Which browser are you using, on the battlelog page hit 'ctrl+f5', if that doesnt work, see if you can see pings in a different browser.
Tried on IE, Firefox & Opera.. Same results.. Tried Ctrl+F5 also..
Which browser are you using, on the battlelog page hit 'ctrl+f5', if that doesnt work, see if you can see pings in a different browser.
Well i used to get in the range of 70ms on indian severs with BSNL BBG 1350 or UL 750 in bangalore and around 140ms in SG servers.Note these are best possible ping times i got.
^^Just look at a Support player and press Q, that player will hear you asking for ammo. Barring complete douchebags, everyone drops ammo when requested.
i went upto each support player and clicked Q.. they were busy firing and trying to kill and not one put down an ammo kithealth was abundant.. all assaults were putting down health.. but support no ammo.. this was on two metro servers i played.. maybe i just chose bad ones.. i was sniping, out of bullets and running around for ammo... got tired and ran straight into the camping enemies shooting my pistol and lobbing grenades.. took down two with me
what else could i do??
some are good dude... but many are idiots!! few servers have really awesome guys playing..
Hey all I will pretty soon come on BF3(as soon as FK delivers it to me), before that I used to play MW2 on AlterIWnet
Now on AlterIWnet texture mods(ok hack!!) were allowed in which you color enemies and snipers red and yellow, it was used by all the players
Now I know any type of hack ruins the gameplay but I am so acustomed to the red and blue players, switching back to normal just doesnt work
I want to know wether any such kind of mod is available for BF3, I just want to use it at initial level, till I get acustomed to the maps
They have removed india from the list of server regions in filter. Wht is happenning ??![]()
Thanks j36lect3r and DigitalDude for your replies. well then I have to do away with such kind of trickery and go the legit way
I have also heard stories about PB enabled servers issuing bans to normal players without any reason, hope it doesn't happen with me
I have heard about colorblind
As we are on topic, do you guys have any suggestions that which map should a rookie like me try so I dont get owned initially?