Bangalore auto wallas. -_-

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idli's & dosas are great

every Sunday breakfast of my has idli's & dosas

they are yummy :hap2:
Kumar said:
im seriously offended dude.Whats wrong with Idlis and Dosas?

i saw this attitude towards food with 80% of the ppl who come down to the south.There is a saying "When in Rome,Be a Roman" if you dont like idlis and dosas then just dont bother with them and keep it with you.Why offend others with your narrow minded comments?

Arey lol chill out man. You can call me a daal roti hogger any day you want. It's just food. I'm sorry for offending though. I happen to like idli dosa btw.:P
just can't help but join this thread:ohyeah: :ohyeah:

In my experience rickshaw and taxi honesty:

in six years i bombay i have never paid one rupee extra to either rickshaw or taxi!!!

bangalore first to a cop and then ask him to find you a rick!! honestly ricks in bangalore are the ****ing dogs!

About hindi: well it is the national language, and like it or not you do need one!!

Of course we are a very passionate people, and we are passionate about our mother tongues. We work in the language left over by our slave masters the british. We consider knowing english as a sign of good education. These ****ing politicians love giving speeches in english, but discard hindi??? and sorry to say south india is the worst in this respect. followed by maharashtra!!
So if all of south india is comfortable with english make it the national language!!!!

It was the national language when we were a british colony, and now if the south of india chooses to discard hindi, well whats left?
All of them gladly learn english.

Thats the state of our country now. hard feelings....but after hearing this sort of stuff and ppl being called bhunnad for 6 years ....i couldnt stop myself commenting.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
At the negative attitude - Yeah you obviously have the right to do that. Apney ghar mey sab sher hotey hai. Come to Delli and I shalt pwn thou !! :bleh:

now now...U do wat thou speak..or was it u speak wat tough do ?..
U seem to have a lame attitude of north vs south thing...if u feel more comfy then please be my guest go to your home & pick on those small kids from south cause u were pooned by some south guy when u were here in bangalore doing your bca..:P
My class alone has people from almost all states of the country & some from outside too . . .but we live in harmony...meeting all these people have been some of the best times till date..I dont think u have any such moments...?
You prolly are too much accustomed to your hometown environment . . . :tongue:
It's going to take more than some idli dosa slurper to pone me.

unwarranted comment...i guess you didn't mean it in an offensive manner, but this could rub a lot of people th wrong way, and not without reason ....
"U seem to have a lame attitude of north vs south thing." - If that means I hate the auto wallahs here then you're right. I have a north vs south issue xD.

"cause u were pooned by some south guy" - If that actually makes you happy, I'll agree. I was owned by a south indian. He beat me up rajnikant style, He was so cool I bet he could even beat chuck norris. I'm sobbing right now. : (

"I dont think u have any such moments...?" - You think wrong. I never said the normal educated kannadigas were rude. The lower middle class (autowallah types) are rude.

"You prolly are too much accustomed to your hometown environment" - I agree there. Home is where my heart is. : (
superczar said:
unwarranted comment...i guess you didn't mean it in an offensive manner, but this could rub a lot of people th wrong way, and not without reason ....

Nah, I did'nt intend to piss someone off. It's just food IMO. If its seen as some kind of racist trolling then the mods can delete it.:)
SunnyBai said:
I used to be the top in english when i was in 5th and 6th. dad got me LOADS of english tom n jerry etc english casettes from UK in 1993, my english was too damn good.

Dude! since when did Tom and jerry started having dialogs? and that too in English? :P

oh and btw, untill now, I didnt even knew there was such a huge north Vs south debate, rest alone a language debate too lol

@Udit, dont be soo sure about this Americans, many of them can be quite a bit arrogant, but i dont wanna go there now as I think these peeps already have their hands full :P
It's going to take more than some idli dosa slurper to pone me.

Just saw this thread. I am a kannadiga, I like North Indian food, luv Hindi movies but still, am totally offended by this kinda cheap attitude. U meant idli dosa slurper meaning south Indians? dude ( if u didn't notice, lemme say I have used "dude" meaning friend and not the meaning of "dude" in german dialect), You gotto mind ur tongue and think twice before saying things like that. Just coz u have the keyboard doesn't mean you can type anything you want to. I wont participate in this thread again where ppl generalize the whole community coz of few miscreants and yeah just for the records, I hate the Rickshawallahs here
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
If that means I hate the auto wallahs here then you're right.

if u just have problems with tat...stick your points till there???..why bring stuff from orkut & idli dosas' here? :S

i too agree tat those buggers are insane these days....almost all the bike repairs i've done have been cause of those stupid morons..trying to take u turn in single lane roads..:@
super_saiyan said:
if u just have problems with tat...stick your points till there???..why bring stuff from orkut & idli dosas' here? :S

i too agree tat those buggers are insane these days....almost all the bike repairs i've done have been cause of those stupid morons..trying to take u turn in single lane roads..:@

Orkut came in because some member pointed out communities that I visited. I was not too pleased to see the stuff there. The idli dosa part was meant as a joke. Stop being insecure, its only food. It was'nt meant to generalise anyone. :S

I've already apologised for that -_-.
@kidoman : Don't make me google for it .... puhleeease !!

**** edit

googling failed :(

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SSCN Survivable Secure Communications Network (AN/USC-28 or AN/USC-38)
SSCN Symmetrical Super-Condensed Node
ohh god ....i knew this thread would go da wrong way .lolz...guys stop it !!....

and yeah nothings wrong wid Idli Dosa. and sambhar .infact it's one of the most delicious dish ..and i just love it...though i am not a south indian( cauz i am just a INDIAN)..i love. the idli dosa..and can have around 10-14 idlis at a time or around 5-6 dosas for breakfast on a sunday morning.....when preapared @ home..

and to tell u .. i think more than south indians there are other ppl whol ove idli dosa ..cauz south indians have it all da time..but i can get it only once in a while....and a lot of population of mumbai lives on the anna's idli dosa.

so food nowhere comes in this ...debate or whatever is going .on atleast spare the food...

and let's stop this..cauz isnt this an autowallah topic ???
Rave said:
Dude! since when did Tom and jerry started having dialogs? and that too in English? :P

oh and btw, untill now, I didnt even knew there was such a huge north Vs south debate, rest alone a language debate too lol

@Udit, dont be soo sure about this Americans, many of them can be quite a bit arrogant, but i dont wanna go there now as I think these peeps already have their hands full :P

I would like to emphasize this point again :P
faheem_m said:
i love. the idli dosa..and can have around 10-14 idlis at a time or around 5-6 dosas for breakfast on a sunday morning.....when preapared @ home..

Nice :O
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