ATB for CAT 2006

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eh heh.. always knew my verbal would be a boundary case, cos usually its easy for me , and i gave just half an hour for verbal, and by the time i found out that verbal was a :S b***ch, it was too late....

either way, wasn't serious about it this time , just wanted to see if i could do it .. its an improvement over last time ( 97.4:D)
hope i do better next time :)
i got 0 (zero) marks for verbal... apparently my positives and negatives canceled each other out... the verbal this year was highly subjective... even the institutes came out with different keys for verbal :P
^^ oh boy!

You really need to work hard on the VA aspect..You'll need at least 80-85% on VA along with a high overall %ile to get a ABCL call, and actually for A & L, you'll need it over 90%
difficult to say Nikhil, Depends on what his breakup is like, and also his hit & Miss ratio...

The IIMs use a rather complicated algorithm to send out the calls wherein someone with even a 91% can get 4-5 calls coz his correct answers/attempts ratio was high while people with 98%ile didn't get any coz their correct-answers/attempts ratio was very low, or their sectional score in one of thesections was low..

Also, if you are friend has a non standard background (non-engineer, non B.Com, non CA types) that too helps in getting a call with a relatively low score...

So if this 96.51 is a with a uniform distribution across sections, I guess getting 1-2 calls should definitely not be very difficult
She has a BCom degree...... and Her sectional %tiles are

DI --- 87.51 % of score ---- 37

Verbal --- 76.25 % of score ---- 12

Quant --- 98.49 % of score ---- 61.46

Total %age of score is 36.82 and %tile is 96.51
congratulations to all who got good worthy scores.

best of luck for next time to all who missed out.
76.2 in verbal kind of rules out the IIMs, not sure but i guess SPJ cut-offs are usually arnd the same range....others i guess should be wthin reach...though i'd rather trust the current crop of aspirants to put in their take on the score as i've been out of touch with this for a while...Also, back in my era :P, %iles are scores were not provided
Most of the top institutes prefer good scores in VA. Those of you who would be dropping this year be very thorough next year and dont get complacent with anything.

Its very easy and common to crash next year. Problem is that when people are not well prepared they are eased out and hence dont lose their cool in the exam but when they have actually prepared then they get tensed and blow it off.

Numerous cases where people scored 95-99 and in next attempt came down to 70 thinking that it cant get worse but only better.
superczar said:
^^ oh boy!

You really need to work hard on the VA aspect..You'll need at least 80-85% on VA along with a high overall %ile to get a ABCL call, and actually for A & L, you'll need it over 90%

last year , it was the reverse.. my VA score was tops , and the other two suffered. so i guessed i might as well give less time to VA.. and like they say, sh1t happens :no:
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