Can you share your startup script with new version
sleep 5
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /mnt
echo "nobody:*:65000:65000:nobody:/mnt:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd
sleep 30
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/allow_restart
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -d --dport 50000 -j logaccept
/opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon
sh /mnt/
put in the automount script under the init scripts section?
Looks like my RT-N13U died today only after two months of usage. When I turn it on the power LED blinks for a second and nothing happens. Anyone know if authorized service centers can repair it or do I have to ship it to their head office? Also I hope using DD-WRT does not void the warranty as I have seen it as a feature somewhere on ASUS site.
Well I am using 500gB on my router have a partition of 100gb NTFS for windows and other are ext3 .. if i need more space on windows i use ext2fsdWhat are you guys using as storage device for downloads. I am planning to use a 2.5" 500gb ext HDD(no power supply). Will it work. And can i remove it whenever required and use it to transfer files?
You didn't read the 1st post right ? It does voids warranty but people here are not qualified enough to identify if router is not booting