Bangalore auto wallas. -_-

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It's better to carry change in tens and even chillar when you are travelling by rick in Bangalore. That way, you can avoid hassle by just tendering exact fare on the meter. Just walk away if the driver is asking more. That's what I do. No point in arguing when you have already paid the proper fare. They can't come after you also as you have already paid them. If they don't accept, keep it on the seat and leave.

Autowallahs are bastards in Bangalore. Bombay is the only place where autowallahs are better(not all of them though.) and that's because of a history of the older generation arguing with them and bringing them to proper track. IMO, in the south, we first give too much respect to these autowallahs. Once they get our respect, they start fleecing us. Better to treat them like shyt. Then they'll come to the proper track.
Saiyan said:

yeah that's true...lolz ..but my size wont make u believe that..he he he..cauz idli dosas are really healthy and mostly dont add to da weight..and the most important they are damn tasty .with sambhar and chutney lolz.. .he he he..
***** OT

Hacker said:
Neither the constitution nor the laws of India accord the status of "National Language" to any language in India.

In simple english it means *no* lang (not even hindi) is the national lang of india.

If we had a bet, i would have won. You owe me 100 bucks. :ohyeah:

If you dont trust wiki then search online in newspaper websites, they will say the same thing.

Fished up some facts and found that you are absolutely right.
The Official Languages Act of 1963 said that Hindi would become the sole official national language in 1965
...... but owing to violent protests ....
Non-Hindi-speaking states were assured that Hindi would not be imposed as the sole language of communication between the central government and the states as long as even one state objected.

Had I bet, i'd have owed you 100 bucks. You can still claim the same by sending rs.100 by m.o. for s&h :P

faheem_m said:
yeah that's true...lolz ..but my size wont make u believe that..he he he..cauz idli dosas are really healthy and mostly dont add to da weight..and the most important they are damn tasty .with sambhar and chutney lolz.. .he he he..


Argus said:
@kidoman : Don't make me google for it .... puhleeease !!

**** edit

googling failed :(

Acronym Definition

SSCN Smart Sensor Communications Network (US Army)

SSCN Social Security Claim Number

SSCN Space Station Change Notice

SSCN Survivable Secure Communications Network (AN/USC-28 or AN/USC-38)

SSCN Symmetrical Super-Condensed Node

ROFL... i meant "South Settled Confused Northie" :P

Saiyan said:

Whenever I have Idlis for ANY MEAN... i make sure I only have Idle and nothign else. I try to avoid chutni also. And my most favorite veg food is paper dosa. I simply love the smell and taste.

Beat that :) (max idlies i hv eaten till date i think 12 and max of 3 paper dosas... was a long farty day after that.)
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
"You prolly are too much accustomed to your hometown environment" - I agree there. Home is where my heart is. : (

Yeah, but when your @$$ is elsewhere, you'd be careful ;)
Saiyan said:

C'mon, stop drooling already and go find those Creative EP-630s :bleh:
pastrykunal said:
About hindi: well it is the national language, and like it or not you do need one!!

These ****ing politicians love giving speeches in english, but discard hindi??? and sorry to say south india is the worst in this respect. followed by maharashtra!!

Hindi is not the national lang, read this thread carefully AGAIN.

Didnt know maharastra's politcians give speeches in english.

Where did you hear this???
puns said:
mumbai rocks like always :ohyeah: ... be it autowallahs or anything else :P

:ohyeah:yeah very much true Aamchi mumbai rocks everything :clap::hap2::bleh:
Hacker said:
Hindi is not the national lang, read this thread carefully AGAIN.

Didnt know maharastra's politcians give speeches in english.

Where did you hear this???

right you are. You have pointed out that we don't have a national language.
Luckily we have a national currency!!

also i didn't mean Maharashtra politicians specifically. sorry if you took it that way, no offense meant.

However i guess that things like the budget speech by PC , is actually in english probablybecause several of our Politicians don't understand Hindi.
I was enjoying the mindless rants and BS but you guys are softening up now... we need to keep the intensity up please, so here goes: South rocks... PERIOD! :rofl:
RiO said:
I was enjoying the mindless rants and BS but you guys are softening up now... we need to keep the intensity up please, so here goes: South rocks... PERIOD! :rofl:

Won't even generate a mild flutter ! Too soft :bleh:
well well... this discussion has grown into quite a big one :P s...

I am a native of Andhra... hyd to be specific, but i am staying in Blore for the past 8 years... and yeah, i still think hyd autowallahs are the most hospitable of the lot(i have been to chennai, and some places in north like delhi etc too). When i moved into blore, i dint find much of a difference b/n the AW's(autowallahs:P ) of hyd and blore. But as most of them rightly pointed, its become quite a nightmare now. And someone actually mentioned of the AW's being scared of their customers, in Delhi! Ah! I wish it was the case in Blore too!!! And hiring these guys in an auto stand is one of the most challenging things i must say. Not a single fellow would be willing to put on the meter.... they just quote their own sweet rate.

As far as the language issue goes.. u can look at it in a million different ways. i know of people who cribbed about the local folks not speaking hindi or english at Blore (me included) when thay were new to this place. But after a stay of say 3-4 years, people tend to get used to this (read, they learn the local language) and they have no probs wat so ever. But still, in my opinion, this is something that i personally dont like, especially after coming from a place like Hyd. Now i am not blaming either the victim or the loacalite for not being able to speak each others language,but all i am trying to say is that in southern states, there are a lot of factors that influence (or rather dont influence) them to learn hindi or eng. For example an auto wallah in Blore might not be knowing hindi just because he has not been exposed to people speaking hindi since child hood. i hope u get the point!

And then this whole issue of southies hating the northies and vice-versa:P .This is one of the most baffling things that even i couldnt understand. I stay in my coll hostel. Even here we have separate groups- "Northies" and " Southies" . There's something that each one doesnt like of the other . But when they are alone, like in a class or in some place where no majority of either group exists, they tend to mingle freely and behave as "bhai-bhai". May be somenone from north india has to tell us about how they behave with the southies :ohyeah:
I kill southies and eat their young ones for dinner. MWAHAHA !.

On a serious note - maybe the southies are just too sensitive. Take this example, all I did was say something about idlis and dosa and they took it the wrong way. Of course, I'd meant it as a sort of a joke but people still got offended.

Somehow, I feel that south-indians think that northies have some sort of superiority complex. They feel as if anything negative said about them has racist undertones and what not. A simple idli dosa joke and people get mad.

Not cool.
Maybe you caught people out of context with that... either way, dosa/idli with chutney and sambar pwns the hell out of dal chawal or dal & roti :D
eating tandoori chicken with naan is greater than any sort of idli uttapam or sambhar chutney whatever. Please, don't take it to the fewd. North India pwns the south any day :D .

Seekh kebab, mughlai, try eating a seekh kebab from lucknow or agra. Even a local nukkad corner shop will serve you better seekh kebab than the finest hotel in bengalooru.

Of also, the name is terrible :P. Bangalore was nice. Bengalooru is not to my taste.
You're jumpy dude, because now you've opened up a can of worms with the city name... that is uncalled for so all the best with any flaming after this lol. Maybe you shouldn't b**ch about the city when you live in it - and come to think of it, maybe this is what south indians hate about north indians... they come to Bangalore and then b**ch. That guess could be right on the money ;)

And why would you go to a fine restaurant for friggin seekh kebab? :rofl: Sounds like you've restricted yourself to city limits ;)
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