Assassins creed 2 DRM is going to be really really painfull

Well after installation, as soon as I try to run the game via Ubisoft Launcher, I get this

"Trying to get update information to C:\Users\Rudra\AppData\Local\Temp\ubi3F12.tmp.

Found update (Patch, all, all).

Trying to download update file from Destination: C:\Users\Rudra\AppData\Local\Temp\ubi51B9.tmp.exe.

Fatal download error (The requested URL returned error: 404).

Deleting downloaded data.


What the hell is wrong now?
Arrey How? As soon as I launch the Ubisoft Game launcher, the update screen appears but very next moment this message appears. even when the internet is running the next game launcher, the one with Ezio's image opens up and say that an Internet Connection is needed.
I downloaded the file, installed it. Applied Cracks, then installed the Server emulator, ran the game, still the same message of command execution. What am I doing wrong here?

If u think I'm a pirate seeking help for cracked game, I'm not. u can check the Praashant's sales thread. I have bought the game but due to its always online issue I can't use it right now in its genuine state. :(
^^it seems some windows files/additional software required to run the game must be missing.i am not sure though.
have you updated everything i mean windows also.
I'm ****ed up had completed the game till Sequence 13 last night and when i started the game today and all my progress was lost
My Windows is fully updated. I have un-installed the game. This time gonna install the game from the original DVD and then will try to update it if it isn't updated. After that, should I use the cracks that came with the downloaded ISO or should I just use the server emulator? If I use the emulator, what about the original key? Should i use it or just let it be?
Ryunosuke said:
My Windows is fully updated. I have un-installed the game. This time gonna install the game from the original DVD and then will try to update it if it isn't updated. After that, should I use the cracks that came with the downloaded ISO or should I just use the server emulator? If I use the emulator, what about the original key? Should i use it or just let it be?
The game is working fine for me. It's odd that you're not able to run it from your legit copy. Why did you install from the bootlegged version when you had the original disc? :S
I do have the original disc but my Internet connection keeps dropping like bird poop. I want to play this game un-interrupted so I want to know as to how to make it work via the Server Emulator?
I suspect that after the installation of Server Emulator things went FUBAR because even though I got the successful installation message, Windows 7 still asked me that if it was installed properly or do I want to install it using recommended settings.

I opted for first one and that's where things started going south.

Now with the limited knowledge and experience of programming and networking, I have deduced the following:

The emulator causes the packets to loop internally that's why positive ACK for sent packets even in the absence of Internet.

Now what this has done, is to change the destination of packets of certain ports and I believe this change has been made at system registry level.

That is why Ubisoft launcher fails to connect to the update location and the game is unable to detect Internet connection. BUT this holds only if we consider the case when the Emulator has not been installed after re-installation. What is still unclear as to what is causing the emulator to fail and thus preventing the game from being running?

Since I suspect the problem is with the ports, I don't think installing the game from original disc is going to do any good because then it too would first fail at Ubisoft launcher and after that at the Ezio box citing absence of Internet connection.

I even performed registry cleanup after un-installing the game via CCleaner so that if any keys were made by the game and hadn't been removed while un-installing then doing so now might remove such dead keys.

Also during every un-installation I did uninstall the Ubisoft launcher too.

Do remember that all of the tasks of installation and running the application, all have been done as "Administrator". Now go ahead and lemme know what u think? I know the easy way out of this mess is to just reformat the goddamn OS itself but then it would be the most n00bish thing to do.
Have you been able to get it working with the original disc installation alone with internet (not with the emulator)? i.e. is this a problem with the emulator?
This is the problem with the emulator. I installed the game from ISO this time, updated it and didn't applied crack. Installed the server Emulator and got the same error message,

"2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13005 active

2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13000 active

2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13200 active

2010-04-09 10:26:14,200 - root - ERROR - Error in webserver: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions


Ignore the timestamps as I just copied it from my previous post but the error was same.

I un-installed the Emulator and removed the changes made by it in the hosts file as they didn't allow the game to run even after removing the emulator.

So now I ran the game legit way, entered my CD-Key and Boom! the game started but as expected, as soon as the New Game screen appeared, the connection dropped and the message of "Attempting to restore connectivity" appeared. In past 1 hour it has happened at least 3 times.

That is why I need a way to play it in offline mode.

@Ethan- The Rapidshare file u provided, I am unable to download it as of yet but will try it again tonight and see if works. Otherwise will have to bear with this jerky jacka$$ DRM situation.

One thing to ROFLMAO at, When the Ezio is born the same moment his father expects the baby to kick and punch and do $hit! Maybe they did heard the saying "Honhar birwaan k hot chiknay paat" ;)
For people who are getting the error message "internet connection required to play the game", follow the steps below :

1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher

2. Open settings.ini file in notepad (open with..)

3. Add the values shown below :


OK Ethan, I even tried the emulator provided by u too, still the same message.

"2010-04-10 17:36:26,193 - root - INFO - Offlineserver version 0.44 by dormine

2010-04-10 17:36:26,193 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13005 active

2010-04-10 17:36:26,193 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13200 active

2010-04-10 17:36:26,193 - root - INFO - Listener for port 13000 active

2010-04-10 17:36:26,193 - root - ERROR - Error in webserver: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions


One thing, even though now my game is all legit when I play it then why do I keep getting a feeling that something is wrong here. I mean, I'm at the first level only where Lucy has to bust me out of Abstergo and currently we have to make our way through the room to the other side to get to the elevator. First of all the bi@tch doesn't moves all the way, at one point she just keeps standing and I went ahead and reached the elevator. there after the cutscene both get into the elevator but then again that's it. It doesn't moves or goes anywhere. What's wrong here?