audio system for Maruti Suzuki Swift.

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Analog Vibes
yesterday we got a new .Maruti Suzuki ..swift...i was disappointed to see that even the top end Zxi model has no sound system in my dad now plans to buy a decent sound system ..for the car with a budget of around maybe 20k..(not sure -may increase or decrease),..i need all u ppl's advice who have experience in good car audio systems...

i dunno much about car audio ..but i think ..a head unit (mp3/wma) player with some extra stuff like USB port.(if not expensive), 4 speakers ,and a subwoofer will be enough.....

the 4 speaker slots are on the inside of the 4 doors...and the subwoofer will be placed above the boot space nah ?

also will there be a good price difference in da head units ..(player) in india and one bought from Singapore\malaysia....cauz next month my dad is planning to take me to Singapore \malaysia we were thinkin of gettin it from there if the price difference is big? it ok to get the player from there and the other speakers and all from here ?

also is there a need to buy a amp\tweeter and stuff....i really dunno what a good car audio comprises plzz .guide me in detail....

also which company to go for SONY Xplod (ve heard is good)...and also Pioneer (my dad says it's the best)....also JBL speakers are awesome but i think they will be expensive...

hope the 20k budget is good enough...

give u r suggestions detail with model no. and if possible try to explain me what a good car audio system comprises of ..

thanx in advance..
i got Pioneer 6850 only. it rocks though. and 500W Sony AMP (Red one). 12" Woofer Pioneer max 800W, rear Pioneer Speakers 460W, front sony speakers 130" so my system has underpowered amp :P but i have tuned in such a way that it performs well. Make sure u fit those audio parts with some pro audio dealer(thats the imp part)
We got a Swift a few months back - and when we spoke to the dealer about installing an Audio system in the car the dealer bluntly said that if we get any Audio hardware installed other then the one recommended by Maruti and that too has to be installed by a Maruti recommended garage then the warranty on the car was over :S ....Is this B.S. ? .... We have an extended 4 years warranty on the car. None of us really care to listen to music when we are in the car so we gave up on the audio system.
Mugen_Power said:
HU - Pioneer 6850 for 9K.
Speakers - Jbl Compos For front around 5k and rear ovals around 3.5k.

just add a sony 504/502 ampli to the above suggested setup ... else save up and get a setup like low_bass_maker :P ... btw congrats on the car

@Eazy : Even I was told the electrical warranty(power windows and all) would be void, but I don't think you should worry abt it too much. if you want to play it safe you can get the system from elsewhere and get it installed at the dealers place . Ofcourse that won't be possible for high end custom installs :)
thanx everyone for u r suggestions...

team bhp is an excellent site..really interesting..but my knowledge of car audio is so low ..that i dnt understand much...of whats there on team bhp.

means whats a 4 inch/6 inch speaker ..(which one will fit in swift?)...and what is 2 way/3 way speaker(which one to get?...whats a tweeter ? how imp. it is to have a amp. and a tweeter ?...which sub-woofer to get ?how much power and all..means how does a good audio system work ??

and whats this ??

Component speakers.
It comes in pairs of tweeters and woofers (seperate). They sound a lot better than do i knw wather its compo. sprks or co-axial spkrs...and are component sprks affordable ?

if possible guys..plzz give a link or model no. of the product that u r that i can easily find them in da market...
compos are components which the tweeter and the woofer is spearate....or let me tell you for your 20 k budget....get the following...

HU- pioneer 7k..choose which you like as they are the cheap and the best sounding ones.....

Speaker -> get the jbl components in the front model is 607 gto......and for the rear get the jbl ovals.....6x9.....both will cost you approx 7-8k in grey......

Amp-> get a sony 4 channel.....and connect these speaker with the amp...dont use the HU amp as it has quite less power.....approx 5-7k....

this will be around your budget and will sound nice also.......
faheem_m said:
thanx everyone for u r suggestions...

team bhp is an excellent site..really interesting..but my knowledge of car audio is so low ..that i dnt understand much...of whats there on team bhp.

means whats a 4 inch/6 inch speaker ..(which one will fit in swift?)...and what is 2 way/3 way speaker(which one to get?...whats a tweeter ? how imp. it is to have a amp. and a tweeter ?...which sub-woofer to get ?how much power and all..means how does a good audio system work ??

and whats this ??

Component speakers.

if possible guys..plzz give a link or model no. of the product that u r that i can easily find them in da market...

haha welcome to the club, although i did understand what peeps there were discussing about, only thing i realized after visiting there is that my audio budget is too less lol.

I really wanted to buy the Pioneer 7950 but had to spend the cash somewhere else :(

so when u go to get your audio system installed, just check out the Pioneer HU's, me at the moment am looking for a temp HU, something cheap which can play MP3's, so if anyone knows a good HU, lemme know, although idprefer quality over quantity.

A couple of days back i connected the xplod 6x9 to my amp, big mistake, it sounds soo horrid, so might have to invest in some good 6x9's also now..

I did PM LBM at team-bhp but i guess he was busy and could not respond, i was in awe seeing his ICE setup in his swift and just like chaos knows PC components, he knows about car audio ;)
Rave said:
I did PM LBM at team-bhp but i guess he was busy and could not respond, i was in awe seeing his ICE setup in his swift and just like chaos knows PC components, he knows about car audio ;)

Hello sir I am sorry if I had not reply to your PM....I would have missed it....I am sorry for the same....If you have any query Plz feel free to PM me.....I will be obliged to help you all if it comes to ICE (In-Car Entertainment)......

And thanks for the complement..... my car I am using component speakers in the front and two subs in the back thats need for rear speakers if you consider some good install in a car......lots of people will ask why no rear speakers....I only answer home do you listen the TV from the front or the back.......
Hehehe well i dont think i deserve the Sir title...

low_bass_makker said: my car I am using component speakers in the front and two subs in the back thats need for rear speakers if you consider some good install in a car......lots of people will ask why no rear speakers....I only answer home do you listen the TV from the front or the back.......

well that is exactly my point too but the problem is in my case the Zen doesnt have provision to install the speakers on the dash, and I dont want to install 4"ers on the door panel coz i wont really like the feeling of my foot being blasted down upon, unless someone suggests otherwise

Am actually considering posting a WTB thread at team-bhp and pick up a HU and maybe even some speakers for the time being

One question I had was to know if there is any cheap HU option available which has good sound quality and has aux in, usb would be great but the only two HU's that i know of that supports usb are above my budget as of now, anything under 5-6k would be great..

second being which good 6x9 speakers to go for for the rear, again quality preferred and not quantity, ive got my home speakers to give me that daily dose of bass lol..

ohh and sorry faheem for posting in your thread, if you have a problem lemme know and ill split the thread, i just posted coz all car audio Q's in one thread would be better for others to refer at one go, would have posted in team-Bhp itself but the post moderation is annoying, by the time my post gets displayed, the topic of discussion moves on somewhere else lol
Chaos said:
^^Pure bull$hit. Installing an audio system doesn't void warranty :P.

I think the reason behind this was that to install the sound system the side panelling has to be removed along with possibly making holes in the chasis of the car for wiring.... strangely the garage I go to seem to care for my car as much as I care for my computer :D

I dont really want a sound system as I dont listen to music that much ... too busy shouting at people who cut across in front of the car and who take long to start when the signal changes to green .... ROAD RAGE ROX !!
low_bass_makker said:
compos are components which the tweeter and the woofer is spearate....or let me tell you for your 20 k budget....get the following...
HU- pioneer 7k..choose which you like as they are the cheap and the best sounding ones.....
Speaker -> get the jbl components in the front model is 607 gto......and for the rear get the jbl ovals.....6x9.....both will cost you approx 7-8k in grey......
Amp-> get a sony 4 channel.....and connect these speaker with the amp...dont use the HU amp as it has quite less power.....approx 5-7k....
this will be around your budget and will sound nice also.......
u r setup looks quiet good..but what about the subwoofer ?
jbl compo in the front means on the doors right ??
and will the 6 X 9 ovals be placed above the boot area ?? if yes then i dont need to use the back doors speaker placement.nah?
also where will be the sony amp placed ??
low_bass_makker said: my car I am using component speakers in the front and two subs in the back thats need for rear speakers if you consider some good install in a car......lots of people will ask why no rear speakers....I only answer home do you listen the TV from the front or the back.......
to subs in the back means ??..where are the subs..placed...above the boot area ?and why 2 subs ?also have u connected a amp (means is it needed)??.and can u give details like brand model no etc etc of the components uve used.

also as RAVE asked is it ok placing the front speakers on the door .cauz they will be @ low height will it sound good ?..
Rave said:
ohh and sorry faheem for posting in your thread, if you have a problem lemme know and ill split the thread, i just posted coz all car audio Q's in one thread would be better for others to refer at one go, would have posted in team-Bhp itself but the post moderation is annoying, by the time my post gets displayed, the topic of discussion moves on somewhere else lol
naah probs at all. in fact its better cauz .mabe even my doubts will be cleared when u ask some Qs..its better to have a single car audio thread...
Rave said:
Hehehe well i dont think i deserve the Sir title...

well that is exactly my point too but the problem is in my case the Zen doesnt have provision to install the speakers on the dash, and I dont want to install 4"ers on the door panel coz i wont really like the feeling of my foot being blasted down upon, unless someone suggests otherwise

Am actually considering posting a WTB thread at team-bhp and pick up a HU and maybe even some speakers for the time being

One question I had was to know if there is any cheap HU option available which has good sound quality and has aux in, usb would be great but the only two HU's that i know of that supports usb are above my budget as of now, anything under 5-6k would be great..

second being which good 6x9 speakers to go for for the rear, again quality preferred and not quantity, ive got my home speakers to give me that daily dose of bass lol..

ohh and sorry faheem for posting in your thread, if you have a problem lemme know and ill split the thread, i just posted coz all car audio Q's in one thread would be better for others to refer at one go, would have posted in team-Bhp itself but the post moderation is annoying, by the time my post gets displayed, the topic of discussion moves on somewhere else lol

the zen doors can take 6.5 with a spacer.....And I would suggest go for a component in the front.....the JBL 607 is a hot selling model.....and you can go for it......the JBL ovals 6x9 are quite nice also and gives away nice bass also.....

about the HU get the will be for grey....and you can later on put a USB converter to make it usb enabled ........the converter will be costing you about 5k with bill and warranty....dont know about grey price.....
ohk i ve decided to get the following -
checked out the prices from rediff shopping ...mostly they will be even lesser in local market or if brought from singpaore(will JBL be easily available there? )

front speakers
JBL 6-1/2 Inch - 2-Way Component System - GTO607C X 2 RS.6500 each
JBL 5-1/4 Inch - 2-Way Component System - GTO507C x 2 RS. 5500 each
(wil be needing two naah ??left door and right door ??)

also how will be they placed on the door cauz each of these component set contains 3 different units (i think speaker.tweeter,and woofer)

but the door of the swift only has one small 6 inch circle for the placement of speaker?? plzz help about this....

rear speakers

JBL 6 Inch X 9 Inch 3 way Car Loudspeaker - GTO937 Rs.4950

where will i place this pair ?? behind the seats naah ?above boot area ??how is it done ? needs some custom work to be done ??....

Sony XM504Z In-car Amplifier 4 Channel 500 watts. Rs. 6590

will this be enough ??and which is the best place to fit it ??means is it visible ??

OR JBL CS SERIES CS60.4 4 CHANNAL 320 WATT AMP IS Avaialble for cheaper rate,...which one to go for ?

head unit

not yet decided..mostly pioneer model which will be available for around 7k in singapore..if u have any good models .plzz recommend..
also are the sony x-plod head units any good ??they look really sexy..but howz the quality?
also do i need to keep any special input/output setup,according to the speakers ... while buying the head unit in mind ?help regarding this too...

hope this setup will work ..and produce goos sound means the front 2 compo.set + rear 6 x 9 oval (pair) +sony 500 watt amplifier. + head unit.
Dude.. Sony amps suck. Unless your on a real low budget. Theyre a no go.

Since your budget is around 20k..

The 504Z is a decent amp from Sony.

I think you should hold off on a Woofer for now. Fitting it in a 20k budget with a decent Amp will be a problem.

Real speakers - JBL GTO937's!.. No doubt about it.. The most rocking 6by9s ever made... Around 5.5k

Foward - Go for Pioneer 6" 4-Way speakers. Around 2200 - 2600....

4get the Component system.

Power these with that Sony 504Z.
thanx for the above info..didnt knew that sony amp were that bad...
will look for the pioneer 4 way speakers too if on a tight budget but if dads ready to spend more i may go for tthe component set as they seem to be one of the best...
anywayz i am not going for a separate the GTO 937's comes with a woofer i think...

any more suggestions ...any who can clear the doubts in the above
post #16...,,hmm where's Low bass maker...lookin for u r final advice/suggestion cauz all this ICE was suggested mostly by u..thanx to u.
faheem_m said:
ohk i ve decided to get the following -
checked out the prices from rediff shopping ...mostly they will be even lesser in local market or if brought from singpaore(will JBL be easily available there? )

front speakers
JBL 6-1/2 Inch - 2-Way Component System - GTO607C X 2 RS.6500 each
JBL 5-1/4 Inch - 2-Way Component System - GTO507C x 2 RS. 5500 each
(wil be needing two naah ??left door and right door ??)

also how will be they placed on the door cauz each of these component set contains 3 different units (i think speaker.tweeter,and woofer)

but the door of the swift only has one small 6 inch circle for the placement of speaker?? plzz help about this....

rear speakers

JBL 6 Inch X 9 Inch 3 way Car Loudspeaker - GTO937 Rs.4950

where will i place this pair ?? behind the seats naah ?above boot area ??how is it done ? needs some custom work to be done ??....

Sony XM504Z In-car Amplifier 4 Channel 500 watts. Rs. 6590

will this be enough ??and which is the best place to fit it ??means is it visible ??

OR JBL CS SERIES CS60.4 4 CHANNAL 320 WATT AMP IS Avaialble for cheaper rate,...which one to go for ?

head unit

not yet decided..mostly pioneer model which will be available for around 7k in singapore..if u have any good models .plzz recommend..
also are the sony x-plod head units any good ??they look really sexy..but howz the quality?
also do i need to keep any special input/output setup,according to the speakers ... while buying the head unit in mind ?help regarding this too...

hope this setup will work ..and produce goos sound means the front 2 compo.set + rear 6 x 9 oval (pair) +sony 500 watt amplifier. + head unit.

faheem_m said:
no replies ??
sorry man was a little busy....

about the front speaker are fine go for 607 as they will sound better than the 507 and you can get them for about or less than 4k in singapore.....

about the amp the sony is ok-ok type not so go for pioneer or alpine or JBL amp which you fine ok.....there is one model is a 4 ch is for 6.5k in delhi and will quite less in go for it....

the componets will have a pair of tweeter...a pair of woofer (actually they are called mid-bass) and a pair of crossovers......

the component woofer will go in to the door....the tweeter on the dash and the crossover will be hiding away anyware underneth the dash.....

the 6x9 will be going on the rear parcel shelf of the car.....about the boot area...they will sound very nice there.....and will add punch to the music.....later on you can add the sub and wire the 6x9 with the HU and the woofer to the amp.......
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