Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

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You need to go back to first page and read again and use the same smb.conf and it works.

i know how to access the file over samba2... what im asking is how can i create username and password in samba2??? where will i put?? i search in google but all i found is this path
smb passwd file = /opt/etc/samba/smbpasswd when i open that smbpasswd its blank. need help pls.. sorry if this is a newbie question. god bless to all
hi m trying to mount a 8gb pen-drive with 400 mb partition as ext2 and the rest 7 gb as fat32 .. the first ext2 partition gets auto mounted but the fat32 partition does not get mounted .. the command "mount -t vfat /dev/sda2 /mnt" does not work plz help ...
Either you follow what is recommended or do research the fat drivers are not there hence it won't mount
dinjo bro what file systems and partitions do u suggest .. for torrent downloads with 8 gb pendrive ...

(P.S will be getting a new poratble harddrive later)
EXT3 is the best suitable for linux on dd wrt with fat you will get slow write speed which would slow down your download speed

If you still want FAT add these lines to startup script

echo "sh /tmp/root/fat" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup;
chmod +x /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "mount /dev/discs/disc0/part2 /mnt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
My friend starts downloading and I can't able to surf. I am on LAN (desktop) How can I limit wifi speed on Asus RT N13u DDWRT ?
I am not getting good speed, sometimes torrent not even starts downloading but no problem when same torrent used in utorrent..
dinjo bro m facing a very strange problem see the img below ... the iso file has a size of 8 gb and it only shows as 4 gb in the ftp server ... this has been happening with every torrent i have downloaded .. the torrents complete downloading but the file size does not change i have been doing this on 2-3 torrents for last to day .. unable to figure out the problem ... plz help


  • Untitled.jpg
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Firstly remove the torrent its not as per rules.

Did you check whether torrent was completed ? You have answer in front of you.
dinjo bro which download manager is good for downloading from http and ftp sites.. & youtube ??? aget or pyload ??? can u also post some instruction to get one working on dd wrt !!!
Its not recommended to download http links in dd wrt as it does not resumes after a pause you should use wget -c
* 0 * * * root /etc/init.d/transmission start

Starts transmission at midnight
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