Assassins creed 2 DRM is going to be really really painfull

^^ I think we should all avoid making personal comments on anyone being a pirate or not.

We all have our own choices and stands that we make regarding this DRM.

Although I think there is nothing that you can hold against the game : I mean they do mention the minimum requirement for it before hand. If you dont meet the system requirements, don buy the game and dont crib. :)

To each one its own i guess.

Peace :D
Aces170 said:
[mod]No personal remarks.[/mod]

spindoctor said:
a person who openly admits to pirating games and his post remains while you delete mine. awesome moderation there :lol:. this forum truly is a haven for pirates.

hmm.. I'm guessing this was a remark on me. So, for the record, let me clarify, I did not buy this game, nor have I pirated it. Just not interested in this as of now.

Also, as for calling me a pirate, I dont mind it. I have pirated games. I'm sure I will do it in future also. But, I also buy many games. Currently, playing legally bought BioShock 2 and cant wait to buy the legit version of GTA:Epi from LC.
spindoctor said:
a person who openly admits to pirating games and his post remains while you delete mine. awesome moderation there :lol:. this forum truly is a haven for pirates.

We dont moderate posts which admit at pirating (we all will be hypocrites, as surely all have pirated games sometime in their lives), we however do not tolerate any discussion related to piracy (links, ways to pirate etc..)

And your post was moderated, as it clearly was an inflammatory statement. AFAIK you are taking the issue way too personally
pretttt said:
hmm.. I'm guessing this was a remark on me. So, for the record, let me clarify, I did not buy this game, nor have I pirated it. Just not interested in this as of now.

didn't see this earlier. my post had nothing to do with you :)
Heh quite a refreshing read after a long time! :D

But this game was just plain awesome! Loved playing every moment of it on the PS3 - we do not have a DRM problem here yet. :p

Ezio > > Altair.

He he, yes why not.., you just need a clean install, and the emulator is emulating it fine/

Why are you asking this, fed up from online DRM, or thinking to pirate from friend`s original disk... lol/

This thread just refuses to die down !

go EZIO !

Yeah, indeed../
I did buy the original game but haven't installed it yet as already had the downloaded ISO.

I do have the key but as my Internet connection drops often when under load, I 'm still going the emulator's way.

Problem that I'm having now is this.

Can anybody help me with this error?

"2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13005 active

2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13000 active

2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13200 active

2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - ERROR - Error in webserver: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions


I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and I have tried running it in Admin mode. Still nothing works.
^ first u need to update the AC2 patch 1.02 version cause the new patch will not support internet access ;) so your need to fix it
hey when did the patch 1.02 for Assasin creed 2 release...? :huh:

And does this Emulator AC2ServEmu0.4 work only after applying the 1.02 patch for Assassin Creed 2 ? :S
Got the game yesterday. Checked it and didnt find any issues so far (didn't play much though as updating etc. took some time).

Hope the DRM isn't an annoyance while I play it. :)
Boot_Comp said:
Got the game yesterday. Checked it and didnt find any issues so far (didn't play much though as updating etc. took some time).

Hope the DRM isn't an annoyance while I play it. :)
Excellent! Enjoy the game and keep posting your experience. It's going to be one hell of a game, provided you don't run into any DRM issues.