Bangalore auto wallas. -_-

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Raghunandan said:
Hindi as the national language - amongst the stupidest thing. Trying to enforce a language on someone just because its spoken by the majority makes no sense. And making it the national language doesnt mean "everyone" works with. And the rhetoric that its the "national language and everyone works in" is only a self-propogating statement. National language doesnt mean anything apart from the damn fact that its spoken by the majority. There is no reason to expect someone to know hindi.

And expecting everyone to know/learn hindi is even worse. lol...get out of the superiority complex that "Hindi is the national language. ZOMG these ppl dont know hindi. ZOMG these ppl are stupid. ZOMG these ppl dont know the national language". Very lame.

Back to topic, Bangalore autos are getting worse by the day. And chennai has always sucked cuz the autos are owned by the policement and politicians. Screw them biatches.


Very well said. Expecting everyone to understand Hindi is being a Zealot.

However, did you know I am not exactly from north india? My mother tounge is Oriya. Did you even know that is a langauge? Now... if you go to say, Chennai... and ask a "random guy" something in English. He replies in "Tamil." You try hindi, he replies in furious "Tamil."

Whats this hate towards the language? Do you expect everyone to understand Tamil?

The situation I faced demanded that kind of a action. He was asking me to learn Kanadda then come into the state or whatever. Thats where they cross the line from being proud of your language and being a "perv."

"The ZOMG these ppl are stupid."

Where exactly did you infer this? Did that guy really not know Hindi? Or he knew I actually DID not know "Kannada?"

Hindi is taught as a 2nd language for a reason. Now if you cut out Hindi (cuz it decreases your LPenis to learn such a outlandish language) at least be well versed in English? What do you expect the tourists/newbies to do in a town? Attend language classes? And till he gets to a level to be able to fight with auto drivers in "god" language, get fleeced whichever place he goes?

Nopes, not gonna happen.
KiD0M4N said:
if you go to say, Chennai... and ask a "random guy" something in English. He replies in "Tamil." You try hindi, he replies in furious "Tamil.".

has this happened ? in my case when i tell someone something in tamil i get a reply in english :ohyeah:

imo chennai is pretty ok and you can get by with english. most hotels and restaurants and auto drivers are moderately ok with english so its ok with tourists. plenty of ppl i know have come to chennai from overseas and at least didnt have too much of a language problem

wheres as in other places if you dont know hindi you're screwed
KiD0M4N said:
Very well said. Expecting everyone to understand Hindi is being a Zealot.

However, did you know I am not exactly from north india? My mother tounge is Oriya. Did you even know that is a langauge? Now... if you go to say, Chennai... and ask a "random guy" something in English. He replies in "Tamil." You try hindi, he replies in furious "Tamil."

Oh yes. Ofcourse, I know Oriya is a language. I didnt come from a cave. Well...if he doesnt know hindi/english, what do you expect him to do? He cant learn Hindi/English for a few damn tourists/outsiders. He has greater things to worry about in his life. He simply doesnt care abt you.

KiD0M4N said:
Whats this hate towards the language? Do you expect everyone to understand Tamil?

There is no hatred. Its just that most ppl dont get an opportunity to attend school and it feels like you are making a mockery out of them when you speak in a language they dont understand. Its really irritating if you understand. Especially when you talk to someone in Hindi, expecting him to know it. Its just like how you felt when he talked to you in kannada.

I dont expect everyone to understand tamil.

KiD0M4N said:
The situation I faced demanded that kind of a action. He was asking me to learn Kanadda then come into the state or whatever. Thats where they cross the line from being proud of your language and being a "perv."

Well...he is stupid too. But you are expected to learn a little bit of kannada if you are to work/live in Karnataka. What else can you do to communicate with the local ppl?

KiD0M4N said:
"The ZOMG these ppl are stupid." Where exactly did you infer this? Did that guy really not know Hindi? Or he knew I actually DID not know "Kannada?"

I wasnt referring to you or this particular case. Its how a lot of ppl think abt others who dont know the "national language".

Maybe he did not know hindi after all. What are you going to do you dont share any common language with him? Ranting doesnt help. The same guy prolly complained "A customer came and talked to me in english, which i dont understand. I replied in kannada. And to irritate me further he talked in Hindi, to which i replied in kannada."

KiD0M4N said:
Hindi is taught as a 2nd language for a reason. Now if you cut out Hindi (cuz it decreases your LPenis to learn such a outlandish language) at least be well versed in English? What do you expect the tourists/newbies to do in a town? Attend language classes? And till he gets to a level to be able to fight with auto drivers in "god" language, get fleeced whichever place he goes?

Nopes, not gonna happen.

Yes. I also learnt hindi as 2nd language. But everyone is not as fortunate as i am to study in a good school. And expecting the normal ppl to learn hindi/english is a big task. Ppl hardly have a chance to go to school or get themselves educated. There arent even enough teachers for the basic subject and expecting to find teachers for other languages - near impossible. So its not the LPenis i guess.

Tourists/newbies are expected to learn a few basic words of the local language to help them around. And you can always ask an educated person around for help/translation. When you come to live in Karnataka you are expected to learn kannada. You are not to expect the local populace to learn hindi/english cuz those are the 2 languages you know.

Abt being fleeced by happens all around the world. You get fleeced by taxis in LA or by pull-carts in phillipines. Its not nice but is expected. There are some common-sense tips tho. Going by the meter and taking a local friend or tourist guide along with you. Reading abt the place beforehand and getting yourself prepared for the trip is important.
bottle said:
imo chennai is pretty ok and you can get by with english. most hotels and restaurants and auto drivers are moderately ok with english so its ok with tourists. plenty of ppl i know have come to chennai from overseas and at least didnt have too much of a language problem

Yeah. I have found the same too :D English is generally understood by most. Accent seems to be an issue, but if you speak slowly they definitely understand. And im glad its english and not hindi.

The Autowallahs have become pathetic in Bangalore....they werent this bad.

But they sure are better than Tamil Nadu autos ( there, they dont even use the damn meter).

And abt the language, it is the bloody problem with this country. Especially south Indians. Each one thinks his language is the best.

Sorry, tamilians, but I had heard a lot abt Tamilians being the most arrogant and proud people.... I didnt believe it but when I went to Coimbatore, I found that the people are not very friendly (Not you Shrey :P ).... even if they know english or hindi, they will speak ONLY in TAMIL. Damn damn pissing off....

In Bangalore, I dont think that has happened yet...but with this whole Cauvery issue, I wont be surprised if that happens soon....

I hate this. Makes my blood boil. Bloody f***ing morons..... dont they see that there are more important things than a goddamned language....

Dont know abt North India coz I havent gone there often...but seriously, we South Indians are obsessed.....
I asked for "ENGLISH" and "HINDI!" The language you work in and the "NATIONAL" language. See the pattern?

lol guys time for some gk. There is no such thing as a national language of India. So all those people who think that hindi is the national language of india are wrong.

Chk this out, everything will be clear.

Official languages of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I just love to mess with my friends who say that hindi is the ntional lang of india. Won lots of bets. :P

Back to the topic, rick drivers in pune are not so honest either. Most of them charge 10 - 15 rupees more even though i know the local language. If you have a tariff card then they shut up. :)
It's showing a kind of hospitality. When someone asks from somewhere else asks you a question in a language you udnerstand (hindi,english) there is no reason to reply in a language that they can't understand. No ones forcing anyone to learn hindi or english of course.
There is nothing wrong with speaking hindi. It does not make you any lesser of a man. In fact, most of the states I've visited (maha, delhi, up,punjab,goa,himachal,kashmir) actually manage to speak hindi with some kind of local tinge. It's only in Karnataka that I found that the localites look down upon you if you don't speak kannada. I have'nt visited TN so I can't say what goes on there.

One of the reasons for bloreans to hate northies IMO is because of the huge influx of north indians into karnataka. From my limited exchange with my seniors, MBA guys and stuff, I've gathered that northies hold quiet a lot of important positions in the Blore IT industry which might be the reason for the "hate".

Thats understandable of course, id be pissed off too if someone from another state took my job and stuff, but the auto wallahs are inexcusable. Just wait till I lure one of them into visiting Delhi. Bahut maroonga saley ko.
Having spent in several different parts of the country, I agree ti this:

Nikhil said:
Dont know abt North India coz I havent gone there often...but seriously, we South Indians are obsessed.....

I am not talking about the educated folks , but in general, this (rather ridiculous) feeling of being victimized on the basis of language is very prevalent in TN followed closely by Karnataka....

In fact on second thoughts, it does not have anything to do with the education level....

What I have noticed is that the uneducated and the poor really don't care much about this whole debate (like Raghu said, folks in rural TN are one of the friendliest you can meet)

Well educated and the upper middle class strata also seem to be more or less unaffected (and most of them are fluent in English anyway)

It's the rest of the society that seems to be plagued by this prejudice against anyone who doesn't speak their local tongue

On a side note, Kerala and AP folks somehow don't seem to care too much about this silly debate :hap2:

Some food for thought: ( These are from the comments on a article on , (of all things), the Cauvery water dispute :O )

Can't believe the level of hatred this guy displayes...

Also Loved the repartee from the guy who posted his comment just below :hap2:

Tamil nadu and karnataka are one of the important

> states in india.. for

> the past 50 years after our independence. its only

> the north indians who

> ruled this country for the majority of the years..

> the reason beeing...

> those days it was a single party rule.. so

> ultimately congress or BJP or

> whatever.. ruled india.. which kept out south

> indians compleatly.. we

> were rejected..we were predomnatly ruled by

> nehrus,indras, moraji desais

> etc..(1st south indian PM was narashima rao..can u

> beleve it?) .. which

> forced us to ask for a separate country.. but it

> didnt happen... but

> please please note that only few years back india

> started having

> coalition government.. which allowed south indian

> MPs to slowly creep

> into power.. now look at the situation!...its only a

> matter of 10 yrs

> ..SIndians hold all important

> portfolios..Defence,Finance,Railways(ministry of

> state),Information

> technology,shipping,roadways etc etc..

> all these are life lines..

> here you should be matured enough. not to look at

> which state they hail

> from.

> now we get more mony during budgets for devoloping

> the states.. all the

> IT and automobile and Telecomunication companies are

> accumilated towards

> Sindia...

> if there is any thing called new india or rising

> india .. it is purely

> 100% bcos of Sindians...

> now i come to the point..Cauveri is the one of the

> main issue which

> divides Sindia's two important states..

> there is no second opinon that it is a life line for

> 2 imp states

> Nindia.. wont have tis river problem.. as here are

> many.. but they will

> perish due to communal clashes.. which is the shame

> of india(Nindia.

> but we sindians dont have communal clashes etc













> Forward <javascript:undefined;> | Report

> abuse

> <javascript:undefined;>







> RE:our time is this

> by kirti kumar on Feb 12, 2007 02:08 PM

> Kaja.....You suck man!! Its hard to believe there

> are ppl like you. If

> you want to put sindia together you can use some

> other argument rather

> than spreading hatred against

> (north,east,west,central)India.

> Well let me give you some facts... Karnataka and TN

> are not the only 2

> most important states india ..the other 25 states

> are equally

> you even know that we have these many

> states..or just

> another state called north india*.. moreover

> Karnataka and TN are not

> the only states that are growing you should really

> visit Navi

> Mumbai,Noida,Gurgaon, Gujrat, Punjab,

> Chandigarh,Jaharkhand,Orissa to

> see the development happening there. South India

> comprises of 15 % of

> indian population and we have had 2 prime

> ministers..from south..That's

> the fair share I guess..and .there is no denying

> from the fact that PVN

> Rao was one of the greatest the country have

> had...Its even hard to

> believe that why you complain of discrimination

> ..all the best Technical

> institutes (IISc and IITs) and medical institutes

> were started in

> southern part of India. And lastly about Hindi...Do

> you even know that

> in so called north indian states ...Bihar and UP..

> there are 70% ppl who

> don't even know hindi but still every body wants to

> learn and

> speak....They all have their local languages called

> Bhojpuri..mathili

> ,magahi etc...but they have respect for the national

> language..

> I really suggest you take India tour ..will open up

> your mind a bit...

> Its really sad that there are tensions between two

> great indian

> states..but ppl like you are not helping

> it...instead setting up stage

> for another fight..

From personal experiences, autowallah hospitality goes along the lines of Hyderabad > Mysore > Bangalore

Even though I have been in hyderabad only for a couple of days, the general attitude of the autowallahs were very encouraging. Bangalore by far takes the crown for the worst lot. At times I feel like grabbing the meter and showing it in their mouth... :) Crooked autowallahs and crooked meters too!
Oh, and just to add to the above, My mother tongue ain't Hindi either, But I learned it solely for my own benefit....

Knowing the most widely spoken languauge in the country brings its own benefits, and helps open up more avenues...

As much as folks (not all) in TN and Karnataka may crib abt Hindi, the fact remains that learning Hindi is going to benfit them more than others....

Discussions and debates on why and how Hindi became the most important language in the country is best left to historians, but refusing to learn it solely on the basis of some percieved superiority of the local language and culture just amounts to silly stubbornenss
@Hacker : The link only says that Hindi is not the only official language, nowhere does it prove that Hindi is *not* a national language. With a nation of such diversity, it is impossible to impose one common language .... hence this official lang thingy so that diff states may work in their preferred langs.

Did you seriously win bets on Hindi *not* being a nat. lang. ??


On topic :
It just takes some goodness in one's heart to be patient and try to comprehend what the other fellow is trying to say (don't expect it from taxi-wallas tho :P ). Things can be conveyed by gestures, broken words, names of places/items/things .... only a sympathetic attitude is needed. But its sad to see that many southies and northies suffer due to this lack of compassion in some human hearts. Rajasthani deliberately being showered upon a tamil guy in Jaipur or vice versa in chennai ....... Its not actually a lang barrier ..... some people need to open their hearts n mind.
Nikhil said:
The Autowallahs have become pathetic in Bangalore....they werent this bad.

But they sure are better than Tamil Nadu autos ( there, they dont even use the damn meter).

And abt the language, it is the bloody problem with this country. Especially south Indians. Each one thinks his language is the best.

Sorry, tamilians, but I had heard a lot abt Tamilians being the most arrogant and proud people.... I didnt believe it but when I went to Coimbatore, I found that the people are not very friendly (Not you Shrey :P ).... even if they know english or hindi, they will speak ONLY in TAMIL. Damn damn pissing off....

In Bangalore, I dont think that has happened yet...but with this whole Cauvery issue, I wont be surprised if that happens soon....

I hate this. Makes my blood boil. Bloody f***ing morons..... dont they see that there are more important things than a goddamned language....

Dont know abt North India coz I havent gone there often...but seriously, we South Indians are obsessed.....

I have to agree with Nikhil here.

What is the big issue with language man? You want to know how critical this issue can get?

I am negotiating with a auto driver. I am speaking mix of hindi + english trying to put the words together for him to be able to understand. He is arguing in FULL blast kannada (whist making hand expressions, pointing fingers etc.)

I keep on repeating.... "Kanadda baralle"

No use. I paid Rs 200 for a Rs 60 trip because I didnt want to create a scene infront of my company gates. Otherwise, he would have gone home and taught Hindi to a couple of family members.

Anyways, just be understanding towards people who cant understand your tounge. This is a big country.... be tolerative.
Hehe whenever i'm in blore i try to use the city bus :P

if not, when near bus stand or something, look for a prepaid auto stand. you'll never get cheated there, plus the fare will be decided beforehand.
Karan said:
In our office canteen, the caterer refused to put on a new channel. It had to be blasting Kanadda music.... the option of silence was also not acceptable.

lol what were u saying? just 3 words "channel change please" would have definately helped. notice the word "please" :) a single word can make all the diff. just say it even if you dont mean it.

BTW its "kannada baralla" :lol:

baralle...le...LE is a word used when you're forcing someone...something like "yenole ninakkan" :lol: or "le, baar illi" (means hey you [arrogantly] come here)....tragedy :lol:
even if you feel ...ummm...that the guy is rural, just see around for a guy with a better face :)

Raghu said:
But everyone is not as fortunate as i am to study in a good school. And expecting the normal ppl to learn hindi/english is a big task. Ppl hardly have a chance to go to school or get themselves educated. There arent even enough teachers for the basic subject and expecting to find teachers for other languages - near impossible. So its not the LPenis i guess.
Tourists/newbies are expected to learn a few basic words of the local language to help them around. And you can always ask an educated person around for help/translation. When you come to live in Karnataka you are expected to learn kannada. You are not to expect the local populace to learn hindi/english cuz those are the 2 languages you know.

totally agree with raghu :)

BTW i'm proud of kannada...use it wherever i go. (spoke more kannada than english in recent meet :P ) f**king idiot ppl who kno kannada and still try to speak in english in some funny accent trying to prove some silly point...UGH. especially college ppl. butler english, funny accent. they shud be killed on sight.
bottle said:
has this happened ? in my case when i tell someone something in tamil i get a reply in english :ohyeah:

imo chennai is pretty ok and you can get by with english. most hotels and restaurants and auto drivers are moderately ok with english so its ok with tourists. plenty of ppl i know have come to chennai from overseas and at least didnt have too much of a language problem

wheres as in other places if you dont know hindi you're screwed

Totally agree with you dude..
KiD0M4N said:
Now... if you go to say, Chennai... and ask a "random guy" something in English. He replies in "Tamil." You try hindi, he replies in furious "Tamil."

OMG dude have you ever been here?

KiD0M4N said:
Hindi is taught as a 2nd language for a reason.

Only in CBSE schools :P

superczar said:
(like Raghu said, folks in rural TN are one of the friendliest you can meet)

I thought i said that ;)
And someone's gonna bring the "superiority/inferiority complex" issue here soon :|
There is nothing wrong with speaking hindi. It does not make you any lesser of a man. In fact, most of the states I've visited (maha, delhi, up,punjab,goa,himachal,kashmir) actually manage to speak hindi with some kind of local tinge. It's only in Karnataka that I found that the localites look down upon you if you don't speak kannada. I have'nt visited TN so I can't say what goes on there.

One of the reasons for bloreans to hate northies IMO is because of the huge influx of north indians into karnataka. From my limited exchange with my seniors, MBA guys and stuff, I've gathered that northies hold quiet a lot of important positions in the Blore IT industry which might be the reason for the "hate".

There are a few communities on orkut which deal with this...

Either "north indians get out of bangalore" or "Bangaloreans are unhelpful" (started by a northie obviously).....

I totally hate this.....

Why cant people say "I am an Indian" and leave it at that?? Why the hell do they have to say I am a kannadiga or tamilian or telgiite or whatever.... I totally hate this...

On orkut, I havent mentioned my state..... I have typed something else there...
Sunny said:
BTW i'm proud of kannada...use it wherever i go. (spoke more kannada than english in recent meet ) f**king idiot ppl who kno kannada and still try to speak in english in some funny accent trying to prove some silly point...UGH. especially college ppl. butler english, funny accent. they shud be killed on sight.

Actually, have some compassion... some people don talk with an accent on purpose. They just cant speak good Kannada.... They may be brought up speaking a lot of some other language and not Kannada. Even if they live in Karnataka.

I dont understand how people can be proud of a language. I mean, it is just a damn language people.....

No offence meant to people who are proud of their respective mother tongues.
Point is "HINDI" is the national language, something has to be the national langugage, cau u guys give some point why other language should be the National language. There has to be a common communication for all we people of India. I guess u all should accept this. Btw I saw the diff between people frm Chennai being in Chennai and when they r in PUNE.I am not generalizing but this is what I noticed a lot

They speak so fine Hindi , but when they r at their brand place(lol home state), they wont utter anything except thier Godly language.\

Btw this was a big issue in our company and now communicating in regional languages are barred. Only Hindi & English. If u dnt understand or speak either of the two,u r damned, even the canten guys here speak in either english/hindi.

Btw i speak hindi because it is much easier than Tamil, in fact kannada is also much easier than Tamil lol :P

No personal offence to anyone, but just think about it. Its abt our conutry why some of u guys are so possive with ur language or state. IF u r so, then I have to use the word "COMMUNAL hooliganism" . Btw even if national language is say changed now, I will learn it. I try to learn every language of place where I go, but I know some people :P who doesn't want to learn Hindi at all(of cuz highly educated peps). Can you tell the reason why?
Well...he is stupid too. But you are expected to learn a little bit of kannada if you are to work/live in Karnataka. What else can you do to communicate with the local ppl?

I pray that u get a job in China and try to learn Chinese when you go there.Btw of cuz we are trying to learn the local language, but it doen't happen overnight.Btw Raghu u have been in Karntaka for almost a year as well....hope ur prowess in Kannada is good enough by now....will check when we meet up next time :P
one more thing i observed by living with northerners (especially himachalis) is they really struggle to pronounce southern languages.Its VERY dufficult for them to learn the language fluently.Its the ultimate tonguetwister!
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