Bad Company 2 TechEnclave Clan

Aman27deep said:
BTW guys, TE clan should register for the indian BFBC2 league, XNK, IC and uSoL are also participating.
TE clan read that.

Rickyk said:
Yesterday there was a problem with the server which is why only a few people were playing on it. This was fixed later at night and there were about 15 players in game till well past 1 AM.

Yeah only the default rank 1 weapons and perks were available, kinda funny though :p no ammo boxes no nothing, lol.

I've decided that we TE Bc2 clan members should register the IBFBC2 League in RCDC site. TE clan members are requested to PM be their details such as name, date of birth, rcdc user name, bc2 ingame name,pb guid etc. As there is no definite leader of our clan, i've decided to pretend as one(yes pretend, i got no intention of being a disrespected and unwanted leader, any objections open up a poll thread). We need at least three other members not including the leader

Thank you.
@jojo lol i never join clan . how can i leave i did use TE clan tag for sometime after that i just stopped using it . But having me and roxtin you will have 2 Noobs :p .
Whazz up with your 470 ?

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@Roxin and Squall:- Doesn't matter if you are a n00b. Only participation matters. So pm me your details fast :)
the league is probably one week from now, and i reckon robo will get his card by then, and anyways it doesn't hurt to keep more players than you require.
So no need to wait then. PM me:-

1. RCDC India website username

2. BFBC2 In Game Name


4. First Name

5. Last Name

6. E-mail ID

7. Date of Birth

i'll take care of the rest.
Roxtin said:
How do I get GUID?
Dear all,

For the convenience of the players interested in joining the League i have facilitated our RCDC server to tell players their PBGUIDs

All you have to do is:

1. Join the RCDC BFBC2 Unlimited server

2. type @MYGUID in "in-game chat". That will display your pbguid in the "Chat Box".

That should do the trick.

Remember, PBGUID is a vital element for your identification in the league. Note it down carefully.

@mastersquall: thanks for the pbban input.

Warmest Regards,
