Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

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Guys I had ported my RT-n13u.B1 to DD-WRT v17201 since day1 in September 2011 and it had been working gr8 just as a wired/wireless router since.
Recently I updated it to v19342 and got Transmission working on it. But some-how Transmission is concentrating more on upload & less on download. I tried changing the upload/download settings but I could not save them :(
Other problem/s
1) If the router is connected to other devices (on LAN) and is accessing the router during bootup, the router would not work at all.
2) If you let it boot with just the HDD & WAN, it boots fine & downloads torrents until you try to use any of the LAN ports vigorously little bit of web browsing is fine. The WiFi how ever is totally inaccessible. My tab/mobile detects it some times but fails to authenticate everytime.
I had restored it back to the latest ASUS firmware but it still doesnot connect through WiFi. As I recall correctly even as a brand new device out of the box, it did not connect through WiFi. (could be some default settings I'm not sure)
Again the default settings in v17201 could be the reason it worked without a hitch for monts & the new defaults in v19342 are the culprits.
Some one on this tread said v19342 is buggy so I even tried v18777 without success on the LAN & WiFi front.
Please help
May be I should give v18777 another shot.
Another thing was that at restore to v18777, all the system settings came back from v19342.
30-30-30 doesnot help. Even when I came back to v19342 from the ASUS firmware all of it's settings were already there?!.
Can I do a reflash after a total cleanup?
you can ssh then do "erase nvram" if you on dd-wrt ..... that will clear all settings. And the latest r19342 is buggy , I reverted back to r18777 and everything is fine again .
Finally I was able to understand this thing because of Windows 8... my setting in Windows 7 in network tab do not work on Windows 8 *it appears but I can't see the files because of network error* so this one helped me

samba: \\

rem to add as hardrive in W7/XP run in command line

net use a: \\\www

net use b: \\\dlq




thank you very much again for the tutorial in first page


  • 4ad4a9e993.jpg
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Mann is the issue only faced with DD WRT or with stock ASUS too?

Both, I'm unable to flash back to ASUS firmware anymore as once put in recovery mode, the ASUS flash utility doesnot detect the router anymore(ever since I did the "erase nvram"). And updating from v18777 to anything else using the webinterface fails after 7seconds.
I think it's RMA time :(
Both, I'm unable to flash back to ASUS firmware anymore as once put in recovery mode, the ASUS flash utility doesnot detect the router anymore(ever since I did the "erase nvram"). And updating from v18777 to anything else using the webinterface fails after 7seconds.
I think it's RMA time :(

Until you flash to stock, you will not be able to RMA the item. They do check the device, but try to tell them that you went to the service centre and they told to RMA it :P

BTW, location?
To add there is no info on how well Samba works with Windows 8 since there could file errors while working on them as it would require some changes in /etc/security/limits.conf but still unknown how many file can be max files opened with Windows 8 till the time
I am having some issues with transmission. Firmware 16994

1) Usual CPU load with transmission will be around 55-60 % . But after some time it reaches 100% and stays there. There are 4 transmission process running. I have to stop downloads in transmission and reboot router to get it back to normal. Also free memory is very less. Is this normal. There are around 24 torrents seeding. 1-2 torrents downloading

 1658 root         0 SW<  [kjournald]
[COLOR="#FF0000"] 1801 root     14172 S    /opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.c
 1805 root     14172 S    /opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.c
 1806 root     14172 R    /opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.c[/COLOR]
 1809 root      1748 S    /opt/bin/httpd -p 8080 -h /opt/share/www
 1814 root      1448 S    /opt/sbin/xinetd
[COLOR="#FF0000"] 1815 root     14172 S    /opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.c[/COLOR]
 2439 root      1132 S    -sh

2) download speeds fluctuate a lot. I get constant speeds in utorrent(around 300kbps). But with transmission it keeps fluctuating a lot from 0kbps - 200kbps. Below is the setting used

"blocklist-enabled": 1,
"download-dir": "\/mnt\/data\/torrents",
"download-limit": 100,
"download-limit-enabled": 0,
"dht-enabled": false,
"encryption": 2,
"lpd-enabled": false,
"max-peers-global": 350,
"peer-port": 53263,
"pex-enabled": 1,
"port-forwarding-enabled": 1,
"rpc-authentication-required": 0,
"rpc-password": "",
"rpc-port": 9091,
"rpc-username": "",
"rpc-whitelist": "192.168.*.*",
"umask": 0,
"upload-limit": 200,
"upload-limit-enabled": 1,
"utp-enabled": true

3) After reboot the port keeps getting blocked. I think it is coz of the below command. If i type that again port will be opened. I have included it in the start up script given below. But it doesnt work

/usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 53263 -j logaccept

mkdir /tmp/etc/config
echo "wget -P /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "tar -xvzf /tmp/root/fs.gz -C /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "sh /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /opt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part2 /mnt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "rm /tmp/root/*.ko /tmp/root/fs.gz /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
chmod +x /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "nobody:*:65000:65000:nobody:/mnt:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd
sleep 60 # Wait for 1 minute
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/allow_restart
/opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon
[B][COLOR=#FF0000]/usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 53263 -j logaccept[/COLOR][/B]
cp /mnt/data/settings.json /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon/
Until you flash to stock, you will not be able to RMA the item. They do check the device, but try to tell them that you went to the service centre and they told to RMA it :P

BTW, location?
Sent for RMA yesterday.
A new one should be there by monday.
it comes with 1 year warranty right ? Purchased online, Dont remember warranty term. Is it 1 or 3 year by default for N13 B1 ?
ps -ef doesnt work. What is the load that you see when running torrents

Load is always close to 2. Load average in status page shows current, 5 mins, 15 mins load. Is it always close to 2. Comes down if i kill transmission

root@DD-WRT:~# ps -ef
ps: invalid option -- e
Hey ,

Just want to get some help( that is if anyone even care to reply, cuz its been months & no one have replied)
Hey guys,

need help. I updated DD-WRT from r17201 to r18777 & nothing is alright ever since.

Transmission does not start neither does the file transfer.

can anyone help me what should i do ?

PS : Only reason i want to upgrade is that r18777 connects at 150 mbps while earlier at 75mpbs only.
PSS: the only use of this device is for transmission torrent download.


i am currently on 17201 version. want to upgrade to the latest but it seems the start up code or something has been changed now. Can't get Transmission to work nor can i start a FTP transfer. i want it to get connected at 150mbps while 17201 connects at 72mbps.

If anyone out there is willing to help, guide me , IN ADVANCE THANKS FOR YOUR EFFORT . HIGHLY APPRECIATED !!!!
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