Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

I am new to gaming (especially multiplayer) .

I think that i'm gonna purchase awesome game .

I need some suggestions about pings .

I'm using bsnl BBG850 combo(I know that plan does not matter) .

Anyone using BSNL for online gaming (preferably maharashtra) . Can you post your pings ?

Please post them .

^^Same as above if any of the BF3 player can please take a screenshot of the ingame server browser page and post it here it would be great help and will help noobs like us to get better idea about pings, please!!
Well i used to get in the range of 70ms on indian severs with BSNL BBG 1350 or UL 750 in bangalore and around 140ms in SG servers.Note these are best possible ping times i got.
Indian servers I get around 33ms to 50ms...

Singapore, Japan etc I get around 66ms to 71ms

Many servers lie within 90ms to 130ms for me, I guess those are european servers.

My connection is Genstar broadband, I stay in Mumbai
I am using BSNL Broadband. Getting around 70ms on Indian servers. ~130-180 for most of singapore, europian and some US servers. I tried playing on some servers with over 250ms ping. I could easily play Assault. Support and Engi but not Recon..
Thanks for your replies guys !

I have started a new thread in broadband forum for further help

Waiting for replies of you guys there
^^Just look at a Support player and press Q, that player will hear you asking for ammo. Barring complete douchebags, everyone drops ammo when requested.

i don't remember how many times i pressed Q but it was lot of time >_> . mostly as soon as enemy support dies i pickup his kit then drop ammo and pickup my kit again .

i went upto each support player and clicked Q.. they were busy firing and trying to kill and not one put down an ammo kit:( health was abundant.. all assaults were putting down health.. but support no ammo.. this was on two metro servers i played.. maybe i just chose bad ones.. i was sniping, out of bullets and running around for ammo... got tired and ran straight into the camping enemies shooting my pistol and lobbing grenades.. took down two with me:D what else could i do??

some are good dude... but many are idiots!! few servers have really awesome guys playing..

agree with you
Finally found the source of not getting the ping issue. My ISP (Asianet Dataline) is blocking the pings to external networks. Confirmed the same with their CC.

Any workarounds??
Hey all I will pretty soon come on BF3(as soon as FK delivers it to me), before that I used to play MW2 on AlterIWnet

Now on AlterIWnet texture mods(ok hack!!) were allowed in which you color enemies and snipers red and yellow, it was used by all the players

Now I know any type of hack ruins the gameplay but I am so acustomed to the red and blue players, switching back to normal just doesnt work

I want to know wether any such kind of mod is available for BF3, I just want to use it at initial level, till I get acustomed to the maps
I am pretty sure you would be kicked and banned if you tried to pull this stunt on any BF3 ranked server. Play like everyone else does
I am not aware of any such mods, but we used to have this in Quake III Promod as well.
Hey all I will pretty soon come on BF3(as soon as FK delivers it to me), before that I used to play MW2 on AlterIWnet

Now on AlterIWnet texture mods(ok hack!!) were allowed in which you color enemies and snipers red and yellow, it was used by all the players

Now I know any type of hack ruins the gameplay but I am so acustomed to the red and blue players, switching back to normal just doesnt work

I want to know wether any such kind of mod is available for BF3, I just want to use it at initial level, till I get acustomed to the maps

there is nothing like that. infact even if you use any keyboard macro programs like 'autohotkey' you will be banned by punkbuster. shun this mentality of aid, you will be owned initially in the game but you can play in rank limited servers at first. if you care for stats, you can play in unranked servers to get a hang of it or even just play for a few hours in normal servers itself and after sometime get your stats reset.

colorblind mode will just change some light text colours to solid sharp ones thats all. and theres a mod (not really a mod, just few changes in a config file) which gives slightly more vivid environment colours, nothing game changing.

Thanks j36lect3r and DigitalDude for your replies. well then I have to do away with such kind of trickery and go the legit way

I have also heard stories about PB enabled servers issuing bans to normal players without any reason, hope it doesn't happen with me

I have heard about colorblind

As we are on topic, do you guys have any suggestions that which map should a rookie like me try so I dont get owned initially?
They have removed india from the list of server regions in filter
. Wht is happenning ??

few days before, the BSNgaming india network was hacked it seems (the server provider) all Indian servers went down. so the option might have vanished due to lack of servers. as of now one server is up I guess ? after all are back online, the option will be back.

Thanks j36lect3r and DigitalDude for your replies. well then I have to do away with such kind of trickery and go the legit way

I have also heard stories about PB enabled servers issuing bans to normal players without any reason, hope it doesn't happen with me

I have heard about colorblind

As we are on topic, do you guys have any suggestions that which map should a rookie like me try so I dont get owned initially?

'operation metro' is a linear map and good for starters. btw a good resource collection:

I seriously think they should increase the spot bonus to 20 or 30. Atleast then people will spot enemies instead of just firing at them.

On second thought even that wont help, half the time i see teammates just run around even when the enemy is clearly shown on the mini-map.
So Flipkart delivered my copy of BF3 yesterday noon and its been freaking more than 24 hours and I have not been able to go online

The problem is the ******g stupid update(3.9 GB) and the equally ******g updater

I am so much pissed because at first try the origin app stopped working after coming till 85%

On second try it was completed and as soon as I try to play multiplayer it started updating again, the whole 3.9 GB again!!

Had someone faced the similar problem, please help me, I am very much eager to start playing online
If you have installed it and are getting stuck with the updating part, try the repair option in steam, it worked for me, when it was having issues updating the game.

After repair it downloaded the update and installed and worked all ok...

just try that option....