who wants to play the game buy it,

But if I cant afford to Spend 1k on game title, but the temptation of playing the game being high and buliding up, I am forced to buy the game!!

And guess what, even after getting the legit one, I suffer the problem of server going down here and there, and I loosing the game save and its development in b/w...

Sad na!!! Anyways chuck it, discussed enoughugh on this topic... I got what I wanted through this beautifull thread./

Regards and Adios!!!~
himanshuaieee said:
And guess what, even after getting the legit one, I suffer the problem of server going down here and there, and I loosing the game save and its development in b/w...

the AC2 servers haven't gone down once since the game released in india. how are you facing server downtime? also, you don't lose any progress if the game stops... game state is saved precisely at the point where you were and there are always local saves, even if you choose not to have them saved online. so you can't lose saves either.
quan chi said:
and mine is release the game in blu ray disk and utilize its full data accumulating capacity.
Dude, please dont give them ideas. How many people have Blu-ray drives? Another thing to pour money on :(

quan chi said:
otherwise release a game with some technical faults.
Most game release nowadays are like this only. I dont see it preventing any of the games from being pirated.

ubergeek said:
and one more thing i have bought original versions of crysis,BFBC2,Farcry and when i see that i could have gotten the game by paying nothing through torrents i felt really deceived so if i pay for a game and only i could play it because i payed for it and others couldn't play it because they didn't pay for it then that's the right thing to do.

simply put i don't want to feel like douche-bag seeing a game i bought with my hard earned money getting pirated and made available to people for nothing and if this drm solves this then so be it.
I dont get your point of view. When you have bought the game legally, why would it bother you if some other people decide to pirate it? You have done the right thing by paying for it.
As an example, people steal stuff in real life too and get away with it. So do u get bummed with everything else in your life as well?

saumilsingh said:
Anti-piracy debates are always entertaining. The self-righteous vs the self-entitled :lol:.
100% True. :rofl:
[mod]No personal remarks.[/mod]

I dont see a point of such a huge hue and cry, if its that big a pain dont buy the game simple. The only reason so many people are pissed is because the game is not cracked :p
a person who openly admits to pirating games and his post remains while you delete mine. awesome moderation there :lol:. this forum truly is a haven for pirates.