low_bass_makker said:sorry man was a little busy....
about the front speaker are fine go for 607 as they will sound better than the 507 and you can get them for about or less than 4k in singapore.....
about the amp the sony is ok-ok type not so great......so go for pioneer or alpine or JBL amp which you fine ok.....there is one model 6200....it is a 4 ch amp....it is for 6.5k in delhi and will quite less in singapore.....so go for it....
the componets will have a pair of tweeter...a pair of woofer (actually they are called mid-bass) and a pair of crossovers......
the component woofer will go in to the door....the tweeter on the dash and the crossover will be hiding away anyware underneth the dash.....
the 6x9 will be going on the rear parcel shelf of the car.....about the boot area...they will sound very nice there.....and will add punch to the music.....later on you can add the sub and wire the 6x9 with the HU and the woofer to the amp.......
thanx again...also what does the crossover mainly do ? does it produce sound ?..and is it necessary to hide..them underneath the dash..cant we fit them somewhere they r visible..cauz i think they look really nice..
also ..one final thing ..just tell me what will be connected to what ..means the front compo .and the rear ovals both will be connected to the 4 channel amp and then the amp to the Head unit nah ?
also i am not going for the sub -woofer separately(budget problem) cauz the mid-bass and rear ovals .together will produce enugh base naah ??..will the thump effect be there..or do i need to add a woofer separately ??