From what I see the first partition should load correctly ie /opt should mount properly . For the second /mnt partition you need to import the ntfs-3g drivers and load it . The guide provided here has 2 ext3 partitions so the startup script is also formatted that way. Read the GUIDE properly mate it was mentioned 2 ext3 partitions and for NTFS you need a different mounting script. If on the newer version of DD-WRT then you wont need to mount the first partition with a script as the router will automatically mount /opt (if configured properly from the webGUI) and you just need to add a startup script to mount the 2nd partition.
Hello Dinjo/Everyone,
I have followed everything on the instructions but, I am stuck on the USB mounting. I am testing the mounting of USB using my 8GB flash drive. 1GB ext3 and 7GB remaining for NTFS were the configuration. Also, on the startup script, I have just copy and paste (removing comments) it and rebooted the router as well. After checking on CLI based configuration of the router via telnet, nothing's changed. Here are the images. Please help.