audio system for Maruti Suzuki Swift.

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I m thinking of getting this for my Swift.

Max budget 25k.(strict)
Front - JBL 607C

Sub - how about a JBL GT4-12/GTO1204D + Encloser Or suggest something other if this is not a good choice. I m looking to spend some extra 1000s, but i want good quality bass.

Amp - JBL CS60.2
Ques: Since i m going for a 2.1 setup, will it be a good idea to go for CS60.2 or should i go for a 4-ch amp, n how about the Sony/Pioneer/Blaupunkt amps are they any better ??

HU - Havent decided on this, I dont want USB tho.. maybe a 6950 / 5950
Ques: Are there any better models then this under the same price range or shoulld i stick with Pioneers ?

i think thats pretty much it.

Can some1 post prices of the above mentioned parts plzzz. :)
Rave said:
maybe get a 20Gig usb HDD, connect and forget lol but not sure if the HU would be able to power the hdd...
Don't think it'll need any external power if it's a 2.5" notbook drive it'll draw it through the usb directly ... still it's better to check before you buy

Get a 4 Channel Amp instead of 2 channel.Jbl and pioneer both are Vfm Amps.

Headunit - get a 6950 for 8-9k.

Here is the link for Jbl's Official website for India.

Jbl's Authorised distributor is in Surat so it will be easy for a demo too.

Hope this helps...

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