Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Discussion Thread

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- Ezio has a new item called the hookblade which allows him to use ziplines throughout the city. UBI says that it speeds up navigation by about 30%

- They're using a new type of capture facial technology called Mocam that GI describes as an "intriguing amalgamation of traditional animation, performance capture and the fascinating new style of performance on display in games like LA Noire."

- Eagles vision has become eagle sense. "Eagle sense let's you focus on a character and see where he's been," Amancio says. "You'll get an approximation of where he will go. If you're able to detect the path a guard will take, you can run ahead, set a bomb, and create a trap or an ambush."

These 3 new elements would be exciting to look at.
Some more details:

As Desmond is mysteriously back in the ANIMUS (at the ending of AC: Brotherhood),he will need to fight through "the black room," an Animus world made up of his shattered mind and "the futuristic architecture of the ANIMUS" to find a specific memory where he, Altair, and Ezio collide.

Amancio(:huh:) described the game as "a nexus" for the series, preparing players for Assassin's Creed 3, by "setting the record straight, closing all the loops that have been started, that have been left in suspense." To do this, the game will "align the destines of all three major characters of the franchise."

Source: Details for Assassin's creed Revelations
Sorry Mate. Well added the spoiler for others sake. Also one question, why go in a thread which is a sequel to the game you are currently playing ? It is obvious that there will be some talks related to the previous game. Especially a game like AC.

No offence.
Can't wait for this... I pray that they release it on PC along with consoles at the same time

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Zero Cool said:
To me ACB was pretty boring. UBISOFT came up with an unexpected gem of a game in AC II & then they decided to milk it by not putting in much effort in ACB (Weak Story, Inferior setting, Much poor Artwork then before etc.)
Boring?? Hmmm, you must not be a fan of AC.
Boring?? Hmmm, you must not be a fan of AC.

He is, I am too, but they milked it. There is nothing genuinely interesting about the game anymore like the first Assassin's Creed had(and to an extent ACII). They shouldn't have made the story so long by making every mission so repetitive in ACI. This they corrected with ACII, it was quite good again. But AC Brotherhood? I mean why did they make this? It was just a rush game man, totally rush.
The gameplay video was pretty good, but I seriously hope that they actual reveal something in this game; now that its called Revelations and all. I wasnt impressed with the wtf endings in the previous games.
Trailer blew the shit outta me..Best I ve seen in a long time..And the music along with the visions of Altair made it so haunting!
aercy said:
I'll buy original if they release it in November
I'll buy the original whenever it comes out, want to keep my collection complete for one game series.
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