Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

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re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

OK screw this. I'm getting the PS3 version this time. Hope the graphics look good on the PS3 and hopefully, no tearing issues.
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Ethan_Hunt said:
OK screw this. I'm getting the PS3 version this time. Hope the graphics look good on the PS3 and hopefully, no tearing issues.
There goes Mr. Ahem! Godspeed buddy
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Surprisingly Eurogamer gave 10/10
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Xbox 360 Review - Page 1 |

From Gamespot Review

the final of which concludes with a moment so staggering it rivals Assassin's Creed II's ending for pure shock value. :O

There is some texture fade-in, and you'll glimpse citizens popping in here and there. More notable for PlayStation 3 owners is the obvious screen tearing and less consistent frame rate.

Ezio is 15th Century James Bond :ohyeah:

Any impressions of the game , Anyone ?
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Completed the first sequence and my god, this has improved leaps and bounds in terms of story progression. It first gives us a brief over-view of the events of both the games and then picks up from right where we left off in the sequel, right inside the Vatican. I won't disclose any spoilers for the storyline as this needs to be experienced first hand for the Assassin's Creed lovers. For now, the first sequence was just amazing and set the tone for rest of the game. The PS3 version is OK I guess, not that bad in terms of visual quality. 2 of the most notable features I could spot in the first 45 minutes is the awe-inspiring soundtrack and the brilliant voice acting. I don't like Ezio's new look at all. But his conversations are just hilarious and he's still the "womanizer" that he was in the first AC2.

I have to post this one tiny detail though, not a major spoiler or story revelation:

If you thought the romantic encounter with Cristina in AC2 was hot, wait till you check out the sensual sequence between Ezio and Caterina (the countess of Forli) in this game.

Ubisoft is just great in creating flawless character animations.
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Awesome! I recall the vast changes adopted in AC 2 when the title had been released compared to how repetitive the gameplay in AC 1 was. It was a total win back then. Expecting Brotherhood to be on the same lines. Some quick questions here. Has the combat system evolved over the previous title? I suppose we have the quick mode of transport from a city to another? Do we still have those side quests wherein we need to scale those huge Cathedrals to reach a particular spot and reveal some secret types?

I'll probably take this up once I am done with Hot Pursuit and Castlevania. Damn, seems like a new game is releasing up every month. Not sparing us with the completion of the pending backlogs.

PS: Glad that it worked for you. :D
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Was eagerly waiting for this 50% download done
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Desecrator said:
Some quick questions here. Has the combat system evolved over the previous title? I suppose we have the quick mode of transport from a city to another? Do we still have those side quests wherein we need to scale those huge Cathedrals to reach a particular spot and reveal some secret types?
It's too early to comment. Combat is basically the same, weapon stealing, counter attack combos, melee attack etc. remains untouched. Not sure about the travelling part either. Side quests are still available, although I haven't encountered one in the first sequence. I guess it will come in due time when he starts forming the brotherhood. That's when the fun part of managing your clan begins.
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

^ Don't tell me the ending, heard its jaw dropping.:jumpy:
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

The ending? I have barely even scratched the surface of the game.
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

dinjo said:
^ Don't tell me the ending, heard its jaw dropping.:jumpy:
I think we will spoil that for you this time. I hope you recall AC 2 last time? :P
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Ah yes it was Heavy Rain! You do recall it don't you! :@
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

Haa it was fun he called me to confirm whether its real :-)

Brotherhood seems very long game, quite disappointed that they have included the same OST though its one of my favorite but was hoping some newer OST
re: AC Brotherhood - Discussion Thread

dinjo said:
Haa it was fun he called me to confirm whether its real :-)
I should have slaughtered you for it, but then again, part of it was my fault too. :P

BTW I don't post critical endings in for any game. :)
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