Bad Company 2 TechEnclave Clan

Sei said:
Just purchased Beta Company 2 on steam after waiting for months for the local stocks to replenish.. Will read the whole thread tonight when it's finished downloading. :)
Err, how much did you pay for the steam copy?? Isnt the indian release version cheaper??
Aman27deep said:
It is, and it is WAY cheaper :p
Yeah yeah I know it is cheaper. Prashaant/Intencity didnt have stock for the past 3 months. Couldn't find any copy in the Crossword/music stores I visited.

Cost me Rs 1300. Not WAY more expensive. Rs 300. I would have at least spend around 50 bucks on shipping or even more on running around in my car all around Pune..
Roxtin said:
Well mostly when I play, I see RCDC guys playing but no one from TE apart from me :p So guys add each other ingame

Also may be OT but seems like I am liking MOH MP much better than BF2 :ashamed:
i play mostly in evening but never saw you . even Sparta and angel know me :p
Sei said:
Yeah yeah I know it is cheaper. Prashaant/Intencity didnt have stock for the past 3 months. Couldn't find any copy in the Crossword/music stores I visited.

Cost me Rs 1300. Not WAY more expensive. Rs 300. I would have at least spend around 50 bucks on shipping or even more on running around in my car all around Pune..
oh lol, 1300 ain't too much ! ok then i guess :p
Aman27deep said:
Dude sei hasn't even created a soldier as of 1:25 am in the morning :p
You ain't taking you health seriously buddy! gaming at 1pm night! "Don't play when you are Fatigued or Drowsy"-says all games. Otherwise continue :p
Sure I'm interested! And Aman, I created my soldier at 3:00 A.M. when the damn game finally finished downloading. 6.7GB took longer than I expected. :|

Btw, I joined 2 servers but was kicked out since I didn't have some pbc or something installed. I think that was the same thing that was the last step of the installation.

And, how the hell do I learn how to play the multiplayer mode? Damn confusing. I had played Battlefield 2 back in 2006 but this seems more complicated. Tips please guys! :(
Sei said:
Sure I'm interested! And Aman, I created my soldier at 3:00 A.M. when the damn game finally finished downloading. 6.7GB took longer than I expected. :|

Btw, I joined 2 servers but was kicked out since I didn't have some pbc or something installed. I think that was the same thing that was the last step of the installation.

And, how the hell do I learn how to play the multiplayer mode? Damn confusing. I had played Battlefield 2 back in 2006 but this seems more complicated. Tips please guys! :(

go to punkbuster official website and install punkbuster>select bc2 in the pbsetup and pb will automatically instal stuff>then play. And beware BC2 has a lot of "annoying" issuses. So beware.
@Sei you need to upgrade to latest version of PB, on PB site there is a DM use that. And just Mastersquall accepted my friend-list invitation rest all drunk :p ?

Also plan when to play so we can practice.

League Matches start 10/10/10. Start practising.

PS i'm goin on vacation on 14th-25th so we need about 2 more members to fill in my place. Sorry guys but i only get durga puja holidays once a year.:(
alright IC has posted a challenge for team Tech Enclave at RCDC forums.

i have no idea how the challenge system works - so i have just made a generic post there - but we cant wait to play you guys :D